2/16/2009 6:25:56 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
You are pretty neat, yourself!
2/16/2009 8:30:27 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Arcadia, FL
age: 67
3/4/2009 1:45:19 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |
New Hope, AL
age: 56
My mom taught me to crochet when I was 9 years old. My first project was a varigated purple doily with a ruffle. Now days when I get the time it's mostly afghans I do.
3/4/2009 8:42:13 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Arcadia, FL
age: 67
right now I am working on a baby blanket for my new little greatgranddaughter that is is supposed to make her appearance in a week or so.just finished some potholders for my daughters new house. used the popcorn stich and they look great if I do say so myself. lol
3/4/2009 10:05:31 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
Hi, I am taking a two-weekend class in making amigurumi, tiny Japanese toys in crochet. Met some nice women
and picked up a tip or two.
3/26/2009 5:57:09 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |


Bangor, PA
age: 63
Yep! Hats and scarves for Christmas and "Napghans" ( that's what my youngest called them when she was little.
3/29/2009 6:16:58 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 56
Help, I am self taught also. I can only do single, double, and triple stiches. I can,t understand the books. I have to see it done to get it.Can only do granny squares, or just back and forth. Would love to learn more. My back and forth never comes out even. So glad I found ya,ll, maybe now I can learn a new stich. Look forward to hearing from you R by
3/29/2009 11:55:39 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
It takes TIME and patience to learn! Find a yarn store or a person (we have a Crochet Guild of America group in
my town) to teach you. Check out many books from library (that is how I learned) and practice, practice!
Save patterns and ideas you like, even if too hard right now, a year from now, you will be glad you did!
Finally, use good quality yarn and thread. It takes the same amount of time and skill to make something with
beautiful yarn as with the "bargin" stuff. Go to Borders and take a look at the many basic crochet books, and
keep practicing, you will get it. It' s just like any other hand/eye co ordination, bike riding, skating, swimming,
sewing. You will get it in leaps and bounds, and only get better!
3/29/2009 12:29:00 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Arcadia, FL
age: 67
when I was learning it helped me to have a book that showed the sticth step by step . your libary should have one if you dont want to buy one.
4/1/2009 8:02:29 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 56
Thankyou for your time and suggestions, but I just don,t get it on the flat page if I could get a dvd and watch it maybe I could get it??Until then back and forth and granny squares. R::heart:by
4/1/2009 10:39:58 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Oxford, MS
age: 49
You can see videos free on youtube.
Go to www.youtube.com and in the Search field type crochet stitch, or crochet.
4/1/2009 4:23:22 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
Yes, there are dvds you can buy or rent from library. Is there a yarn store in your town? They have classes, and
probably have the name of someone who teaches. I teach, sell, and repair crochetted heirlooms. I leave a card
at all the yarn shops to give to anyone needing help, a pattern, or repair done. Keep at it, persistence pays off!
Rome was not built in a day, and do not compare yourself to others who seem to pick up quickly. We are all on
the same path!
4/1/2009 8:44:43 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 56
thankyou so much for your help. i won,t give up i promise and i,ll let you know how it goes.thankyou for being so kind r by
4/2/2009 12:48:31 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |
Manchester Township, NJ
age: 57
Hi. I love crocheting!!!! My sister taught me when we were young. I work with thread as
well as yarn. I don't have many books. but do projects from pictures that I see in books.
I make doilies, layettes, afgans, clothes, and it's all so endless.
It's nice to know I can get so much out of giving.
I have donated to organizations, and that's a good feeling!
Giving as gifts, or just plain make it for the wanting to make it, is rewarding by
We are all " HAPPY HOOKERS "
Even though my fingers show a little sign fo wear and tear, the day I quit crocheting,
is the day my fingers fall off !!!!!
Ya'll have a good day, and may your baskets be filled with an abundance of yarn.
4/2/2009 4:34:54 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
I prefer thread. I use my stash, since Knit Cro Sheen is no longer made. I found a big bag of colored size 30 in
a thrift store, and also some of the old metallic knit cro sheen. I make embellishments, edgings, toys, bags in
thread. Need any patterns? I have a HUGE collection, most stuff from 1950's, and mostly thread.
4/7/2009 4:19:31 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Roanoke Rapids, NC
age: 65
My Grandmother taught me to crochet when I was about eight years old. My Granddaughter had her ninth birthday on April 1. As one of her gifts I got her a kit with everything she needed for me to teach her how to crochet. She was so happy and excited to learn she went to school the next day and told her whole class what she had learned. On my next visit I will start her on a new project. She is practicing now and getting her stiches even. Betty
4/7/2009 6:22:27 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
Giving the gift of teaching someone needlework is such a fine gift! Best to you and her, Alice
4/18/2009 8:15:20 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |
Saint Paul, MN
age: 55 online now!
Hay all;I new here!Bev; good days to ya's!. great posty im Bev/letusing I wished i knew how to crochet?4/18/09
Im one that learns hands on meaning {id need someone to teach me} with lots of patiencs WOW!ive looked at books i cannot make hide non hair of them?.By the way i already know how to knit
And purl,With that i only make scarfs and nothing else!.Any ideas Replys anyone!Thanks Bev/letusing Be Blessed ,,,  
[Edited 4/18/2009 8:27:48 AM PST]
4/18/2009 8:20:22 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |
Saint Paul, MN
age: 55 online now!
My Grandmother taught me to crochet when I was about eight years old. My Granddaughter had her ninth birthday on April 1. As one of her gifts I got her a kit with everything she needed for me to teach her how to crochet. She was so happy and excited to learn she went to school the next day and told her whole class what she had learned. On my next visit I will start her on a new project. She is practicing now and getting her stiches even. Betty
I wonder if im to old to learn it like swimming? I still wished I knew how to make
Crochet things I knit but i want to learn this befor i die WOW!Bev/letusing 4/18/09 Your posty is Great! Me~
4/19/2009 5:01:34 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |


