10/23/2008 5:31:59 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |

Talent, OR
age: 21
1. I think so, I think that they all have that deadline in there heads. |
2. If I am out of line, lets hear it. |
10/23/2008 6:31:29 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 58
I think it depends on the age. When young it's romantic to think that someone would love you enough to committ thier life to you. Giving children security while they are growing enters another part of our life span. At the time when the kids are grown and you develope your own life - maybe not so much. Love and marriage don't have to go together so much, but it is still nice if someone would love you enough that if it was the right thing for both your lives, they would want to make that commitment. Later in life it gives legal freedom and financial rights. To sign medical consent or have access to it. To make decisions if needed for the other's health or safety. To insure inheritance rights and issues. It, when it benefits both, can be a way of taking care of and protecting each other. It needs to benefit both though , not be a one sided deal
10/23/2008 6:49:11 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |
Carthage, MO
age: 48
I myself dont like being alone. When I was married though I liked to have my own quiet time, but knowing there was someone special there was calming. But alas i was married to either verbal abusers or work-a-holics. As I've gotten older, I personally dont want to go through life alone so if there is someone in the Sandy area that dosent want to either then let me know
It is harder as you get older I feel. I am a giver and need companionship to give too.
10/23/2008 8:24:07 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |


Bend, OR
age: 61
no, not at all...
so man divorces have spoiled the romance of being married for many.
Myself, I am not sure...
he would have to be VERY special, balanced and accountable
for his own finances.
10/24/2008 10:45:20 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |
Roseburg, OR
age: 54
Ditto winesong! With u all the way on this subject!
10/24/2008 11:19:35 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |
Springfield, OR
age: 57
I don't believe that older women need or want to be married. I have been married more than once both good marriage and a bad one. I have been single for more years than I have been married, I like my life the way it is. Don't get me wrong if someone special came a long I would want to be in a relationship but not marriage.
10/25/2008 3:48:32 AM |
Do all women expect to be married? |
Roseburg, OR
age: 54
No, we do not all expect & want to be married!
I totally have no plans to get married again. 1x was enough for me!(21 years.)
I feel very comfortable not being married. I am my own person, and I like that.
I feel confident in who I am, w/out being married.
10/26/2008 10:11:58 AM |
Do all women expect to be married? |
Roseburg, OR
age: 54
No, all women do not want to or expect to get married. Maybe if you have never been married, then a women might want to get married more?
Been there, done that, and not interested in doing it again! Don't need a man to take care of me, as I can do that myself. 
Not interested in taking care of a man, as that's what it seems they all want. That and sex, it seems!
Not into cooking for a man, unless I want to, etc.,. Not into doing their laundry or picking up after them, etc.,.
I've been unmarried since 1996, and I am quite happy, and enjoy the single life.
I was in a relationship for 14 years, and that was ok, but I ended it a few months ago, as it wasn't going anywhere, and it was just better to shut it down. I like my life very much. 
Just my opinion! 
10/26/2008 11:30:06 AM |
Do all women expect to be married? |


Eugene, OR
age: 55
Standing ovation. .now thats what I been talking about. .good for you...
10/26/2008 1:47:48 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |


Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Another marriage --- particularly at my age --- would be fool-hardy. Been there; done that; won't do that again. That piece of paper does NOT guarantee commitment, loyalty, fidelity, friendship. Any more, that piece of paper purely represents a legally binding contract between two people, enforceable under the law. And I know only too well the cost of trying to break that contract! I do not need a man to support me financially, and I have no desire to again financially support a man. I would much prefer a long-term friendship/ relationship with someone who cares enough not to let the courtship period die.
[Edited 10/26/2008 2:14:40 PM PST]
10/26/2008 2:35:48 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |


Eugene, OR
age: 55
Well said Aging... In our age group.. its become more of a trend and more relaxed state of affairs.. My eldest uncle had a relationship with a woman after his wife died. They remained committed partner till they died. Never remarried and this was long before it became fashionable,this was back in the 80's.. all the more power to us eh?
10/26/2008 2:42:09 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |


Beaverton, OR
age: 62
Power to the old folks!!! Now ... I will confess ... if I could find a rich 90-year-old man with a heart condition and no relatives ................... 
10/26/2008 3:40:01 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |


Eugene, OR
age: 55
watch out..Al will call u a gold digger again...
10/26/2008 3:41:04 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |


Beaverton, OR
age: 62
It wasn't Al that referenced the Gold Diggers Association. It was someone else, who shall remain nameless.
[Edited 10/26/2008 3:48:11 PM PST]
10/26/2008 3:48:39 PM |
Do all women expect to be married? |


Eugene, OR
age: 67
aging ... it wasn't me. 