Memphis, TN
age: 39
I got an email from a guy. It was RE: Hey Sexy! His picture showed him with a little girl on his lap. It just creeps me out when people send kinda suggestive things & thier picture is of them with a child. I really dont think it is a good idea for people to post pics of thier child at all. I can see maybe showing them to people on line after you get to know them. Is it just me? Or is this kinda creepy?!

Chattanooga, TN
age: 41
mj1969 wrote, "I got an email from a guy. It was RE: Hey Sexy! His picture showed him with a little girl on his lap. It just creeps me out when people send kinda suggestive things & thier picture is of them with a child. I really dont think it is a good idea for people to post pics of thier child at all. I can see maybe showing them to people on line after you get to know them. Is it just me? Or is this kinda creepy?!"
** I don't like the idea when the first person someone sends me is has a child in it. When I get to know people, I want to get to know them first - not their children first. Some people are like, "Well, we all come together as a 'package deal', so my children come along with me." That's all fine, but bring children into the picture later (not at first). As for the creepy picture, maybe he was happy his daughter was in a picture with him. But I would get the creeps seeing a picture as such. First thing that's going through my mind is, "This person must be desperate or something, because this person must want a father for the child." I don't get good vibes when I see an initial picture of someone with a child in it. I can see why you feel the way you might.
Lafayette, TN
age: 35

Johnson City, TN
age: 56
I think maybe the guy was wanting to communicate and by posting a picture with his child, was letting you know up front that he is a very proud Dad. No surprises involved, and if you were interested, the communication would continue!

Memphis, TN
age: 39
I think maybe the guy was wanting to communicate and by posting a picture with his child, was letting you know up front that he is a very proud Dad. No surprises involved, and if you were interested, the communication would continue!
Still creepy!