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2/7/2007 10:55:09 AM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
When we take the blinders off and face the reality of what life truly is to us, we find that life is truly a frightening experience, and death even more frightening then life, if not terrifying.
Removing the blinders of life requires us to sit or lay quietly and remove all of the outer stimulation from our senses, what we see, hear and taste and simply contemplate the question, "What is life? What am I? What really is a human? What is a man or a woman?" When you have meditated on these deep thoughts for a while, the brain will kick in with all sorts of dialogue and reasoning. After you do this, go stand in front of a mirror and look into your own eyes and contemplate, What exactly are you looking at?
Is it not amazing that we can be born into this place called earth, this physical existence with billions of other unknown creatures like ourselves, participating in this same strange and mysterious adventure, all on various different levels and degrees of wealth, health, mentality, philosophies and individual emotional packages?
Some of these mysterious and strange creatures we call humans may appear strong and others weak, but in reality who truly are the strong and who truly are the weak, and what is their strength or weakness really all about? One who appears strong many times is merely one who has mastered the denial of their very mortal existence! Not understanding the least bit of their purpose or calling or reason why they even exist! They appear strong because they live in a facade, errantly fooling themselves into thinking they are immortal and will live forever! We all remember those lying thoughts and emotions as a child and in your teen and young adult years? But as we grow older we begin to come to grips with our mortality, our temporariness, the vanity of so much we once thought was so important.
We are instructed to be strong by our Divine Father, but strong in what? Machismo? Bravado? Callousness? Brazenness? Outgoingness? When we classify someone as being strong by the world's standards these are the qualifiers, but our Creator, our God, as we like to call Him, our Elohim instructs us...
" strong in the Lord, and in the power of HIS might." -Ephesians 6:10
Now think, are those that we admire for being strong, strong as God would have them be strong or are they merely fooling themselves and others by actually being the extremely weak in the things of the Lord and their purpose for existing, and trust only in the power of THEIR own might? Who then, my friend, my fellow brother, my fellow sister, are the strong of us, and who then are truly the weak, not by our own frivolous and meaningless standard, but by God's standard? Now really, is their another standard that truly matters?
Now we come to grips with the fact that we are NOT going to live forever (in this place), that planet earth truly is a penitentiary, as the Bible describes it, an insane asylum would be more fitting a comparison, as there truly is no one sane on this entire earth, only different levels of massive, massive, massive insanity, and many of those who would pretend to be the most sane and desirous to be called our leaders and representatives of this mysterious species, are truly, by far the most insane and mentally ill of them all.
The word of God says that it is a fool that says there is no God, yet many of the most intelligent of mankind do not believe in God, even though they cannot even begin to explain their very own existence! So, according to God's standards these so-called, pretended intelligent beings are what the Creator of this madhouse calls the most insane of the bunch, regardless of their perceived intelligence by the rest of the inmates.
2/7/2007 5:22:37 PM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Reason: The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence.
The gift of REASON is one of the most extraordinary gifts given to mankind. It is an attribute that is mandatory to having a relationship with God. He absolutely requires us to use our reason to even begin to fathom and comprehend Himself, ourselves and the world around us. However, REASON seems to have gone out the window when many of us became Christians, as well unbelievers have an extremely malformed reasoning capability.
“It is a fool who says there is no God.” - Psalm 53:1
Using our reason is commanded by God. It is the only time He says to mankind, let's do something TOGETHER.
“Come now, LET US REASON TOGETHER..." - Isaiah 1:18
Most sins are committed when reason goes out the window. It is also by lack of use of reason that many are in more darkness and lack of understanding of God, the plan of salvation and even themselves.
So let's take a journey into this strange world of reason. I guarantee, you will not be the same when you come out the other end.
Reason is best exercised when you are not being taught BY someone, but rather, the teacher doesn't teach, but merely poses questions, appealing to our REASON. So here we go:
* Is God omniscient (all knowing)? I'm sure we can all answer this one with, yes.
o Okay, if God is all knowing, then He must have known that Satan would rebel and take with him a third of the angels in his rebellion, even before He created him, correct?
o If God KNEW that Satan would rebel and wreak havoc on His creation, before He created Him, why did God insist on creating him and not some other archangel that He knew would not rebel?
o Knowing that Satan would rebel, God created Him anyway and even gave him an exalted position as the covering cherub of His throne, according to the word, correct?
o Did Satan catch God off guard when he rebelled? Absolutely not. God knew the exact moment that he would do so. He knew this moment before He even created him.
* Alright, so far so good. If we have come this far in agreement, using our God-given REASON, let us apply the same reason with regards to Adam and Eve.
o God knew before He even created Adam and Eve, that they would sin and fall, correct?
o Why then did God create Adam and Eve, and not two people that He foreknew would not sin against His law? He could have you know, and they wouldn't be simply obedient robots, just two obedient people who loved and honored their Creator. So then, why did He create instead, two people that He knew would sin and fall from the blessed gift of immortality into this vile and mutated specimen that we have become?
