8/30/2008 4:06:13 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Egg Harbor Township, NJ
age: 48
Why is it so hard to find a nice guy when we are all looking for the same thing..LOVE...I have learned in my dating experience, that I really don't understand men..I am not a man hater, but guys...c'om on, if you say your gonna call, then call...Do't play games...Life is too short!! Any suggestions or comments???::
9/11/2008 7:15:00 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Vineland, NJ
age: 51 online now!
@ age 51 never found or sought satisfaction in
playing games with someone. Loyal honest scorpio
born guy.. Games are played when both of us desire
What are your desires ?
XOXO Richard
9/12/2008 12:19:21 AM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |
Teaneck, NJ
age: 51
This isn't a question that can be answered in this setting. As for your question let me turn it around, why do girls give the wrong phone number??? How many time on this site I've heard guys complain that they write some woman and never even get a reply. WHY!!! They are not interested!!!
Dating is a natural selection process and as such it's much like a lottery. The more tickets you but the better your odds. In dating there is a side benefit is spreading your risk out. If you get dumped by one it's not the end of your social life. With men the expression goes "If you throw enough shit against the wall, some of it is going to stick". This is one of the few benefits of having to be the one that makes the first move.
With women,the first move is to attract. Much like a flower in bloom draws in bees. So if you want to draw in more men, make yourself more attractive to them. Yes I hear you b*tchin already, but the bottom line is if there is no initial physical attraction, there's little chance of a relationship. Guys can't see what a nice person you are, or how loyal you are, or any other qualities you may have. These are part of what should come out in conversation AFTER you entice him to say hello.
After hello comes the filtering process. This is where you try to predict how well they will fit your model of a man you can respect, love and feel secure with. Remember, he's filtering you at the same time.
This is a very quick overview, so don't pick it apart.
Uncle Funkey 
9/12/2008 6:44:17 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Egg Harbor Township, NJ
age: 48
WOW Uncle Funkey...You sound pretty ANGRY!..What you said didn't help me at ALL! All I read was Blah Blah Blah...Stick to the issue... 
9/12/2008 7:09:55 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |
Newark, NJ
age: 23
I will tell you why , As long as you are looking you won't find true love, love is more related to destiny , nature knows who is good for you and you don't know. while universe making up cirumstances to let you meet that special one , you are looking for someone and you may end up with someone who you think is the right guy but he is not.what you ve really done is pushing your lucky true love further away.
Here is my suggestion get busy with your life forget about men , and when Mr. right appear you will know it almost instantly and you will feel it deep inside.
For sure if you consult my profile, you ll say he is young he doesn t know what he is talking about, but I assure I ve got wisdom, which is the most important asset. I m not an expert but thats what I learned from talking to people and my readings.
either you like what I said or not just send me an email and give me your opinion, I would love to hear it 
9/12/2008 8:10:15 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |
Bloomfield, NJ
age: 58
Hi Richard - interested in chatting? No games here
9/12/2008 11:59:18 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |
Teaneck, NJ
age: 51
WOW Uncle Funkey...You sound pretty ANGRY!..What you said didn't help me at ALL! All I read was Blah Blah Blah...Stick to the issue...  
What part of my reply was Angry?????? Perhaps you're not bright enough to understand what I wrote, but you are the one that asked for comments or suggestions..... If you don't like what people say, you should at least have the manners to just shut up and accept or ignore the advice.
So let me give it to you terms you can understand: You're too rude, too old, too fat, and not to bright at all!!! Maybe other men see this in you as well, and run not walk to get away!!!
[Edited 9/13/2008 12:24:24 AM]
9/13/2008 6:28:52 AM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
WOW Uncle Funkey...You sound pretty ANGRY!..What you said didn't help me at ALL! All I read was Blah Blah Blah...Stick to the issue...  
What part of my reply was Angry?????? Perhaps you're not bright enough to understand what I wrote, but you are the one that asked for comments or suggestions..... If you don't like what people say, you should at least have the manners to just shut up and accept or ignore the advice.
So let me give it to you terms you can understand: You're too rude, too old, too fat, and not to bright at all!!! Maybe other men see this in you as well, and run not walk to get away!!!

Ladyluv48: I do agree with you that unclefunkey definitly has a anger issue, but look at it this way he has just given you one example of why it is so hard to find a nice guy, apparently he is not one of the nice guys. As for his comments about the way you look, he can't even post a picture to show anyone what he looks like. 
