Jamaica, NY
age: 44
Well we all should know by now that stress kills more men than women and the reason for this is, men do not like to share their problem with no one they perfer to keep it inside of them but they will not face it so instead of letting it out it sits there free just like free radical and then beging to build up ready to damage and ravage the immune system but women are so they seek  they will tell the whole world what's wrong with them they will cry at sad movies and get the stress out but we men 
Watertown, NY
age: 31
Stress kills men, because women are the cause of their stress.


Brooklyn, NY
age: 42
Most of our stress comes from not acting on our urges because it's against society. Chasing sex and love form women and then dealing with the women who make it a job. Pursuit of money and every thing else a man is supposed to get.