8/14/2008 7:59:19 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 46

I haven't found the man of my dreams on here or anywhere else. I didnt' think that wranglers, a cowboy hat, a job and maybe a horse were such a tall order, but appearantly it is. LOL. I guess my boots remain alone under my bed. hahahaha 
I did find something that I wasn't expecting to find on DH and that is a great friendship with 2 terrific ladies. You gals are the best!  
So DH has been good to me, cause I've made some great friends
8/14/2008 11:00:59 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Morinville, AB
age: 47
I hope I can find as much as you... A man is secondary to finding 2 great freinds...
8/15/2008 8:23:03 AM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Hi, Wise, too bad you are so far away from us; you would be most welcome. My gf's are very important to me also.
As to the post, NO, I have not found what I was looking for. I pissed off God and He says "therefore ye shall evermore remain horny and unsatisfied. No man for you!" 
Seriously though, I have talked to some far away who were nice, but how do you get to know them? Only one Canadian has approached me (apparently something about not having my own horse, and not drinking beer for breakfast turns them off),
but that man is unavailable long term, and while he is very nice and likes me (ok, that part is good - it beats dating someone who DOESN'T like me), I can't see it beyond meeting for coffee.
And the one I would like to get to know better, because I think there is a real possibility there - lots of compatibility -doesn't seem to have the fever for ME. He can't see it beyond coffee either. I am very happy to have met him anyway, as a friend, but I don't have sex with my friends, and as much as I love them, I don't want to spend 24 hrs a day with them. Him on the other hand..... 
GRRR. Thankfully my self esteem is not and never has been tied to what men think or don't think about me. 
Makes me wonder what the heck these guys are looking for, or are they looking, because there are some ACE women on here, and if I have seen that, surely some of these guys are bright enough to see it as well. Or are they............
Wish you ladies a wonderful weekend, I will be Reggaefesting, as the whole world knows because I tell everybody - it is the highlight of my summer. I love Reggae, the festival, and meeting those hot musicians. This year I will be doing some driving of performers; Maxi Priest is one - cool if I drive them. 
Remember that old song "KEEP your mind on your driving, keep your hands on the wheel. Keep your beady eyes on the road ahead. 'cause we're in the backseat, kissing and hugging with Fred" Boy, that'll be my sister in the backseat, I bet, and I will be sooooo pissed!!
8/15/2008 12:06:00 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 57
Wow, Rose! Sure are vocal this a.m.! 
But back to the thread's question....
I haven't met anyone special either. Seems like all the sites are the same ... what's with Canadian men? If it hadn't been for the forums, I would have been long gone. But even the forums have become tedious with their online fighting & AB Chat is not as active as it should be. There only appears to be 1 male who participates more frequently but even he is fleeing Alberta (not to mention he's too young for me. )
On the other hand, there are some great females out there, guys (if there actually ARE any guys reading this) if forestrose & happyhorsegirl are any example.
I met that reggae nut & horsey person on DH & we're are all very different yet get along great. So if real friendships can form from this online site, why not the romantic relationships we all registered here to find? 
forestrose's guy
Happyhorsegirl's guy
And for me? Let's just say .... 
8/15/2008 2:24:10 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Thanks, 2bluiz, that cartoon character could be the only man in my life right now!
As a matter of fact, I think I have dated some cartoon characters!!
And I hope Jack's last name doesn't start with S***!
8/15/2008 3:29:22 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 29
i havent met anyone yet.but there is the beutiful head on there shoulder ladys i have made friends with on here. unfortunatly age is the differance. i greatly enjoy there friend ship on line and am hopeing to expand that to real life friends. hey gals dont give up hope there is lots of good guys in the city and the world. its like looseing your purse you find it in the last place you look. just show the real you and that some one will find you
8/15/2008 6:14:29 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 46
You guys are just hilarious! YOu keep me in stitches.
See.....now evenyone has witnessed that I am not the $hit disturber of the group. I am the shy quiet one. 
And as for you Glenn...thanks for the pep talk! We are too old to hold our breath waiting for that special man to find us, so we will just keep marching on. Life is pretty darn good even without a little stud muffin in it!    (What am I saying???  )
8/15/2008 8:48:55 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 29
lol i havent met you in person yet but angel. jokes. heres to friends
8/16/2008 11:57:22 AM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 47
Still looking myself, Have meet a couple people but would like to meet more 
Everyone have a great day
8/16/2008 12:21:13 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 57
Yahoo! a new face! I sure hope you find that special someone, Firefox. I gotta believe there's hope for all of us!
8/16/2008 2:25:24 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 47
You bet it will happen when it happens un till than just keep on moven loll
8/16/2008 9:30:54 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 46
Hello Firefox. Nice to see ya. 
8/16/2008 10:33:47 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 47
Hello nice to meet you
8/16/2008 10:41:28 PM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 29
hello firefox good to meet you
[Edited 8/16/2008 10:41:57 PM]
8/17/2008 9:20:47 AM |
Have you found what you are looking for on DH? |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Hi, Firefox. Nice collie! Keep watching, as we occasionally post a coffee gettogether on here that is open
to anyone, so if you want to join us, you can. Sometimes we meet, just ladies, but we have to do that -
not to exclude men - lord knows we like 'em or we wouldn't be on this site - but so we can discuss strategy!