Using your reason, you now realize that God is up to something. An amazing Divine Plan was in the works from the very beginning, even before Satan was created or you and I. A plan, remember that. A plan that required a rebellious angel and a rebellious first man and woman. If this were not so, why did God make it so?
This plan is beyond just the plan of salvation, as the plan of salvation is only needed because God knowingly created an archangel that would rebel and knowingly created a man and woman who would rebel, instead of creating those He foreknew would not rebel.
Think about that for a moment — with your reason. As reason cannot be rushed. We must meditate on certain deep things for them to truly sink in.
Now you see, so far I have taught you NOTHING. You have come to these conclusions and teachings —on your own, using your own reason, but we are far from finished.
So what is this magnificent Divine Plan, that the plan of salvation is a part of, but is beyond even it?
2/7/2007 7:29:37 PM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Do you want the truth, or do you you wish to remain in the hampster cage of darkness and unsatisfying pablum. Herein is meat for the hungry and spiritually starving of the people of Yahweh.
When Adam and Eve sinned, the Word states that God came looking for them in the Garden in the cool of the day. Why was God looking for them, if He is omniscient? He wasn't really looking for them, He already knew exactly where they were, as well as what they had done—as expected. Their disobedience was not a shock nor a surprise to Yahweh. He knew long before He created them that this is what they would do—yet He created them anyway. Is this not true?
COME LET US REASON TOGETHER, where you will not be taught by man, but by your own God-given reasoning you will come to your own conclusions, and in effect, BE TAUGHT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Why did God say, "Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat of the tree that I told you not to?" Why would Yahweh ask them these questions, if He, being the all-knowing, Most High, already knew they had disobeyed Him? Not only did He know they had disobeyed Him, He already knew what their answers would be, so why ask?
Herein is the first slight glimpse at the personality and pre-ordained MASTER PLAN of Yahweh, of which the plan of salvation is a sub-plan of, as we reasoned in part one of this message. The very meaning of life is about to be revealed.
Here are two people that He knew would be disobedient, before He created them; knew exactly when they would be disobedient and knew exactly how they would be deceived by the serpent—yet He created them—and the serpent—anyway, instead of two people He knew would not be disobedient. Now He is acting like He didn't even know where they were, and that He was not the least bit aware that they had sinned, as He asked, “Have you eaten of the tree that I told you not to?”
Our REASON tells us that God knows all things. He knows the END from the BEGINNING. Therefore our reason also tells us that if God already knew, the only other reason He would act in such a way is for the benefit of whomever He was speaking to. It is US who do not know our rear-ends from a hole in the ground. It is US that need to get to know ourselves. God already knows every single thing about us. He wants us to get to know ourselves. His dialogue was for Adam and Eve's benefit, not His.
Many think that God is testing them in this event or that event in their live's, but come, let us reason together! Why would God need to test us, He already knows how we will respond in every single scenario presented to us. Is this not true? Then why would God test us? Why would God test our faith, knowing already what level our faith is at?
IT STANDS TO REASON that He must be testing us, not for Himself, but for our benefit, that we may know the level of our faith, or that we would understand something, or that we would grow. All things He allows to happen in our lives are evidently (stand to reason) not for Him to find out something about us—it is for us to find out and discover about ourselves.
2/7/2007 7:31:55 PM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Why does God want us find out about ourselves?
More on this absolutely astounding REASONING SESSION later, but for now, let's return to the Garden of Eden to continue to lay the ground work of this awesome revelation concerning reason and the meaning of life.
Adam and Eve hid from Yahweh, according to the Word, but they did not consider that you cannot hide from God. So it stands to reason that God played along with them for a moment, the first game of hide and seek, as well as the first passing of the buck session. Listen to this dialogue from an omniscient (all knowing) God to His creatures, our great, great etc. grandparents:
And they heard the voice of Yahweh walking in the garden in the cool of the day. And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Yahweh in the middle of the trees of the garden.
And Yahweh called to Adam and said to him, Where are you?
Like He didn't know already 
And Adam said, I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I am naked, and I hid myself.
Like it is possible to hide from God 
Do you notice how many people fear God today? Maybe even you are one of them. This is not the type of fear God is talking about when He says to fear Him. This fear could be better understood as meaning respect. However fear of God comes from a wrong standing with Him - is this not true? It is the same as fearing your own parents when you know you have done wrong, but normally you do not fear them, you love them and play with them —fearlessly. It is only when we have been caught being up to no good that our love and enjoyment of our parents turns to fear. The same with Yahweh.
If you fear Him you can talk to Him, as He is very approachable, thanks to our being reconciled to Him through the sacrifice of His Only Begotten, Yahshua. The sad truth is most people do not have a healthy fear (respect) of the Lord their God, and this includes many Christians.
Now back to Adam and Eve, reason and the meaning of life.
