Aztec, NM
age: 52 online now!
Hello I am Jim, I am single and looking, and I am attracted to the taller woman, of 6'0" and taller.. I am 52 and 5'11" in height... so if you are a taller woman... I would love to here from you... Aztec New Mexico..

Albuquerque, NM
age: 33
 No takin my ladies mister. Seriously we need to move to Ohio, Kansas, Iowa, etc. that's where they all reside

Aztec, NM
age: 52 online now!
Florida seems to have alot of taller ladies... 

Westford, MA
age: 49
They might have more women around say, 5'9" but I tend to think New York would be 'Grand Central' for taller women. If for nothing else, the fashion industry and their catwalks. Boston, MA is also a haven for what you seek. 