8/3/2008 10:07:27 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |
Toone, TN
age: 36
why do we ((sleep)) in [[school]]
but stay ((awake)) through a [[2 hour movie]]
why is it so ((hard)) to talk about [[GOD]]
but so ((easy)) to talk about [[sex]]?
why are we so ((bored)) when we look at a [[christian magazine]]
but find it ((easy)) to read [[playboy]]?
why is it so easy to ((ignore)) a [[GODLY]]bebo bulletin
yet we ((repost)) the [[nasty]] ones?
why are ((churches)) getting [[smaller]]
but ((bars and clubs)) are [[expanding]]?
why is it so easy to purchase {beer} and {drugs}
but so hard to donate 25 cents to a {charity}?
why is it so easy to worship a {celebrity}
but very difficult to engage with {GOD}?
think about it, are you reposting this?
are you going to ignore it, cause you think you'll get laughed at?
8/3/2008 10:21:09 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Rock Island, TN
age: 45
8/4/2008 8:39:39 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Thompsons Station, TN
age: 52
So True DJMOM... 
8/5/2008 8:51:52 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Gallatin, TN
age: 43
Sad but true
8/6/2008 1:55:56 AM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Clarksville, TN
age: 23
Well I have seen some pretty big churches near Memphis TN area and I see many many new churches springing up So I dont exactly agree with churches becoming smaller if anything they are springing up everywhere but everything else I do agree with
8/7/2008 11:27:43 AM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Huron, TN
age: 31
some of us are believers but have done things that make us think we dont deserve god
8/7/2008 12:38:27 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |
Toone, TN
age: 36
some of us are believers but have done things that make us think we dont deserve god
well one thing about GOD is forgive them who ask for his forgivness... all we have to do is beleave and trust in him .. he is a forgiving GOD.. to GOD a sin is a sin... it dont matter how little are how big... but in that (these is me saying these im not getting it out of the bible so it just a human talking) it dont mean we should ask GOD to forgive us.. and then be like well i can do it again ,, and all i have to is go back and ask for forgivness,,, once he for giving we should talk it to heart and lorn by it.. anway it dont matter what it is.. god love us he sent his son here on earth to die for us... and jesus did that for us... so if he loved us that much.. what make u thing u done deserve GOD? that why he sent his son to die on the cross ...to save us... GOD IS a good GOD.. AND HE LOVE EACH AND EVER ONE US... AND YES WE ALL DESERVE GOD... GOD WONTS EACH AND EVER ONE OF US.. TO FOLLOW HIM...
8/8/2008 9:12:23 AM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Booneville, MS
age: 46
Its a True Fact!
8/8/2008 11:26:08 AM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Johnson City, TN
age: 56
Such truth and wisdom there. 
8/8/2008 8:11:33 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Cleveland, TN
age: 42
mankinds sinful nature
8/11/2008 6:38:26 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Hampton, TN
age: 65
I don't think any one worthy of God ,but by his grace we are saved. That is why he sent his only son Jesus Christ To die for our sins. I thank him every day for saving me from hell.
[Edited 8/11/2008 6:41:49 PM]
8/13/2008 4:00:32 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |
Memphis, TN
age: 24
why do we ((sleep)) in [[school]]
but stay ((awake)) through a [[2 hour movie]]
why is it so ((hard)) to talk about [[GOD]]
but so ((easy)) to talk about [[sex]]?
why are we so ((bored)) when we look at a [[christian magazine]]
but find it ((easy)) to read [[playboy]]?
why is it so easy to ((ignore)) a [[GODLY]]bebo bulletin
yet we ((repost)) the [[nasty]] ones?
why are ((churches)) getting [[smaller]]
but ((bars and clubs)) are [[expanding]]?
why is it so easy to purchase {beer} and {drugs}
but so hard to donate 25 cents to a {charity}?
why is it so easy to worship a {celebrity}
but very difficult to engage with {GOD}?
you want to know why it's so hard because we stop caring about the things or God and are selfish, not knowing w are only hurting ourselves. God is so loving but because of our sin and harden heart, we care less. It's sad because God doesn't want to punish us but we can't hink or see how he see. Plus we make every excuse about why we can't do what we should do, but come with every reason to do what we shouldn't do.
think about it, are you reposting this?
are you going to ignore it, cause you think you'll get laughed at?
9/3/2008 5:36:51 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 23
People choose sin over God an have done so since the time of Adam and Eve. As for what you posted everything is on target. Someone commented that the churches in TN are growing, first of all just because you sit in a church doesn't mean your even a christian. Just because you say you are doesn't mean your a christian. God alone knows the persons heart. There are more none christians than their are christians. Look at all the sin in the world. We are conditioning ourselves to except things that God considers an abomination..hmm lets see Same-Sex Marriages??? Or having sex before marriage. Just because society does it dont mean God agrees with us.. Children are learning cuss words before they know anything about Jesus. We are allowing people to abort babies. Thats murder. "Though shall not kill" their is no room for adding on to the deffinition.The world is giving into all that the devil wants and noyone see's this. Where did temptation come from?? hmmm I wonder oh wait lets go back to the garden of adam and eve?
My point is christianity is falling away, and we need to wake up and start spreading the truth before its to late.. How long do you think Jesus is going to wait? Not forever at some time or another He will be coming back. and if he comes tonight are you prepared?
So to the one who post the first msg,Thank you for being bold enough to make a statement like that. May God be with you and continue speaking his truth!
9/3/2008 10:24:57 PM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Mount Juliet, TN
age: 40
Thank the great maker that I am a di-est!Even this place has a hard time with the word,lol!A interesting fact is :Thank the great maker,god,Allah or,whatever that you had di-est made the constitution in America!If it wasn't for that we all would forced to believe one way .That is is the underlying truth of this so-called Jude o-Christian nation!As far as all religions in general .I welcome all faiths into this country .Remember,that's one of the things that makes us great!1.)freedom of speech 2.)freedom of religion.Although ,I do believe that Christians are under attack and fear the most for people that say,"being Muslim is peaceful".I say to that," it's quite obvious if you read the Qu'ran or,koran !"For it is quite obvious that if you are Islamic and follow the Qu'ran's teachings you want to ab literate infidels.Does this seem like a peaceful religion to you?If so,perhaps,I need my head examined?
9/4/2008 11:00:59 AM |
dont read if ur immature seriously |

Smyrna, TN
age: 44
Very Very True, This world is going, going, Gone!