And He said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree which I commanded you that you should not eat?
- Genesis 3:11
My goodness is Yahweh playing this for all He can You know He already knows the answer, and what is this, “Who told you that you were naked” line of questioning. Their reason had told them they were naked, now enhanced by having the knowledge of both good and evil from eating of the fruit of the tree. God knew a billion-trillion years before they ever did it, what they would do. He knew it before they were ever created, but here, Yahweh asks THEM to respond, rather than openly accuse them.
Now all of us know this parental technique and why parents do this, it is because parents want to hear their child confess the truth and not lie. Like George Washington's, “I cannot tell a lie. I cut down the cherry tree.”, but God already knows what they're going to say, so why even ask? He knows they're going to go into massive denial and passing the buck, so why even ask? So that Adam and Eve can get to know themselves better and that they had not only sinned in the act of disobedience, but in their attempts at passing the buck, rather than taking responsibility for their crime. They are learning of their wretchedness.
If Yahweh would have accused them of their sin, they would stand accused, but would not comprehend their nature to sin— even further. He allowed them to go down that path of lies and deception, wondering all the while, why am I lying so much!? Much like Jim Carey in the movie, Liar, Liar, Adam and Eve did not KNOW themselves and were surprised at how they even answered Yahweh with a lie on top of the sin they had already committed. This was the reason why God played dumb, as to having any knowledge where they were and that they had even eaten of the tree.
If it were not for the fact that they suddenly felt naked, they probably would have gone into a conspiracy of lies to cover up what they had done, thinking that, well, if Yahweh doesn't know where we are and has to ask, and also has to ask if we ate, HE MUST NOT KNOW, SO LET'S NOT TELL HIM!
2/7/2007 7:34:54 PM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Ah, but alas, they were full of the knowledge of good and evil and suddenly found that being naked was somehow a "bad" thing, something to be ashamed of. So the only alternative was to try and outfox God by playing the BLAME GAME, as Adam had already blown it by admitting that he was naked. There was no physical difference, as Yahweh asked, "Who TOLD YOU that you were naked."
And the man said, The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.
- Genesis 3:12
Wow, Adam, what happened to your great love for this woman? What happened to chivalry? It died in the Garden! Adam not only blames the woman, but even goes as far as to blame God Himself, saying, the woman that YOU GAVE TO BE WITH ME is the reason...
Notice Yahweh's demeanor in all of this. He hears Adam's non-chivalrous accusation and feeble attempt at passing the buck regarding the woman and takes note that not only does he blame the woman, but according to Adam, he blames God Himself, for giving him such an imperfect woman in the first place.
Yahweh simply takes note and says no more to Adam and turns to the woman, following Adam's accusation—though unaware to Adam, God is not buying into his line of nonsense, as he has already seen it from the beginning. It is all Divine Deja Vu, if you will, to the Most High.
And Yahweh said to the woman, What is this you have done? And the woman said, The serpent deceived me, and I ate.
- Genesis 3:13
At this time your reason tells you that Adam was more than likely sighing a sigh of relief, thinking—I can't believe it, HE BOUGHT IT! Boy is SHE gonna get it now! Adam, out of fear and self preservation is ready to sell Eve down the river, not realizing the misery it would cause himself, as he is as yet, unfamiliar with what the sad emotion of missing someone is and what torment loneliness can be. If he knew, he would have admitted to his crime and been willing to die rather than go through an eternal life with that misery—as many of you are also familiar with this strange, deep and horrendous emotion of losing someone that you love. What guilt would be upon him, knowing that he was also guilty, but got away with it, and was responsible for the destruction of the one he really loved. But of course Adam was not thinking (reasoning) at the time. Fear had utterly suffocated his reason.
Now it is Eve's turn to get to know her-self. At least her answer was more forthcoming than Adams. She just said the serpent deceived me and I ate it! Which is in essence the truth, with a tiny bit of passing the buck to—ah yes, the serpent.
Eve was hoping that God would punish the serpent for DECEIVING her, rather than herself for being deceived. I am sure that she also cast a glaring eye at Mr. Lover-Boy over there, Adam-Benedict Arnold, for so throwing her to the wolves to save his own useless-eater hyde.
What is Yahweh's response to Eve's testimony? Nothing. He lets her believe that He bought her line also and turns to the serpent:
And Yahweh said to the serpent, Because you have done this you are cursed more than all cattle, and more than every animal of the field. You shall go upon your belly, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life.
- Genesis 3:14
He said a few other things, but for the purpose of where the Holy Spirit is going in this, you can read it for yourselves.
2/7/2007 7:35:21 PM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Then Yahweh turned to Eve and pronounced sentence:
To the woman He said, I will greatly increase your sorrow and your conception. In pain you shall bear sons, and your desire shall be toward your husband, and he shall rule over you.
