Garden Grove, CA
age: 58
What do you think your deceased spouse would think of your putting your picture online
and looking for someone? Is that a safe way to find someone? 90%of these men are
cheating on their wifes so they don't want to shop in their own neighborhood. Why put
your picture online. If someone wants to met you then they should give your their
first and last name and phone number. Call it when they are at work so you can speak
to their current unknowing wife. She would want to speak to her husbands mid-life crisis and she would be able to tell you how he treats his family. Ask if he has siblings and
friends. Chances are he does not want to tell you their name (even their first name)
What happened to his wife in his scenenaro. Did she run off, die, divorce, or did she
not understand him. Frankly I don't understand how a man could destroy his own family.
Ask to see his drivers license, copy his license plate, look in his glove department in
the car and look for his registeration. Ask him to stop at a 7-11 for a drink then
look and get your info. Text this info to your phone and someone you know. If this
person was an ok person they would find someone they know through others they would
not just fall in love with your wonderful add and have to met you. When someone is
unknown to you they can pretend to be that wonderful guy, a hero to you, and they
can flatter you. After all you were so desperate you advertised so they figure you
will do whatever they want. Don't be a fool. If you advertised you were a christian
then go to church and meet a christian. Not someones husband