11/9/2008 8:11:08 PM |
looking to find men in florence area |

Florence, SC
age: 26
Is there any nice good looking men in Florence???
11/12/2008 6:08:56 PM |
looking to find men in florence area |
Lake View, SC
age: 44
i'm in dillon co. o u live in florence sc kool lived there at 1 time
11/17/2008 6:06:33 PM |
looking to find men in florence area |

Florence, SC
age: 26
damn...guess not
12/9/2008 12:08:50 PM |
looking to find men in florence area |
Johnston, SC
age: 37
IF dillon is it than i move my rating from a 7 to a 10 lol , your other post anal no,  oral yes giving as well as recieving with the right girl.
12/9/2008 12:10:31 PM |
looking to find men in florence area |
Johnston, SC
age: 37
whats your favorite song.
12/9/2008 8:05:00 PM |
looking to find men in florence area |

Florence, SC
age: 26
PINK "So What", and Dixie Chicks "You were mine". (so convenient huh?)
12/31/2008 6:52:52 AM |
looking to find men in florence area |

Conway, SC
age: 24
galvians ferry
1/1/2009 9:07:57 AM |
looking to find men in florence area |

Conway, SC
age: 24
galvians ferry that close enough 4 u
1/1/2009 9:11:53 AM |
looking to find men in florence area |

Conway, SC
age: 24
maybe bc i just moved there u dip shit sorry i cant spell every word rite doesnt matter that i spelt it wrong u still knew wut i meant and how in tha hell is an old man like u doing on a date hook up site u need 2 do 2 tha bars and find u a dirty lady like u
1/1/2009 3:51:05 PM |
looking to find men in florence area |

Conway, SC
age: 24
no ur thinking of a club thats 4 younger people bars r 4 old people and took a look at me i mean come on do u really think i cant get any lol or is that just something 4 u 2 say 2 make u feel big but who cares think wut u wanna think old man
1/4/2009 11:59:16 AM |
looking to find men in florence area |


Las Vegas, NV
age: 39
1/4/2009 7:31:58 PM |
looking to find men in florence area |
Florence, SC
age: 47
Florence is a great city to live in been here 22 years and dont plan on leaving 