- Genesis 3:16
Do you think that Adam was feeling a bit of false security about this time, thinking, yeah, give me a new woman. One that isn't broken. But, then it was Adam's turn for sentencing, with no further discussion on the blame game.
And to Adam He said, Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it! The ground is cursed for your sake. In pain shall you eat of it all the days of your life.
- Genesis 3:17
Then Yahweh turned to Yahshua, His Only Begotten and says,
Behold, the man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever, therefore Yahweh sent him out from the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he had been taken.
- Genesis 3:23
And to think, that none of this was a surprise to Yahweh in the least. He knew what they would do even before He created them, yet He chose to create them anyway, rather than two who would have been obedient.
Come let us reason together:
Why did Yahweh create Satan, Adam and Eve and the third of the angels that rebelled, if He knew that is what they were going to do? Why not just NOT create THEM, but create more like the two-thirds that didn't rebel, and rather than create Adam and Eve whom He knew would sin, create Bob and Mary that would not? (Bob and Mary is a metaphor - so don't think it some strange doctrine).
Why would God create creatures that would require that He give His Only Begotten Son to come to this earth and suffer greatly and die at the hands of wicked men in order to save our sorry rear-ends? Why not just save Himself from the grief and create people who would not be so obstinate, arrogant, haughty and sinful—fueled by another being He created called Satan? Why create such a mess as this? He didn't have to you know, but He did, and He did it for a REASON!
Next: The Creator has A Master Plan
2/7/2007 7:55:22 PM |
Prison Earth |

Diamond Bar, CA
age: 56
I cannot wait to read on, however, must get to bed to go to work early in a.m.
2/7/2007 10:48:53 PM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
The Creator Has A Master Plan
“Seek Him who created the Pleiades and Orion, and who turned the deep darkness into the morning and He darkened the day into night. Seek Him who calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out on the face of the earth; Yahuah is His name; who causes destruction to flash out against the strong, and destruction comes against the fortress.” - Amos 5:8-9
We have grown up in a world of corruption, all things are corrupt or corrupting. We have lost immortality through the sin of Adam and Eve, and for those who do not believe in Adam and Eve, did you know that there are people alive today that can trace their genealogies back to Adam and Eve? Yes, IT WOULD STAND TO REASON that anyone who can trace their lineage back to Abraham, which are millions can very easily continue down their genealogical family tree all the way back to Adam and Eve. Yet many unreasonable scientists attempt to disprove the story of Creation, but they cannot erase the evidence that Adam and Eve were very real people and no one seems to be able to find another recorded man or woman before them. Very interesting.
So what is God really up to with all of this corruption going on on this planet? Remember, He is God, He didn't have to allow this to be, as He saw from the beginning what would become of man, yet knowing this, He set the cycle in motion with two people that He knew would fall from immortality to mortality, rather than two He foreknew would not fall, and that by this action He would eventually have to send His Only Begotten Son into one of these mortal corruptible bodies to suffer death, in order to save us by reconciling us back to the Father.
WHAT WAS GOD THINKING??? Why did He do it, and why did He need a rebellion in Heaven, a third of the angels to fall, two knuckleheads and His Only Begotten in order to accomplish whatever it was that He is doing? Come let us reason together: If God did not WANT any of this, it would not be, as He knew the end from the beginning, yet He did it ANYWAY!
It stands to reason that, though God lacks for nothing that He cannot create, something was lacking that needed to be created. If this were not so, why then would He create this unfolding drama with you and I? The answer lies in one word and that word is MARRIAGE.
Adam was created as an archetype of God Himself. In Adam is revealed the very will and desire of God for all of mankind. When God said to Yahshua, “Let us create man after Our image after Our likeness...” there was a reason He said this and did this.
If man was to be created after Their image and likeness, why did God punish them for becoming even more like them?
And Yahweh said, Behold, the man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever, therefore Yahweh sent him out from the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he had been taken.
- Genesis 3:22-23
Though they were punished for disobedience, wasn't it God's intent to create a people in His image and likeness? Yet He says, "Behold, the man has become as one of US..." Think (reason) wasn't that His intent in the first place? So why punish the man and woman if they had fulfilled His will, to be truly in His image and likeness as well as the Divine attribute of knowing good and evil? How could Adam and Eve truly be in His image and likeness and not know good and evil? It stands to reason that if God wanted to create them in His image and likeness, then the knowledge of good and evil must also be in that package, or they would not truly be created in His image and likeness. As he said, “The man has become as one of us, to know good and evil...”
Now ask yourself, is this not a strange reasoning session? Is not the gift of reason, and this reasoning puzzle extraordinary? This is the gift of God, as well the means He uses to teach us by the Holy Spirit — REASON! As detectives use deduction, you are now doing the same in order to come into the knowledge and realization of truths that NO ONE COULD TRULY TEACH YOU except yourself, being questioned by the Holy Spirit—through your REASON.
