Albuquerque, NM
age: 35
I will be taking a backpacking trip within the next 3 - 4 months in Gila Wilderness. I was wondering if anyone else here would be interested? I plan on backpacking for a week maybe 2. This will be my first backpacking trip but I believe I'm well equiped and prepared. My gear is already purchased. If anyone has done packpacking before and would like to offer any advice or insight I would be much abliged. The gear I'm taking are as follows:
1. Large interal frame backpack
2. 2 person Bivy tent
3. Thermolite sleeping bag rated to 0 degrees
4. A small cooking stove
5. First aid kit
6. Extra clothes and socks
7. A large, full tang survival knife
8. Compass and maps
9. Water filter
10. Lightweight cooking set
11. Lightweight Misc. food
12. Pen size fishing pole
13. .50 caliber blowgun
14. Soldius solar charger (for my mogul which will serve as my gps, games, and an electronic diary, etc)
15. A P-11 (a lightweight, polymer 9 MM handgun made by kel-tec) Just in case, I would rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it. There are bears, mountain lions and cougars in the Gila wilderness just to name a few.
In a nutshell thats what I'm taking. There are probably other minor details I'm forgetting but thats the just of it.
If anyone can offer suggestions or wisdom of any kind I would love to hear it. Most people will think this is packing too heavy, I disagree.
[Edited 7/30/2008 5:30:10 AM]

Albuquerque, NM
age: 25
I've been on many a backpacking excursion including Wheeler Peak and Philmont, and with those credentials I say good list! There are a couple other considerations though... As you mentioned, bears and mountain lions are present down there so you'll want a strong, yet light-weight rope at least 40 ft in length, and a decently sized burlap sack in which to put your food, utensils, cooking ware, cooking/eating clothes, and trash at night. Find a tree at least 50 ft from your camp site and throw the rope over any good size limb over 15 ft high, tie up the sack with one end of the rope and hoist it all the way up, then tie the remaining end around the tree. This commonly called "bear bag" will reduce the chances of animals visiting you for food.
Bring an extra fuel container for your stove, just in case... Waterproofing matches and making fire starters is very easy. Melt some wax and dip the match tips in it. Keep them in a zip-lok bag. The wooden matches work much better in the wilds... Then get a zip-lok bag, a container of vaseline, and some cotton balls. Completely coat the cotton balls in vaseline and store them in the bag. Also, bring some extra newspaper and keep it in a bag. With dry wood and some crumpled newspaper ideally it should only take 1 fire starter to get ya going, but make a bunch just in case.. Also, a pair of work gloves is nice for the firewood gathering and prepping.
Rain gear... Ponchos work great and bring a couple large trash bags to cover your pack.
Include a snake bite kit (and be sure how to use it), and mole skin in your first aid supplies.
I noticed you mentioned bringing a GPS and a map of the area. Just in case, plot your position on the map a few times each day.
Good hiking boots are mandatory. Waterproof is a big plus and wear two pairs of socks, one thin, and over that a thicker pair (helps minimize chafing). When you size your boots make sure you have these socks on. Don't be afraid to spend over $100 cuz your feet will be thanking you.
It's quite easy to get carried away in packing. The pack doesn't seem very heavy in your living room, but after 5 miles in the wilderness it's a different story. The stuff you've listed is essential for any length backpacking trip so no prob there. Just try to make everything you bring the lightest version.
I'd be down to go if it weren't for my current profession as a job seeker... I've always wanted to check out the Gila! Anyway, have an awesome trip and if I think of anything else I'll post it up. 

Albuquerque, NM
age: 25
Awww yes, bring a small plastic garden shovel. This will help in burying camp fire remains as well as digging holes for, and burying bathroom duties. You'll definitely want to do that to help reduce close-proximity potentially aggressive animal encounters! Use a similar rule to the bear bag and go at least 50 ft from camp.
Also, mark every place you got water on your map, and create a waypoint on your GPS while there.