7/23/2008 11:56:55 PM |
Any Alchemists out there? |
Magna, UT
age: 25
Since this is a little more of a secretive group I’m sure no one is just going to jump out and claim they are an alchemist. But I wonder if I could get some small guidance for some good books that actually cover real Alchemy and not it’s ‘mythology’. Obviously the novel the Alchemist was good describing some of the principals but are there any other good ones out there?
First person to explain why one can't turn lead into gold gets beaten down. Well ok I guess I wouldn't beat them down but I think mean thoughts for a while about them!

7/26/2008 3:27:03 PM |
Any Alchemists out there? |
Little Rock, AR
age: 36
Of course you can turn lead into gold. But does that in fact make it gold???
7/26/2008 4:39:49 PM |
Any Alchemists out there? |
Magna, UT
age: 25
Of course you can turn lead into gold. But does that in fact make it gold??? 
Actually you can never turn lead into gold, lead would have to want to be turned into gold. You could only ever offer it the opportunity to change, the choice would have to be made by the lead.
7/27/2008 4:01:48 PM |
Any Alchemists out there? |
Little Rock, AR
age: 36
Of course you can turn lead into gold. But does that in fact make it gold??? 
Actually you can never turn lead into gold, lead would have to want to be turned into gold. You could only ever offer it the opportunity to change, the choice would have to be made by the lead.
Couldn't some spraypaint turn it to gold? If you spray painted a piece of lead gold. Would it not be the color of gold? Just because it's the color gold though, dosen't make it real gold does it? That was my point. And your right, in respect to the lead wanting to be changed (in a manner of speaking) One should never try to change anything without consent, especially living, breathing organisms. Can you turn aluminum into magnisium? In it's true respect I mean. Or gold into silver? Also in its true respect.
Can you turn a man into a woman without surgery and without it being a delusion on anyone's part or on any level of reality? 
What if you took the lead and melted it with some gold, couldn't you call it gold then? Or melt some gold and poor it over the lead, then it would surely be gold, unless anyone knew of the wiser. You'd still have gold wouldn't you?
But in all reality, what do you do
if you have lead,
and no gold,
and you want that lead
to be gold?
7/27/2008 4:05:51 PM |
Any Alchemists out there? |
Little Rock, AR
age: 36
Also, it appears you are the first one to answer your question.  
Just kidding! 
8/3/2008 5:45:00 AM |
Any Alchemists out there? |

Oroville, CA
age: 46

9/2/2008 5:52:53 PM |
Any Alchemists out there? |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
i don't kno much (or anything really) about alchemy. although once i preformed it... and didnt kno O.o... well... thats whay i'm told anyway. this river was calling me to jump into it and die so the the women(a ghost or other spirit) in there would have a daughter.. no joke. this shit happened to me. i drew some symbol over the water and i barely stopped myslef from jumping. my friend looked at me and asked where i knew alchemy from... then she said the water was angery b/c i used earth alchemy.... 
9/17/2008 9:29:49 PM |
Any Alchemists out there? |
Grand Rapids, MI
age: 28
You could turn lead into gold or make any element you wish. I'm pretty sure the gold is radioactive though. If you're tired of the philosophy and all, why not just study chemistry or physics? It seems odd to want to go back in time without getting caught up with the present. . . If you understand the old philosophy then the new science is easy to grasp.
9/25/2008 8:39:47 AM |
Any Alchemists out there? |

Milwaukee, WI
age: 29
Technically, you can turn thin air into gold.
All you have to do is remove all doubt that it can be done.
That seems to be the hardest part.
9/29/2008 7:51:31 PM |
Any Alchemists out there? |

Red Deer, AB
age: 35 online now!
Alchemy is one I have researched off and on for the entire span of my spiritual path.. I love it..
^^ This is the most amazing site I have found on the topic and would take a lifetime to read it all!
Just curious, when you say "real" alchemy.. what is it that you are referring to?
I would also recommend "The Kybalion" which goes into the Hermetic Principles..
And yes, "the Alchemist" was a great book, based on an Eastern (Sufi I think) parable..
[Edited 9/29/2008 8:00:50 PM]