Oh, Yahweh, you are a tricky One (and we can say that, because we are His children!) He admits it and is not apologizing, as he states, “My ways are not your ways...”, but in order that His creatures (you and I) be in His image and likeness, our ways must become His ways.
If God was creating man and woman to be in His image and likeness, then knowledge of good and evil had to be part of the package, correct, or they would not truly be totally created in His image and likeness? He placed before them two specific trees, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as well as an antagonist, Satan, in the guise of the serpent.
2/7/2007 10:50:34 PM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
With this formula for disaster in place, God stood back and waited for what he already foreknew would happen, and in accordance to His Master Plan. Eve headed straight for the tree of knowledge of good and evil, totally bypassing the tree of life which would have given them immortality, which was NOT what God desired at that time. If He did desire this, why did He create two that HE KNEW would go straight for the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
Maybe you should stop and think about this for a moment before you continue.
They had to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in order to be more completely in the image and likeness of God, is that not true? Yes, but something else also was required in order to create a common bond between God and man, so that they would not only be in His image and likeness, but required in order that they (we) be what God intended them (us) to be, according to His Master Plan. This missing element to establish this common bond could only be accomplished by their disobedience and the ensuing punishment. If they would have obeyed, then God's PURPOSE for creating mankind would not be achieved. Therefore God created two human beings that He knew would disobey, rather than two that would be obedient, if it were not so, then it would not be so. He left the last element of their being fully created in His image and likeness on the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and told them not to partake of it, knowing that they would, even adding the element of the tempter to assure that they did.
More on this all important and mandatory common bond in a moment. Remember the words, COMMON BOND.
The question should arise in our reason, Why did God desire to create a species in His image and likeness in the first place? He had a reason you know. It was not just some random fleeting thought, a wild-hair idea. It was a very well thought out PLAN and for a very GOOD reason. Part of the answer lies in Adam.
And Yahweh said, It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.
- Genesis 2:18
Do you know the power of what this is really saying? Do you notice that God gave Adam godlike powers over his little microcosm in God's creation, called Earth? All the creatures were SUBJECT to Adam, correct? In his original, incorruptible form, Adam was in the image and likeness of God and given rulership over his own little universe, the earth. This Adamic microcosm was a type and a shadow of God's rulership over ALL things, all bundled up in Adam's rulership over the earth.
He had all the animals and creatures of every sort to keep him company and to amuse him, as well as all creation on earth being subject to him, just like all the creation everywhere is subject to God, but with all of this, still something was missing for Adam. What was that something? Someone to share with. Someone who would be his peer. The animals could keep him company, but not like someone like himself. Someone who would understand him and his experience. Someone who could also provide him with the stimulation of an exchange of reasoning. The animals could not fulfill that role.
When Yahweh said, “It is not good for man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable FOR HIM.” He was in essence giving away His Master Plan for creating us all!
In the creation of man (you and I) Yahweh is creating helpers suitable for HIMSELF! He has all of creation subject to Him, just as Adam did on the earth, but not a helper suitable for Himself. Oh yes, he had Yahshua, but what would life be like if you were only one of just two people on the entire earth? Now imagine, in the entire UNIVERSE! It would still be incomplete. It would not fulfill our inherent desire for social interaction with multiple like minded people, with only one person to talk to, regardless of how many animals and other creatures were around you.
When God said, “It is not good for man to be alone...” He was in essence saying, “It is not good for US (Him and Yahshua) to be alone.” Though surrounded by many countless creatures, even as Adam was, there was still no one for Himself. No one that God Himself could have suitable fellowship with, He had no mate, no peers to talk to. Anyone who runs a company knows that it is lonely at the top when surrounded by only your employees, as you can never assimilate yourself into their social interactions and maintain a viable command structure (familiarity breeds contempt).
Therefore God created helpers, suitable for Himself, Adam and Eve, you and I. As Eve was Adam's bride, so are we to be God's Eve, THE BRIDE OF CHRIST and in essence, the Bride of Yahweh! We are still in that creation process now. His EVE has yet to be completely formed from the dust of the ground—you and I.
[Edited 2/7/2007 10:51:35 PM]
2/7/2007 10:51:08 PM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Come let us reason together:
Why did God create Adam first, then create Eve as an after thought? Did not God already know that Adam needed a mate? He knew eons before He even created him. Then why didn't He create Eve at the same time as Adam, instead of, as it were, an after thought, saying, “It is not good for man to be alone...” He knew this from the beginning.
It stands to reason that there is a message to us in this perceived after thought, as He didn't say it without a reason! What message could that be? As there is obviously a message, as God is not so senile to say, “Oops, I almost forgot, Adam needs a woman”., as it seems to allege in the scriptures.
He purposely delayed creating the woman for Adam, in order to reveal something to us. First, it is obvious to our reason, because he says so, that it is not good for man to be alone, even though surrounded by many millions of creatures. He could not have said it if He had created Eve at the same time He created Adam, and we would not receive the benefit of the lesson and the hidden meaning behind the delay in creating Eve.
