Westerville, OH
age: 21
You know, it's weird. I lost most of my friends earlier this year because they backstabbed me. But now, it seems, I find myself wishing they were back. I don't know what to do. I'm an emotional train wreck. I mean, I almost started to cry yesterday for no apparent reason. What can I do? How can I find out who I am? It also seems to me that most of the times, people like who I am up front, and later they turn around and walk away. Are all people shallow, or is it just me? I just wish that I could have some answers.

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
Those who backstab you are not friends. They are aquaintences. Most people can count thier true friends on one hand. Get out and make new friends, real friends. Not all people are shallow, it just may take time to find the right ones. As far as finding out who you are? Honey, I'm 43 and still don't know for sure. Just when I think I do know me, something else comes up. Remember, don't rush life.
Fairborn, OH
age: 45
Hey Westerville guy. You are clearly someone who did very well in school. Your post was well written and gramatically pretty good. At 21, you have not fallen victim to the kind of garbage writing we see so often. That's just a side observation. I like to see kids who can communicate well - it means you will be hugely successful in business.
With that said, your friends probably backstabbed you because they are just not as mature as you. They don't value friendship like you do. You sound a LOT like me at that age. I got backstabbed and took a lot of people back - some I wish I hadn't. It really depends on the level of the stabbing and how much pride you feel you are swallowing.
In any case, I agree with SB - you are too young to be worrying too much - you have a lot of time. And from someone who is 45, I learn new things every year and still don't have an answer for "who" I am. People define themselves by their jobs or accomplishments. This is wrong. You are, in fact, a son, maybe a brother, a friend, a decent guy, etc. Don't try to fit into a mold. You are already the person you were meant to be. As you get older, you'll just have more life experiences to help you make better choices, but you'll always be you.
Hang tight kid. As you get older, the backstabbings don't change - they just get more expensive!!!