Bonneau, SC
age: 64

Minneapolis, MN
age: 52
looks great! is that your piece of shoreline?
nice walleye chop out there!!

Bonneau, SC
age: 64
Nah,that at the end of my street.That much shore line would cost about 1/2 million.
Bellevue, WA
age: 89
Kinda like here, except ocean not lake. Bummer about the beach combing, as in so much less than other places. My favorite part of the beach.

Bonneau, SC
age: 64
This lake is about 75,000 acres and is basically a shallow water lake.It is listed as one of the 10 most dangerous lakes in the world.I got caught in a freak storm two yrs ago and almost sank my 24 ft party boat.Still rebuilding her.great fishing though.

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 54
Enjoy the fishing Paken ... Lake Raystown in Pa is my new backyard and I am lovin it !!!!

Bonneau, SC
age: 64
Know waht ya mean angel.Nothing quite like being near the lake.
Bellevue, WA
age: 89
I think I got ruint (LOL) from being in the Caribbean for a few years. Got spoiled with what the water looked like there, (not to mention the beach combing) even if it is the ONLY thing those travel agents DON'T lie about LOL Now the water around here just looks icky, gray and ugly most of the time. Gonna sell off the ocean view, since it just ain't what it used to be.