He wanted us to know that Adam was a type of Himself, and that though He is surrounded by innumerable angels, cherubs, seraphim and all kinds of other creatures, God, just like Adam, needed a special group or class of creation, mates, those that would end His loneliness by their companionship, fellow sympathy, reasoning and understanding of God to a degree that only a wife would have to her husband. A relationship that even His angels, in their form and present understanding, could not fulfill:
Behold, He puts no trust in His servants, and His angels He charges with folly! - Job 4:18
In order to create such a complex being as a mate for God, it would first require creatures that are created in His image and likeness. Of course that would be a given, as none of us would be interested in marrying a giraffe, elephant or a lion (at least none of us who are in our right mind . It would also require a complex mix of circumstances that these future mates of God would have to undergo in order for them not to be robotic, Stepford Wives, as well as a special bond built through a common history, between them both.
This is very similar to an engagement period when two people spend time getting to know one another and building that bonding history, and what binds them together more than anything? Good times? Wining and dining only? Absolutely not. Is it not through suffering and hardship together that either causes two people to go their separate ways or binds them closer together than any other experience? What does your life experience tell you along with your reason? Absolutely. As the old saying goes, what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger 
Suffering together, and being victorious over those hardships is the Divine bonding agent that secures a relationship between two people, as well with God and His future mates.
He purposely created two that He knew would fall and would be cast out of the Garden of Eden and go into a hard and difficult life full of suffering and hardships and eventually death because of their disobedience. Why did He do this? Hardship and suffering was and is mandatory for what God is creating in mankind (or there would be no hardhips and suffering), but this level of hardship and suffering was beyond the righteousness of Yahweh to inflict without cause upon His creatures. They had to inflict it upon themselves.
This is the reason for this difficult and painful earth experience, that was also shared with us through His Only Begotten Son, Yahshua. Yahweh's common bond of suffering with us was through giving His Only Begotten Son to be tormented, tortured and killed at the hands of wicked man.
God gave Abraham a taste of His own pain and anguish when He told Him to offer up His only begotten son, through Sarah on the altar. He did this to give to Abraham a taste of His pain at what He, God had to do, but in God there was no other lamb provided. His Son was to be not only the sacrifical Lamb, but also the scapegoat for all of mankind. To GIVE your only begotten to be killed, not by an accident, not by natural causes, but by the father literally sacrificing him on the altar. A thing that Abraham could have refused, a thing that even Yahweh Himself could have refused.
This was God the Father's common bond of suffering WITH US. He knew it from the beginning, that to create mates for Himself was for Him to suffer with them, to have a common bond and history together, forged by mutual hardships shared together. That we both would have sympathy and understanding for each others joys and painful experiences.
Next: What Is Man That Thou Art Mindful Of Him
2/8/2007 8:39:05 AM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
“I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” - John 6:12
Why did Yahshua say this to His apostles? The apostles walked with Yahshua, saw the miracles He performed, even believed that He was the long awaited Messiah, yet Yahshua tells even them, that there are many things He has to say to them, but that they are unable to BEAR them at the time.
What could this be, that is so unbearable, even for the apostles? Are these unbearable things revealed to us by the apostles in the Word? Some are, and it is GOOD NEWS, just UNBEARABLE news for most of us to receive, but it would take your reason to understand these things, as Yahweh did not allow them to be plainly and easily understood merely by reading the Word without your REASON, as many of us do, which is why there is so much debate over what the scriptures are saying. So rather than fuel a debate, we will all use our God given reason to realize these things ourselves, rather than have someone teach you these things.
As you have discovered, there are many things that the Word does not openly say about the Master Plan of God, like why we were created, why did He create two people He knew would fall etc., but by using your reason in the preceding pages you were able to see things that you never saw before, even though they were right in front of us for over two thousand, if not six thousand years.
The question arises; Should we use our reason to go down this path to the UNBEARABLE things that Yahshua told the apostles about? I wonder. But if God be willing, then His Spirit will be upon me to do this, and I am sure, even what you are about to realize through your reason is only the tip of the iceberg. So, God willing, let us proceed and see what becomes of this, the most difficult session of reasoning that we have participated in.
Before we begin I will preface this reason session with the words of Yahshua:
I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth. For He shall not speak of Himself, but whatever He hears, He shall speak. And He will announce to you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will receive of Mine and will announce it to you.
All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and will announce it to you.
- John 16:12-15
This is what is happening right now, in this message called Come Let Us Reason Together. It is the Spirit of Truth GUIDING you, by your REASON into these truths. It is by your reason that the Holy Spirit will guide you and announce to you (in your mind and spirit) into even greater truths that are purposely not covered in this message. This is WHY this message was written, that you would begin to understand your God given gift of REASON and begin to use it in the coming days, so that the Holy Spirit will be ABLE to GUIDE you into even further truth.
What is man that thou art mindful of him? What is the son of man that you should visit him?
