11/4/2008 8:36:59 PM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |
Honolulu, HI
age: 42
Shipslog had asked me via the DH Email:
The Wikipedia version:
Huna is a Hawaiian word adopted by Max Freedom Long (1890-1971) in 1936 to describe his theory of metaphysics which he linked to ancient Hawaiian kahuna (experts). It is part of the New thought movement.
Serge King has articulated seven principles of Huna:
IKE (ee-kay) - The world is what you think it is.
KALA - There are no limits.
MAKIA (mah-kee-ah) - Energy flows where attention goes.
MANAWA (man-ah-wah) - Now is the moment of power.
ALOHA - To love is to be happy with (someone or something).
MANA - All power comes from within.
PONO - Effectiveness is the measure of truth.
There are several websites available to you if you’re interested.
Malama pono e kino e!
Dedicated to Mrlavalava
11/4/2008 9:50:21 PM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |
Honolulu, HI
age: 42
A few years ago I owned two paperbacks entitled HUNA ~ yet they were pilferaged form my home. Why? The person/’s who took the books “assumed” that it meant “The study of Kahuna-ism”. What do you think after reading on the topic?
11/7/2008 7:45:42 PM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |
Honolulu, HI
age: 42
Mahalo kolinar for your keen and insightful points of view.
(Multi-ethnicity, multi-cultural and multi-lingual beliefs and techniques). Beautiful.
From my understanding:
Huna and KI: Faith, Unity, Harmony, and Compassion.
(Energies, breathing, relaxing, focusing/concentrating). Or also known as: *Deep prayer and meditation*.
Acupuncture: Meridian, aka cord or the invisible connection to the “source”. Yet in this process you are submitting yourself to the energies that maybe and not consciously/willingly creating them.
The techniques and/or process in order to reach that ‘state of mind ”are very similar. But it’s how we choose to use it that would determine our own personal mana.
1. The High Self (Kane, Aumakua), inspires.
2. The Conscious Self (Lono) imagines.
3. The Subconscious Self (Ku) remembers.
4. The Core Self (Kanaloa) wills.
ONENESS or becoming one with “self” to heal. (Huna concept).
Universal Oneness
My purpose was not to be na “kumu” in the art of Huna, but simply to bring awareness. Applying truth and removing fictional ‘thoughts’ ‘ or ‘words’ as it’s being created. 
Ahui hou ka kou (Farewell for now or Until we meet again).
Not forever. 
11/15/2008 10:16:36 AM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |
Honolulu, HI
age: 42
PELE deserves a thread of her own. As would Kane, Lono, Hina, Laka, Hi’iaka, Ku’ula, Papa, Kanaloa, Poliahu, Maui, just to name a few.
Simply stating:
Like most cultures of our past (Examples: Egyptians, Mayans, Asians), having deep respect for our CREATOR/’s kept our people alive (Spiritually, physically, emotionally and psychologically) they have ‘seen, heard, communicated and abided by their wishes’. Naturally, without them there would be no ‘us’.
Christianity/Other religions were then introduced. (It was seemingly inevitable).
I am not the Hawaiiana expert my friend, but I do recognize, believe and live through the veins/cords of my Hawaiian ancestry. Their blood still lives and breathes within me. Their struggles, cause, effect and dreams I still carry ~ freely, lovingly and supportively. 
Added note: I am however a child of our most high in whom I call God. Yet will never cast away his appointed anakela (angels) in whom we Polynesians refer to as Hawaiian Gods/Goddesses. 
In retrospect: (Not to get too religious but simply to make a point).
My Catholicism background has taught me the same beliefs, power, destruction, miracles or creation of our beginnings yet using the names of Seraphim, Cherubim’s, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angles (Guides). 
What is the difference I ask you? Culture, language, color or origin? Same concept. Same meaning. 
Anything or anyone that strongly believes in something/anything would result in a manifestation of reality.
(Good, bad or ugly) It will exist. Once you stop believing….
All that were produced, created, manifested would cease to end. But the memory/documents will still live on (generations after generations).
If the spirit is kept alive then the spirit will live. Hence the spirit visits, occurrences etc…
Keep in mind ~ Separating the supernatural from the paranormal. Now that’s a whole new thread/Topic. 
11/17/2008 4:44:35 PM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |

Spring Hill, FL
age: 53
As one who has moved to the Islands I have learned soo very much about the wonderful culture. I feel I was brought here by a higher power. I have absorbed sooo much (like a sponge) since I arrived. As a christian I believe in angels..... I believe that the many gods and goddesses are angels or spirits of those that have lived and walked this earth at some point in time.
Pele does get most of the note worthy attention. And I believe it is because she does still appear and touch peoples lives.
Based on the feeling going through this thread I am going to share with you...
I can say she does still appear and touches people because has has visited me and touched me. I was trying to decide what to do stay or leave the island... hold on to the relationship that brought me here. Or move on with my life. I met here on the beach one night we did not speak just acknowledge each other. She walked in front of me and stopped again just looking into my heart. she then turned and walked towards the ocean and disappeared.
I spoke of this to a very dear friend here on Maui. She leave offerings regularly to Madam Pele. She confirmed that Madam Pele had touched me. She then asked what thoughts came to me while we were looking at each other... " I will stay on these islands no matter how hard it is. I will do what ever it takes to stay" That is the answer the Madam Pele gave to me.
11/18/2008 11:08:30 AM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |
Honolulu, HI
age: 42
Mauibabe as usual you have spoken like a true grounded, spiritual and wholehearted person. Thank-you! Thank-you for sharing your story with us. I have heard many stories from those who have vacationed or were brought to the islands by career choice or by family decisions. Which were very similar to yours.
Ua mau ke ea o ka `âina i ka pono.
"The life of the land is preserved/perpetuated in righteousness (harmony / balance)."
Huna intertwines with the love of ‘self’ and the islands. It all begins with the ‘pu’uwai or your heart. Deep down inside is the na’au or the gut of our true feelings. This is what she felt, heard and acknowledged. You are very blessed to have had a personal experience with such a powerful spiritual being. Best of all unknowingly, unintentionally and unexpectedly.
Angels do come in all shapes, sizes and forms. And not all of our ancestral angels are harmful or cruel.
This post/thread on HUNA was brought on because of one man's inquiry and seemingly challenging question. One of which I have never spoken to, with or about the subject. Perhaps when a person only lives with his psychological self he (like most challengers) would never be able to understand the 'heart' or the souls source/purpose of happiness.
(Just my opinion). 

Take care!
11/19/2008 3:12:19 AM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |

Spring Hill, FL
age: 53
Ohhhh you are sooo right. I was brought to the Island of Maui "the healing spirit" for a reason...
Today is the 5th year of my husbands passing. We had vacationed here in 2002. I brought our youngest daughter here for her 18th birthday ( the vacation we were to take for our 20th anniversary). I did meet someone and moved here to be with him... It did not work out but I know that he was placed in my life to bring me here. Fo9r just what purpose I do not know. I jsut know that I do belong here. I was blessed the the visit I shared with Madam Pele and will always love her and her very strong spirit....
11/19/2008 4:04:55 AM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |
Aiea, HI
age: 55
The posting and thread on Huna were interesting and educational. I enjoyed it very much! Thank you!!
11/19/2008 9:08:41 PM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |
Honolulu, HI
age: 42
Not a problem goodheart. If you have any additional input, ideas, experiences etc… on Huna, please feel free to share them with us. 
11/19/2008 9:13:28 PM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |

Lahaina, HI
age: 55
That is the best thread EVER thank you girls so much.. Aloha Everyone 
WOW that is all I have to say 
11/21/2008 2:08:28 AM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |

Spring Hill, FL
age: 53
Aloha Katfish good to see you back.. I am soo glad your hip is doing great....
MANA - All power comes from within.
You have what it takes.... Thanks for the phone call.
Maybe we can get something going here on Maui with those that want to just get together and enjoy meeting new friends.
Sara are you up to coming over?
the invitation is open to all. The holiday season is here and this is a good excuse to get together.....   
11/21/2008 6:22:32 PM |
HUNA Questions ~ Answered |
Honolulu, HI
age: 42
Hey Kat! Mahalo for the info., I’ll get back to you on going GREEN. LOL!
Hi mauibabe! Lahaina, Maui sounds like a great place to spend a day with new found friends. 
"The beauty of living within the precepts of the universal Huna tradition is that we learn to integrate our everyday romantic, financial and family lives with the deeper spiritual and scientific truths of human consciousness. We discover for ourselves that, as the kahuna of Polynesia have known for millennia, with each decision and action we make we're performing a vital dance of engagement with the ultimate powers of the universe".
Na`au pono: Upright, Just; right-minded; upright heart.
