Wichita, KS
age: 49
Any suggestions from anyone concerning food, entertainment, shopping, etc?
Chandler, AZ
age: 38
Never been there, but from those I have known who have, the only thing they ever recommend is to take lots of extra money. Things are expensive there Unless you are booked at one of the all-inclusive resorts.
But you should have a wonderful time, still need to visit there myself one of these days
Houston, TX
age: 49
I went to Kauai about 5 years ago. Entertainment is limited to's a daytime/early evening kinda island. Tours cans be booked through your hotel. Lots of flora/fauna site-seeing. It is expensive though. Rent a might be cheaper.
Gillette, WY
age: 69
All of Hawaii is expensive - I've spent most of my time on Maui but visited Kauai and it was nice but I prefer Maui. You'll love it there - have a great time.