Clarksville, AR
age: 69
I do a basket weave and it is done with two stitches side ways ,,, I learned it at barber college as it was taught at the half way house for stress. Yes a lot of my students taught me to do this and it works,
I use to live out by air port in williams land park , Is it still there?
4/21/2009 5:19:09 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
William Land Park in Sacramento? Yes, there is a small airport past there. I live in Mckinley Park area if you recall
that older section!
5/4/2009 7:37:02 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |


Centreville, VA
age: 39
I love to crochet also. I've made afghans and scarves. But that's the extent of my knowledge at this point. I'm in the process of learning the different patterns and experimenting with different types of yarn. I'm always buying new books. It's very relaxing to me.
[Edited 5/4/2009 7:39:04 PM PST]
8/5/2009 3:36:01 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |


Ardmore, OK
age: 56
So nice to see a big group of crocheters. My mother crocheted for years and I never understood or liked it. She could crochet by site, not by pattern. I learned by a pattern when I got older and she was was amazed because I could make things she couldn't. I have loved it ever since. My favorite things to make are smaller items that don't take a long time, ie...hanging baskets, butterfly or fish mobiles (cute), houseshoes/booties, etc. etc. I used to make afghans but my arthritis hurts too bad.
I have a really funny story...I ordered a magazine called Quick and EZ Crochet. My young son got the mail that day and ran in screaming....mom...you got a quick and EZ crotchet..so funny! I had to teach him how to say c r o c h e t.
9/21/2009 10:32:19 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |


Marysville, WA
age: 37
I am feeling inspired to get my hooks out again. I haven't picked one up in just over a year. And find it very relaxing.
Thank you.
9/22/2009 10:50:11 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |


Kent, WA
age: 42 online now!
LRO found you!!!!
[Edited 9/22/2009 10:50:23 AM PST]
9/24/2009 11:45:58 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Front Royal, VA
age: 52
I too am a left handed crocheter and am self-taught. Been working on various projects since the age of 12. I subscribe to Crochet World and pick up patterns at second hand stores. I may have some round tablecloths in the pineapple design. I've been working on beaded, crocheted jewelry to raise funds for our local Relay for Life team. Also make Christmas gifts (trying to boycott the commercialism of the season) rather than ready made gifts. Currently working on some placemats for my own dining table.
9/26/2009 6:45:47 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 64
Check out the book Crochet Adorn by Linda Permann (look at the designs on google) and you will love it. I have
it checked out from my library and am really inspired.
10/11/2009 7:55:23 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Florence, MS
age: 56
hello people,
i'm asking for help from you crochetters.
some of us do street ministries. an we use cloth crosses to do this. i'm asking some of you to get in touch with me and be involved in this mission work. i do have a pattern that a lady sent me from fl. she sends me abot ten every few months but if your intrested in doing this you can contact me. my e-mail is
redtrainlilreds@[blocked]. i'll be glad to share any info that you might want to know.
a thought "if you wait on the other person to do something then it might never get done"
have a great day.
10/13/2009 7:02:24 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |


