Gilbert, AZ
age: 26
Anyone see the fight with him and the New York Badass Robbie Lawler? I call B.S
the ref shouldn't have stop the fight because although he was getting his a** beat
Lawler still was hanging in there. I think they should have let in go on because
who knows what could have happen? What do ya'll think?

Brick, NJ
age: 24
i didnt see the fite what site could i find it on??? yeah i do think fights are stopped pre maturily sometimes though
Baltimore, MD
age: 32
the fight was actually against james thompson. the fight was stopped prematurely i think myself. kimbo was exposed to not having a ground game yet. but 3 fights in he hasnt done to bad i dont think. bas will work with getting that taken care of and his cardio up. i still dont think anyone can touch him when they are on their feet.

Joliet, IL
age: 19
the fight was actually against james thompson. the fight was stopped prematurely i think myself. kimbo was exposed to not having a ground game yet. but 3 fights in he hasnt done to bad i dont think. bas will work with getting that taken care of and his cardio up. i still dont think anyone can touch him when they are on their feet.
He is a street fighter plain and simple.
I do not see him being a dominant heavyweight, even IF (and thats a big if) he gets a ground game. Thompson was going to win that fight if the fight wasn't called so prematurely.