Now to give my opinion with out bashing either side, men or women. One thing is that at our ages now, we all have experienced giving our all to make the perfect relationship and now we are all scared to make a commitment or we have in our mind that this time I am going to love someone for all the good reasons.(what ever the reasons might be) Us women we tend to want to grab on as quick as possible and the men want to take it real slow, the lets be friends and see where it goes kind of thing. Another thing is that when men and women go to bed with each other, again the women now really gets attached because we feel we have given part of ourselves, where as men don't have that same connection at first when it comes to sex in most cases, but when a man does come around and finally make that connection it is for real and it is usually true...I myself am learning as I go. It is hard for us all, we all want someone but we all need to give. Patience on the womens side and men need to understand that we can be patient as long as you treat with some kind of sign that you do care and want to be there and that it is not just for one thing.     Just an opinion....Sincerity
9/13/2008 6:30:47 AM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Egg Harbor Township, NJ
age: 48
I will tell you why , As long as you are looking you won't find true love, love is more related to destiny , nature knows who is good for you and you don't know. while universe making up cirumstances to let you meet that special one , you are looking for someone and you may end up with someone who you think is the right guy but he is not.what you ve really done is pushing your lucky true love further away.
Here is my suggestion get busy with your life forget about men , and when Mr. right appear you will know it almost instantly and you will feel it deep inside.
For sure if you consult my profile, you ll say he is young he doesn t know what he is talking about, but I assure I ve got wisdom, which is the most important asset. I m not an expert but thats what I learned from tallng to people and my readings.
either you like what I said or not just send me an email and give me your opinion, I would love to hear it 
You truly are a VERY intelligent young man...That is great advice...Thank you for that...And I think your absolutely right!! I am a good person, and won't settle for less..Don't you either... 
9/13/2008 6:58:14 AM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Egg Harbor Township, NJ
age: 48
Thank You Sincerity..Your about me having patience..It is hard at our age to start all over again..I wasn't bashing men..Just trying to understand...As for Uncle Funkey...He doesn't have a right to judge me and say all those nasty things about me..I assure you, I am the complete opposite of that...Thank you for your comments....Ladyluv 
9/13/2008 7:51:34 AM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
ladyluv: I didn't think that you bashed anyone, but the best thing when putting a thread up is to not make your topic point at one particular gender as if it is meant for all men or women...we all tend to be sensitive about things like that. what we don't realize it when we are writing sometime it comes out different then the way we mean it. Nice to meet you and nice to meet a new friend...email me...Sincerity
9/13/2008 1:44:45 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Westfield, NJ
age: 37
We say were going to call because we don't know when to just shut up, so we through it out there. If you want to hear from him call him who says you can't?? What rules are these everyone follows and who the hell wrote them? I'm looking for the women who I want to call the next day after our first date or send her flowers with a note that says "I'm crazy about you and I'm counting the minutes until I see you again" and if it freaks her out she doesn't deserve me.
9/13/2008 2:52:29 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Trenton, NJ
age: 64
I do believe that part of the problem is location, location. I also believe that since everyone on here that reads this or any tread. Makes both male and female a little on the shy side of being open. Let's face it we have all seen people get trashed on here. Then there are the JERKS. Enough said about them. There's also the time's when people meet. And one person just doesn't feel their a match. But don't give up hope.   There's an old saying ( the only thing worst if you fail, is not to try at all )
9/13/2008 7:54:17 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 48
I do believe that part of the problem is location, location.  I also believe that since everyone on here that reads this or any tread. Makes both male and female a little on the shy side of being open.  Let's face it we have all seen people get trashed on here.  Then there are the JERKS.   Enough said about them. There's also the time's when people meet. And one person just doesn't feel their a match.  But don't give up hope.     There's an old saying ( the only thing worst if you fail, is not to try at all )
tspofhugs: You really often do say the right thing.. Sincerity
9/13/2008 9:42:13 PM |
Why is it Soo hard to meet that special one? |

Ridgefield, NJ
age: 53
your response was very insightful and accurate and I understand. Men are very basic and think very differently than woman. You were just being honest but to turn around and be so mean and rude to ladyluv and call that girl fat is uncalled for and has changed my opinion.
I agree with the person that said there must be a reason why you do not post your picture. We are all here with good intentions, no need to turn it nasty.
[Edited 9/13/2008 9:53:58 PM]