2/8/2007 8:41:26 AM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
Is this not the question, "What is the meaning of life?" In this one verse we ask, Who are we really? What is man? Why did God create me? Just to be a man or a woman then die and go to heaven or hell? Oh no, we were created for a bigger purpose than these oversimplified answers. Man was created to be much more than he even realizes.
The flesh and blood experience is an experience that is extremely special in the sight of God. This mortality that we carry around as a burden is a great gift to be honored of all who are partakers in it, yet many have lost their way and have become so consumed with the flesh and blood experience to not investigate the reason why they are having this experience in the first place.
Demon possessed scientists attempt to trivialize the experience by saying we are nothing more than animals, while others go even deeper into the depths of their hellish mind sets to equate humanity with mere bacteria, like a virus infecting the world with over population and in need of being exterminated on a mass scale.
These hell spawn do not understand what they are up against, nor do they understand who and what mankind truly is or why he was created.
Over population? Is God so senile that He would create a world too small to accommodate all of the inhabitants? According to many atheist and/or agnostic scientists, yes, but they do not believe in the one true God anyway, so we know that their reason is extremely limited.
Who are they that they take upon themselves who has a right to live on this earth? It is not their earth to make such decisions. For those who believe that God is so not up to the task, as creating a planet too small to hold all the inhabitants I say, let them and their family of fellow useless eaters be the first to contribute to the resolution of over population by being the first in line for extermination.
And then there are those who desire to CONTROL the entire creation of Yahweh. How ridiculous is this? They have not the ability to create the earth nor a man to live upon the earth, nor do they have the least bit of understanding that they are tampering with the Plan of God.
They only have the ability to destroy the earth, as well as man, in their vain attempts to claim a planet that they themselves did not create, nor do they own, nor do they even acknowledge the One who holds the deed of what they are vainly attempting to steal. These mindless brethren did not give their only begotten son to save the inhabitants of this planet, but the One who did laughs at their ignorance and their arrogance, to think such a foolish thought that they can literally steal from God and get away with it.
What has man become, that he has fallen into such a sad state of degeneration?
Satan, who KNOWS his time is short and has nothing to gain by being benevolent, speaks into the minds of these wayward brethren to inspire them to do his bidding, and that is to destroy the earth, his last ditch effort at snubbing God for not forgiving him of his unpardonable sin and allowing him to return to heaven.
Our wayward brethren follow the thoughts and intents of this scorned fallen angel who has nothing to lose, believing his lies that they can indeed dominate and control the earth, not knowing Satan's real intention is to get them to be his instruments in destroying the earth and themselves in the process:
And except those days should be shortened, there should NO flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
- Matthew 24:22
2/8/2007 8:44:05 AM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
This means NO FLESH, including the useless hide's of those that would be the perpetrators of the crime. Do you see what Satan's plan is? It is NOT about a one world government, or the antichrist or the beast. It is about getting man into a situation and a scenario where he would literally destroy the earth, in a vain attempt at constructing what Satan has whispered in their ears - a New World Order.
Satan is not interested in a new world order, as he knows that his time is short and he won't even be around to enjoy the fruits of all his efforts. Is this not true? He is only interested in destroying the earth. The idea and agenda of the new world order that he has whispered in the heads of unthinking men is only the catalyst to get the job done, as he knows the nature of man, that man will NEVER surrender to a one world leadership and is the perfect catalyst for a war so devastating that it would indeed unleash all the pent-up fury of man's atomic, bacterial and chemical weapons arsenal, with the final result being the earth itself becoming a graveyard to this abominable creature called man, God's crowning achievement.
So why is Satan so hell bent on destroying this earth? The key is in these words: Elohim Academy of the Returning To Heaven. Let me spell it out:
Academy of the
WE are those who are the RETURNING TO HEAVEN. Earth is our classroom or ACADEMY of learning, learning to be WHAT? Something that Satan is extremely jealous of, and is the reason for his desire to destroy this earth.
Now we come to the unbearable teaching, that is clearly given us in the Word, but requires reason and an anointing from His Spirit to fully understand and to more importantly, realize.
Who is Yahshua like? Is He not like the Father, Yahweh? Is He not one with the Father, Yahweh? Of course. And who are you O' man, that God should visit you and have such concern for?
By reason you say that Yahshua is like His Father, Yahweh. They are One, and who will we be like when He comes? Is it not written:
Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. But we know that when He shall be revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
- 1 John 3:2
If we will be like Yahshua, who is Yahshua like? I didn't say it, you told yourself the answer — by your own reason. Yahshua is like God, but how can this be, are you saying that we will be like God? I will ask you again: Is not Yahshua like the Father, and if we are to be LIKE Him, who else will we be like - if Yahshua is like God? Shall we stop here while we all get over our pre-conditioned, spiritual low self-esteem in order to fully comprehend what God is saying here, and what He is truly making in us?
