Fresno, CA
age: 62
My house is for sale, and last night about 7:30, a realtor knocked on the door wanting to see the house.
Because I have a great yard and patio, I urged her to go outside and admire all the plants.
She left, I fussed around and went to bed. I did not see Angie, my one year old female Ocicat, but
was not concerned, as she has several sleeping spots.
This morning, was awakened at 5 am as usual by Yasmin, my 15 year old Oci, and as I was having
tea, it hit me... where is Angie??? That little chow hound is always up and looking at me for
her breakfast!
She must have slipped outside when the realtor was here! Angie is an indoor cat, all I could think of
was thank goodness she has a collar with my phone number, but oh no, I just changed
phone numbers!! I went outside in the dark and called, then went to back patio and
At once, a small cat covered in cobwebs appeared and dashed inside. It was Angie, who
had slept under the deck. Now she is safe, sleeping in a drawer where I keep t shirts.
You can bet I will make sure she is secured next time anyone comes in my house
to view it! A cat who has never been outside is a total innocent in regards to traffic,
nasty people, dogs, other cats!

Valdez, AK
age: 50
All's well that ends well. Angie saw the world and decided she preferred her snug home.

Fresno, CA
age: 62
Smart cat. She now sits right by the door for the most part, and comes in at once when I call her!
Angie is the most innocent cat I have ever known. She could never make it outside around traffic, dogs,
bad people. Just a housecat. She is unsually small, too, about the size of a half grown cat.