South Africa
age: 24
On sundy i meet this dream guy , sucsses full ,well groomed ,sweet . he is that type of guy every woman would do anything to hold on to but waht scears me about this hole thing is at the moment there are stories in gauting about the hummer guy .
the hummer guy is waht i belive is retualist for it is said he goes urond sweeping young weman off thire feet taking them to the most worndefull places after dating them for some time he takes them for a romentic evening to a 5 star hotel gets intemait with them . but whene he takes of his pans to thire surpris he is waering a disposebel nappie whene he takes the nappy off it is said to felled with worms , he then forces the girls to have sex with him at point . all the girls are said to have deid aftre some days . now belive it or not but this story is in every township , could my guy be the hummer guy or just a lonly rich guy looking for some one to love him
Carlisle, AR
age: 19
i couldnt read anything due to not spelling it right..give it a chance theres no such guy like that i dont think..? good luck

Charles Town, WV
age: 43
I am pretty sure he has a worm in his shorts....it may even kill you. However this sounds like a story that should be looked up on Snopes

Oxnard, CA
age: 56
Go back to school, your post has to be the the saddess writing I've ever seen. 
Brooklyn, NY
age: 29
let up people english is not her first language she is south african. TO original poster i think i understand what u have written. dont let old wives tales scare you from getting to know someone who could be the one that you have been waiting for. just be cautious and get to know him. good luck hun.
[Edited 10/14/2008 4:22:01 PM]

Gloucester, MA
age: 45
follow your heart sweetie i am right now,its right behind greenangeleyes
[Edited 10/16/2008 7:21:21 PM]