Romans 8:29-30
- 29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
- 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
2/8/2007 8:46:38 AM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
If Yahshua is like God, and we shall be like Him then it STANDS TO REASON that we too will be like the Father! We will not be the Father, but we shall be like the Father, yet submissive to the Father through our marriage-like relationship with Yahshua. The two, as in the marriage example, Yahshua and His Bride shall be ONE FLESH! To deny it is to deny the fullness of His Gospel, His Master Plan, of which the plan of salvation is a subset of this greater plan of creation, as it is written in His Word.
1 Corinthians 6:3
- 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels?
Now, for those who have remained herein is the reason why God is doing this with us, who have been purposely created in His image and likeness, future butterflies, yet still in our “caterpillar” or worm state as it says in the Word. This is the meaning of their worm dieth not, meaning that they have not obtained the prize and remain in their caterpillar state.
And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. - Mark 9:43-44
How much less man, that is a worm? and the son of man, which is a worm? - Job 25:6
Fear not, you worm, Jacob, and you men of Israel; I will help you, says Yahweh, and your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. - Isaiah 41:14
The word worm, literally means in Hebrew, a caterpillar or maggot grub, not just a plain worm, but a worm that has the ability to change into something else more powerful and glorious than their disgusting larvae forms. We are disgusting in our current larvae state, even as God has said, but it is not what we are that counts, but what we shall become that is important. We are literally, Elohim Larvae! And this larvael state that we find ourselves currently in is by design.
However, there is nothing more ridiculous than a larvae thinking it is the sum total of what it is when it is not, neither can it perform in the capacity of what it shall become while it has yet to be transformed. The same goes for man and his silly new age teaching that we are already gods (butterflies) - when we are not. Just as surely as a caterpillar thinking it is a butterfly launches from a cliff to it's destruction, thinking it can already fly, the same disastrous result will occur to the man who feels he is already a god (elohim) and is not.
NOW THINK! NO! Come let us reason together: If we were not to be changed from this current form into the fullness of the image and likeness of Yahweh, how else could God have true companionship with us, unless we be someone who is truly like He is? Anything less would be like the animals of the earth were to Adam, and it is not good that God should be alone, though surrounded by multitudes upon multitudes of creatures, there must be someone that is a mate for HIM! Therefore He, in His wisdom is creating in you and I—His peers, but a peer in the likeness of a wife, that is to be a submissive peer to her husband. His wife, who is like He is, yet is submissive to His authority. The BRIDE OF CHRIST!
You are to be as He has said, you are not yet, as it is written in 1 John 3:2, but you shall be ... as it is written:
“I have said, You are gods (elohim); and all of you sons of the Most High. ” Psalm 82:6
“Yahshua answered them, Is it not written in your Law, "I said, You are gods (elohim)?” - John 10:34
I can hear the spiritually low self-esteemed crying, THIS CANNOT BE SO! But is it not written that we shall be like Him? If so, then who is Yahshua like? You, by your own reasoning, and His Word have been revealed this magnificent, yet unbearable (to comprehend the majesty of), revelation, yet it has always been before us, the true meaning of why God created man, and why man must fall, and why man must suffer mortality first before receiving immortality and elohimship.
The apostles knew this, as Yahshua revealed it to them, that is why they allude to it throughout the scriptures, but the Holy Spirit knew that we, even as the apostles could not BEAR this understanding immediately, thus only by using our spiritually matured reason would we be able to comprehend the fullness of the magnificent Master Plan of Yahweh.
2/8/2007 11:23:38 AM |
Prison Earth |

Fort Collins, CO
age: 54
So you have a problem with it? To some, sure you do, but you know that it stands to REASON. Who of us who have a problem comprehending this small part, yet important detail of God's Master Plan for us can comprehend what He has in store for those who love Him?
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, which God has hidden, predetermining it before the world for our glory; which none of the rulers of this world knew (for if they had known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory).
But as it is written, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard," nor has it entered into the heart of man, "the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God.
For who among men knows the things of a man except the spirit of man within him? So also no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. But we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit from God, so that we might know the things that are freely given to us by God.
These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged by no one. For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.
- 1 Corinthians 2:7-16
Are we not called the BRIDE OF CHRIST? What good is a bride, if she is not your peer, your fellow companion, equal to, yet also submissive to her husband's authority. Your destiny is to be that for Yahweh. That is the sole purpose of God using the BRIDE OF CHRIST analogy, that we would understand our destiny and the meaning of this life.
His eternal loneliness could not be satisfied with anything less. Get over it - this is your destiny, whether you want to kick at the pricks about it or not - THAT IS WHY YOU WERE CREATED! It is in His Word - we are to become ELOHIM, lest we are not suitable to be His bride, His bone of His bone!
New Age teachings attempt to claim this exalted position now with their we are gods teachings, but as it is written - NOT YET!
Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. But we know that when He shall be revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
- 1 John 3:2