Lafayette, TN
age: 28
Who actually comes on the internet and dating sites such as this to find Mr/Mrs Right?? Or do so many just use these sites as an alternative to the whole Bar Scene?? In other words are you guys here to find something real or just a booty call??
Me, I am here for something real.. be it friends or if that certain someone comes along.. I don't pretend to be anything I'm not.. so many on the net do.. so whatcha think?? Hook up VS Real Thing.............


Memphis, TN
age: 26
I don't think anyone would turn down a Mr. or Mrs. Right if they came along, everyone is deep down looking for someone that's a great match for them. One thing that I've learned about people is that everyone is f**ked up in one way or another, everyone has their own insecurities and obsessions and desires. Thats why it's so hard to find a perfect match, because people aren't perfect.
Taylor, MI
age: 21
I think that people just love getting the attention online..its like well its true you can find mr right or ms right...then poof its like i love that person so much..
hmm do you love that person or do you love the attention that the person is giving to you that you cant get where you live?
how can you love someone that you havent even touched or seen?
trust? how can you trust someone online?
think about it
just hurting yourself.
but eli you know damn well i love you cause we have been friends for 5years now.

Cleveland, TN
age: 42

Smithville, TN
age: 49
If one could sum up there existence in one moment would it bear even one of man kinds short comings that wiped away all efforts made before. Would it lead all bearing witness to pass it forward to all left behind. We are given the choice every moment of everyday, do we see that which makes a difference to all or only us. We are not given to know that which will change the life of others, a word or a praise but will we shy from it when it comes our way. Or will we be silent and never say. If the pain in my growth frees another from the same, have I not made a change! I think so and hunger for even more, for only real last far after we are gone. And that which makes a difference to many last far after we are gone.