5/31/2008 7:40:17 AM |
Why are Cats soooo.........Kewl:) |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 39
I am a cat lover and would love to hear stories from other cat owners. Please share your cat's quirky and wacky stories. What makes their personality? 
I have three cats. One loves to climb. The other two will not follow. He loves to go where no other cat has gone before.....the top of the kitchen cabinets, tops of all bookshelves, top railing of the garage door ....he is even brave enough to balance himself (and he isnt small by no means) across the rail to the garage door opener. I think he likes to do this just to see if he can and then at other times, he is chasing down a moth as he thinks they are great appetizers.
I would love to hear your stories and see any pics you may have to offer

5/31/2008 12:38:37 PM |
Why are Cats soooo.........Kewl:) |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 36
I love my cats too 
5/31/2008 8:41:22 PM |
Why are Cats soooo.........Kewl:) |

Fresno, CA
age: 62
I don't know how to post photos, but I love cats, always have. I live with 3 indoor cats, two Ocicats
and an American Wirehair. The Ocicats are just the smartest, naughtiest cats ever! Yasmin is
now 15 years old, and she does not "ambush" me so often or jump to the edge of a door
and swing, but she does "wash" me and taps me with her paws for attention. She also wraps
her tail around me,
One of the funniest things she did was the first year I had her. It was October, and I did not want to sit
outside on the patio as usual, too cool outside. But the door was open and I was sitting at the table.
Suddenly there was a swoosh of air, and in rushed Yas with a HUGE yellow leaf in her mouth and
dropped it at my feet, then looked at me so expressively as if to say, "Hey, come outside
and enjoy the season!" Never have I lived with a more companionable cat, Ocicats are
the greatest!
PS she is right here in my face even as I write this, the world's sweetest cat, and still elegant and
[Edited 5/31/2008 8:42:51 PM]
6/1/2008 5:11:05 PM |
Why are Cats soooo.........Kewl:) |

Mason, WI
age: 65
Two cats own me. An orange and white polydactic tom (22 toes in all) and a black longhair female. They have distinctly different personalities, he is social, she is not. He thinks he is a person and I go along with it.
He's proof positive that an intelligent cat is a bad cat and knows exactly how to raise my ire by leaving teeth marks in my work. If I send out a package invariably there will be chew marks on it. I just put a 6 toed paw mark and leave it at that.
Both are shelter kitties. He (Kittyboy)is a type A and she (Purrl) is a C-. I can't imagine life without the quirky entertainment and affection they provide. I love all animals but cats seem to amuse me the most.
6/2/2008 5:20:42 AM |
Why are Cats soooo.........Kewl:) |

Farmington, IL
age: 46
I have 2 cats. Kikki is a long haired orange cat. She has absolutely NOTHING to do with me, until I sit on the toilet! THEN, she wants attention!! It happens every time!
6/5/2008 9:54:37 AM |
Why are Cats soooo.........Kewl:) |

Mason, WI
age: 65
First post about my kitties above. Last night Kittyboy got out somehow.. I live in the National Forest and there are multiple predators on housecats here, fishers, owls, raptors, racoons. I've called and searched, called and searched. not a sign. He is an old guy and has been my best friend for a long time. I've cried and wailed until my eyes are all swollen. My other cat tries to comfort me but I'm inconsolable. I've lost my best friend in the whole world.
6/5/2008 12:07:51 PM |
Why are Cats soooo.........Kewl:) |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 39
First post about my kitties above. Last night Kittyboy got out somehow.. I live in the National Forest and there are multiple predators on housecats here, fishers, owls, raptors, racoons. I've called and searched, called and searched. not a sign. He is an old guy and has been my best friend for a long time. I've cried and wailed until my eyes are all swollen. My other cat tries to comfort me but I'm inconsolable. I've lost my best friend in the whole world.
I am so sorry to hear about your best friend. I will begin praying for you and his immediate return, right now. Keep me posted. I have my fingers crossed.
6/6/2008 4:11:57 PM |
Why are Cats soooo.........Kewl:) |

Mason, WI
age: 65
I am so sorry to hear about your best friend. I will begin praying for you and his immediate return, right now. Keep me posted. I have my fingers crossed.
Dear JadedMoon,
He Gone. I only hope it was swift. He left a hole in my life the size of Texas. Purrl is bereft and going around making strange noises and not eating. Me too. He's irreplacable to us. Even his 22 claws wouldn't make a difference. No protective coloring and a heart of gold gets you eaten out there. Thanks for the compassion for a stranger's broken heart.