Waterbury, CT
age: 44
I wonder how many responses I'll get that would actually admit being dishonest about what they want out of a relationship, what they are looking for, and what kind of person they truly are.
What some people write in their profile is not really what they want or who they are. It's just a prelude to attract others in the first place. We all want to have that perfect pitch for our next relationship. We are selling ourselves to potential mates out there. Think about the commercial for CarMax (I believe that is the right one) where they are typing out a description to sell their used car and put down the truth then they change it to something much better to attract a buyer.
I say what I mean and I mean what I say in my profile! I am an honest person upfront - tis something that means a lot to me.
Take a quick read of my other post - Just an observation. Tis similar to this post.
Bridgeport, CT
age: 54
"Come into my parlor", said the spider to the fly.

Milford, CT
age: 43
North Haven, CT
age: 46
Of course. Why would I want to attract people I'm not interested in. It really doesn't matter anyway. I get all kinds of attention I'm not trying to attract even posting the truth. A lot of people don't read the profile, or read it thoroughly enough (like me ) or they think because you have one thing in common it's the basis for an everlasting relationship of some sort.