Vinemont, AL
age: 57
My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was preteen. I have made afhgans, hanging dishtowels, angels for the Christmas tree, pot holders, capes, shawls etc. Now I have trouble because my hands cramp after just a few stitches. I have some yarn that was given to me and am considering starting up a new project. We make things for our family reunion every year and sell them to help raise money for the next reunion. I would love any suggestions that would not take long and would be handy. Crocheting is the one thing that I loved doing because you could see your progress fairly quickly. If you have any suggestions for my reunion project please email me.
10/15/2009 6:34:44 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |
Havelock, NC
age: 43
When I was 9 years old a lady taught me how to make a granny square. Then I learned little bits and peices here and there. I have made many afghans, a few sweaters, some dolls, lots of hats and scarfs. I even made a dress

I am working on a very special dress. I'm using the real thin cotton yarn (more like string) and using a shell pattern throughout. I've been working on it for at least 6 months, and it has taken me a lot of yarn. But I think the finished product will be well worth the task.
[Edited 10/15/2009 6:44:53 AM PST]
10/15/2009 12:44:41 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |
Havelock, NC
age: 43
i tried to post a pic on here, but obviously had a little trouble. but if you look at my profile there is a pic of the dress on there.
10/23/2009 11:35:39 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |


Springdale, PA
age: 62
At present I am working on a Jacobs' Ladder afghan in fall colors. I started it back in July so I could take it on a camping trip to work on. I am using 6 colors and making 2 rows of double crochet per color. As yet I haven't gotten thru the second set. It only gets worked on lately when I have to go to the doctors or take the grandchildren to the doctors. The colors I am using are brown, tan, carrot, bright orange, light yellow and cream. Really coming out nice.
12/8/2009 11:06:37 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Choudrant, LA
age: 55
I have been crocheting for 45 yra. Nothing is more relaxing than getting in my own little world with a crochet project. I am looking for a cute crochet pattern for a horse. Anyone have one to share? Let's keep this group going!!!
12/23/2009 7:35:12 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Falkville, AL
age: 44
I love to crochet. My grandmother taught me when I was younger and I have been doing it since. I like to make afghans when I have time
1/1/2010 3:58:11 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Montgomery, AL
age: 56
I'm new here and love to see that there are other crocheters here!! I crochet for fun and also for two charities- one is for hospital noenatal babies and then for Disaster Relief out of Nashville. I enjoy being able to share them with the less fortunate. I enjoy other crafts also. I cricheted in high school and only recently started it again after putting my paintbrushes to the side for awhile. I've found tons of patterns on the net for free. 
1/4/2010 6:00:51 AM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |


Waterbury, CT
age: 33
Hello! I'm self taught too... I was taught once as a child by a friend of my mother and made one little swatch back then but have come back to it a few times over more recent years.
Unfortunately, I don't grasp technique too well (I don't think I'll ever really be able to make it up as I go and actually get the look I wanted LOL)
I use the Crochet Answer Book when I need a quick reference.
I've made two med size blankets for my kids and several hats, I've also made a few amigurumi for them, all from patterns online and working on a few I toy patterns I purchased on Etsy.
If I could knit too I'd be all set. LOL I saw an awesome hat that used both...I just find it to hard to hold the tension and keep the loops on the needles... ah well that's a different topic.
I do love to crochet, especially in the winter... making warm cuddly things I should have started in the summer LOL
1/4/2010 5:32:07 PM |
Any Crochetters Here??? |

Midway Park, NC
age: 56
I have been crocheting for years as well as others. I'm new here at this site I live in the Jacksonville NC area.