Strasburg, VA
age: 36
why cant i find single guys to chAT

Waynesboro, VA
age: 34
well first and foremost it helps to have a pic. guys like to put a face on the words they are reading. i personally dont care if you have a pic or not if your interesting enough but im sure im telling you that on behalf of the majority. hit me up!
Dover, TN
age: 43
To be honest, as a single parent, I don't have a lot of time to get on the computer. But when I do, I would love to interact with people.

Queen Creek, AZ
age: 25
i do im single with a mixed babie...well with white so he's maloto
and yeah lets chat if u wantt to!
Kensington, MD
age: 54
Your 35 and have more time. I'm 54 with kids in the house, I need to meet someone in person. If it doesn't work we move on. Sorry,but Chatting is for Kids.

Wichita, KS
age: 49
sorry you don't like to chat dude you need to stay off line then. hi ya, kristen
[Edited 11/30/2008 10:15:02 AM PST]

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 34
hi kristen 35 how are u today i dont how to do this i am new to this anyway would u liek to chat