Memphis, TN
age: 38
nothin' much to say except that I had a bad day & need some lovin!!
Albuquerque, NM
age: 36
Here is the best I can offer ya!              

White House, TN
age: 38
I hit that point VERY often myself. If I lived in Memphis we could have been drunk and bored together. I hope things are better today.
Knoxville, TN
age: 33
oops.. I was afraid i had an alternate personality. Hang in ther chick!!
Memphis, TN
age: 41
hi cutie, ur bored bc ur drunk!! y r u drunk anyway? ur 2 cute 4 dat.

Bristol, VA
age: 68 online now!
will this help?

Mount Juliet, TN
age: 40

Chattanooga, TN
age: 41 online now!
I hit that point VERY often myself. If I lived in Memphis we could have been drunk and bored together. I hope things are better today.
** I get bored once in a very blue moon. I've never been drunk. I am sure there's people who could could relate better to the OP's situation than me.

White House, TN
age: 38
I can relate for sure. I have been there many times. Although lately I have been working on getting myself back together. Going to the gym and trying to eat right, no alcohol to speak of other than a beer here and there.
I have to say that things are looking better and better all of the time.
