Lindale, TX
age: 31
Since the Cowboys and the eagles play this monday night i was wandering, how you eagles fans feel about T.O. Do you love him still or hate him. Or do you secretly still love him but act like you hate him around other eagles fans. After all he wasnt the one throwing up in the huddle at the super bowl because he was scared and nervous. I believe that was little
donny mcnabb.

Gwynn Oak, MD
age: 58
EAGLEs fan here
TO is already in the Hall Of Fame
TO was worth more a few yeras ago
then he would be today.
So if the Eagles gave him the
Highest WR salary in the league back then
It was worth it.
The Eagles were worried about increasing
players salaries before their contract was up.
I would handle it this way
When the player asked for a Higher Salary
I would say are You in the Hall of Fame
or will you make the Hall of Fame ?
If they said Yes
and they were in my opion not gonna make it
I'd tell that person to Get Lost.
Easy Solution.
TO deserved to have his contract torn up
after the Super Bowl
and the team should have added maybe
$1 Million per year to it.
It was all about money
and a Team that now has gone over 40 years
without winning a Super Bowl
and 48 without a Championship - 1960
screwed their chances of winning
another Championship.
He was a #1
and the Eagles new hopes for a #1
now lie in the hands of D Jackson.
He had 106 yards receiving in his first NFL game.
Even TO didn't fare that well in his first game.

Middleport, OH
age: 51 online now!
the Cowboys defeated the Eagles. and will do it again in Dec. Tony Romo rocks.