4/20/2013 3:03:37 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
1/2. Blood/Sweat - he sweated great drops of blood resisting sin.
3. Water - water and blood poured out his side when speared at his crucifixion.
4. Spit - he spit to mix with dirt to make mud to rub in the blind man's eyes.
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4/20/2013 4:44:09 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
Think people!!!
Are you all so stupid that you can't recall any more?
4/20/2013 6:05:20 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |


Dildo, NL
44, joined Dec. 2011
All animals excrete and since Jesus was animal he excreted too. So what's the big deal? Did he wipe his a** with his left or right hand or not at all? It all depends on what people considered appropriate. If he was the son of god one might consider his defecation to be holy shit.
[Edited 4/20/2013 6:05:51 PM ]
4/20/2013 6:40:42 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
i.e. "Jesus wept"
shortest verse in the Bible
At this point, I feel that we have to read between the lines
and either guess that Jesus did not piss, dump, vomit, sneeze,
night emiss, unless somebody has verses they can share?
4/20/2013 6:44:09 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |


Hermiston, OR
54, joined Jul. 2010
online now!
I speculate that, much like modern society, normal bodily functions were not considered to be appropriate (or important) subjects for discussion, or recording.
So, I have no idea that sort of point you might be trying to make.
4/21/2013 6:40:42 AM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |


Dildo, NL
44, joined Dec. 2011
The bible mentions bodily excretions for both god and jesus. All animal life excretes. While we know Jesus was an animal so was daddy god. There are many verses that indicate daddy god has a human body and therefore must excrete.
[Edited 4/21/2013 6:41:25 AM ]
4/21/2013 9:02:38 AM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
Was Jesus so perfect in body (as he was in spirit and soul) that he did not
have discharges of waste material? Perhaps his body worked so perfect
that none of the below apply? Jesus came down from heaven, yes? So
he would have been as perfect as Adam and Eve before the fall (original sin).
Why would all the below be necessary if sin had not touched Jesus' body?
Noun 1. excretion - the bodily process of discharging waste matter
excreting, voiding, elimination, evacuation
defecation, laxation, shitting - the elimination of fecal waste through the anus
expelling, discharge, emission - any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body; "the discharge of pus"
incontinence, incontinency - involuntary urination or defecation
micturition, urination - the discharge of urine
2. excretion - waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body
body waste, excrement, excreta, excretory product
faecal matter, faeces, fecal matter, feces, ordure, BM, dejection, stool - solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels
fecula - excreta (especially of insects)
wormcast - cylindrical mass of earth voided by a burrowing earthworm or lugworm
human waste - the body wastes of human beings
pee, piddle, piss, urine, weewee, water - liquid excretory product; "there was blood in his urine"; "the child had to make water"
barf, vomit, vomitus, puke - the matter ejected in vomiting
waste, waste material, waste matter, waste product - any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted; "they collect the waste once a week"; "much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers"
guano - the excrement of sea birds; used as fertilizer
excretion (k-skrshn)
The elimination by an organism of waste products that result from metabolic processes. In plants, waste is minimal and is eliminated primarily by diffusion to the outside environment. Animals have specific organs of excretion. In vertebrates, the kidney filters blood, conserving water and producing urea and other waste products in the form of urine. The urine is then passed through the ureters to the bladder and discharged through the urethra. The skin and lungs, which eliminate carbon dioxide, are also excretory organs.
ex·cre·tion (k-skrshn)
1. The act or process of discharging waste matter from the blood, tissues, or organs.
2. The matter, such as urine or sweat, that is so excreted.
4/21/2013 9:22:41 AM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |


Dildo, NL
44, joined Dec. 2011
Forgot a few things. The discharge of liquid when Jesus was stabbed on the cross. Also flatulence is missing. Drink enough milk and honey,some cabbage and you'll be farting like the cows themselves.
4/21/2013 11:47:32 AM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
I speculate that, much like modern society, normal bodily functions were not considered to be appropriate (or important) subjects for discussion, or recording.
So, I have no idea that sort of point you might be trying to make.
Great point. The Bible certainly does need to be brought up to today's
standards of political correctness i.e. NO STANDARDS.
Just tell it like it is, hold nothing back. Lay it all out.
Everything goes. No trying to be pious and discreet with the verbage and
4/21/2013 1:17:19 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |


Hermiston, OR
54, joined Jul. 2010
online now!
Was that supposed to be sarcasm, or tongue in cheek?
Since the standards of "political correctness" are pretty much exactly the opposite of what you stated...
The OT actually appears to be more honest than most modern history texts. It tells of betrayal and infidelity by leaders who are icons to their culture.
In America, for instance, we joke about calling George Washington the "father" of our country, actually being an allusion to his infidelity. But you have to dig to find the sources that actually tell about the darker sides of our historical icons.
The Israelites were pretty open about the flaws in theirs, using the stories of these digressions and weaknesses to teach, rather than excluding them from the accounts.
[Edited 4/21/2013 1:18:08 PM ]
4/21/2013 2:06:41 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |
New York, NY
36, joined Apr. 2013
online now!
You guys beating around the bush knowing if humans eat humans sh t
4/21/2013 2:32:45 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
You guys beating around the bush knowing if humans eat humans sh  t
Not sure what you mean? But if you are hinting at that fact
that we have all eaten each other sh t and
drinken each other uri e
then you are correct.
What goes around comes around.
The circle of life includes all moisture going into and back
out of the hydrolic cycle.
You have even drank dinosaur uri e
But let us not digress off the main point of this
forum post
[Edited 4/21/2013 2:33:23 PM ]
4/21/2013 2:41:58 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |
New York, NY
36, joined Apr. 2013
online now!
Not sure what you mean? But if you are hinting at that fact
that we have all eaten each other sh  t and
drinken each other uri  e
then you are correct.
What goes around comes around.
The circle of life includes all moisture going into and back
out of the hydrolic cycle.
You have even drank dinosaur uri  e
But let us not digress off the main point of this
forum post
No my point is if the bible did not say that Jesus body did not need to pee and do do then Jesus also pissed and sh t
[Edited 4/21/2013 2:42:39 PM ]
4/21/2013 2:51:38 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
Was Jesus so perfect in body (as he was in spirit and soul) that he did not
have discharges/excretions of fluids and waste materials?
Perhaps his body worked so perfect
that none of the bodily excretions/discharges mentioned above apply?
With the exception of perhaps blood and tears.
Jesus came down from heaven, yes?
So he would have been as perfect as Adam and Eve before the fall (original sin).
Why would all the above mentioned excretions/discharges be necessary if sin had not touched Jesus' body?
4/21/2013 3:11:51 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
No my point is if the bible did not say that Jesus body did not need to pee and do do then Jesus also pissed and sh  t
Because the Bible (as we know it, not necessarily as God meant it to be)
does not mention Jesus urinating, for example, we can't assume he did
just because other humans always have.
Jesus was a perfect man from heaven, not in the DNA line of Adam and Eve.
Sin did not touch Jesus. Jesus body theretically worked perfectly.
Perhaps he did not have:
night emissions of semen.
discharges of pus, eye gunk,
carbon dioxide byproducts of respirations from his lungs,
etc. etc.
4/21/2013 4:29:03 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |


Dildo, NL
44, joined Dec. 2011
Jesus had to be a physically healthy man to be a rabbi. The OT clearly has prejudice against anyone who has any physical infirmity. If he had no penis he couldn't be circumcised. The mohel would have noticed Jesus didn't have pee hole or anus.
4/21/2013 4:45:52 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |
Danville, IL
58, joined Apr. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
4/21/2013 6:59:11 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
Pretty much of an idiot, ain't you, Siamese.
Sorry this conversation is way above your ability to understand.
I know it helps you feel better to cast slurs, makes you feel bigger, right?
4/21/2013 7:02:15 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |
Danville, IL
58, joined Apr. 2013
Yet you wanna talk about bodily excretions. Yeah, that certainly makes sense.
4/21/2013 7:04:37 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
Yet you wanna talk about bodily excretions. Yeah, that certainly makes sense.
Right, something the medical community would even talk about
4/21/2013 7:16:13 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |
Danville, IL
58, joined Apr. 2013
Right. I am positive that is your purpose for this thread...when pigs fly and yammer grows a brain and becomes a Christian.
4/22/2013 10:42:59 AM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
Right. I am positive that is your purpose for this thread...when pigs fly and yammer grows a brain and becomes a Christian.
If you search the internet you can find alot of talk of this.
Was Jesus 100% Human with all the Human traits/habits (disgusting or not)
did he have a sex drive and did he use it, etc. etc.
Jesus is said in THE BOOK OF HEBREWS to be our High Priest.
Familiar with our human weaknesses.
We're talking sexual issues, overeating and drinking issues,
human waste relief issues, hygiene issues (did Jesus stink
or was he so perfect that he did not need to bathe or use
deoderant?). Did Jesus have to brush his teeth daily or only
weekly or monthly or never? Did he gargle with alcohol based
mouth wash? Did Jesus have to trim his finger and toe nails?
What did jesus clean the inside of his nose with? Tissue, his finger,
4/22/2013 3:05:02 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |

Dallas, TX
53, joined Mar. 2013
I'm sorry if I have offended everyone's
image of a pristine Savior who shared none
of the gross facets of human existence that
the rest of us experience. 
4/22/2013 8:08:15 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |
Danville, IL
58, joined Apr. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
4/22/2013 8:20:44 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |


York, PA
50, joined Jun. 2009
The tears are signifiant for sure . Less obvious , is how our judgement of everything in life can impact how we treat others .
4/23/2013 12:05:25 PM |
Jesus' Bodily Excretions (how many kinds were there?) |


Aynor, SC
45, joined Feb. 2009
shit- what he and op have for brains