11/16/2008 3:26:29 PM |
You know how that goes |
Euclid, OH
age: 57
How long after the divorce is too soon or not to soon to start dating again? A good question, that I am trying to find an answer to.
I just met this guy, we had a few dates, the last one in Wal Mart, where he helped me to buy stuff for my diy project, but that was it. So much for a date. I think... Anyway, I think he's not ready for much anything, being only two years after his divorce. He still talked about his ex (on a date), which I saw nothing wrong with at the time, and a way to get to know him. I kinda like him, but don't want to waste my time and emotions (you know how that goes), trying to date someone who's not ready for it. He is fairly fresh to this dating scene, and told me (after I asked) that his dates basically lasted about a month the longest. I should have known better, having seniority of being single for about 15 years.
Any feedback? C'mon, share your experiences, will ya. Welcome to the club lol.
11/21/2008 4:24:24 AM |
You know how that goes |

Naperville, IL
age: 26
I guess it depends, but I think for most people 2 years should be enough to get over it. I guess he was not over it. I would be over it in 2 days tops. Then again you never know.
[Edited 11/21/2008 4:25:22 AM]
11/22/2008 2:06:00 AM |
You know how that goes |

Magalia, CA
age: 53
It's beem a year for me and I am over my ex and the nasty divorce we went through. I am enjoying being single again after 25 yrs..The freedom to do what ever I want when I want is still very appealing to me. I still enjoy sleeping alone (well, with my two tiny dogs) diagonally across the bed...At times I find myself missing being in love and being loved, and most certainly missing sex..but at this point I don't want to be in a committed relationship...For me, I'm not sure it's a matter of not being ready, I feel its just preference right now..besides I want to find Mr. Magic one day...
11/28/2008 1:53:04 AM |
You know how that goes |


Orem, UT
age: 34
i've heard 1 month for every year.
i had a relationship and my rebound stage was for about 3 monthes. so 12 years would be 12 months.
11/28/2008 1:59:25 AM |
You know how that goes |


Beaumont, CA
age: 33
Well he is giving you fair warning. Be prepared for a month long relationship. I say don't get your emotions too involved. Just take it slow and if it goes further cool. If not, it wasn't meant to be. But it sounds like he is having a few rebounds.
By the way I love your smilies those are awesome.
12/8/2008 12:59:40 PM |
You know how that goes |

Royalston, MA
age: 43
I've been seperated for two and half years and the divorce will be complete in two weeks and I'm not ready. Not by a long shot. I've dated two women in the last year and it was a disaster.
Wait until he's indifferent about his ex. I've been told the opposite of love is indifference. I'm still in hate with my ex.
12/8/2008 7:40:17 PM |
You know how that goes |
Lewistown, PA
age: 38
My ex started dating while we were still married. Okay, that was a low, but truthful, blow. I'm not sure that there's a specific time-frame. Sounds to me like he's still hung up on her. A little too early, maybe. I started dating someone right after my divorce, and it was way too soon, and way to early. Definite rebound. I'm almost at two years, now, and think that I'm over her and ready. Which is why I'm here, I guess. The post above about indifference is spot-on. When he talks about her, how does he talk about her?
12/9/2008 8:54:18 AM |
You know how that goes |


Butler, KY
age: 53 online now!
Well I have been the queen of being the rebound chick..I even started a thread on it in the 50tys group. You would think I would learn. People that are really not ready usually will not admit it til they get with you and see they can't get serious. You invest the time and effort making them whole again.. Then they dump you move on an what you did for them they use on the next chick and become happy with them.. Well I think the next time I fix a man I will send him a bill.. After all the head drs do lol..
12/9/2008 10:31:16 AM |
You know how that goes |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 38
Took me about a year from the time I left my ex to want to date again. We had been married for 10 years. The way I knew I was ready was exactly that I felt indifferent. I don't hate him nor the things he did to me and the kids. I just feel indifferent. That takes more time for some than others.
12/9/2008 11:25:22 AM |
You know how that goes |

Tulsa, OK
age: 47
I was married for 18 years. I dated a lot, but wasn't ready for a "real" relationship for several years.