10/12/2007 9:23:03 AM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |


Utica, NY
age: 61
Hey, future and present retirees what are your thoughts about starting a new career path, just for fun and adventure with your new partner?
trublu, maybe you could help me and my future mate out... I've always thought about becoming a PI. Included that fantasy in my profile.
10/12/2007 1:27:39 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
Just let me know cottage. Will be glad to help ya out. It's not the high chases, breaking into people's homes kind of thing ya see on tv.. but it is interesting.
Fantasy career... hummmm I always wanted to run a bed & breakfast place in a resort area.. or run a big ranch
10/12/2007 1:31:26 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |


Elsberry, MO
age: 57
I'm a bum and get paid for it..
Later, Blu
10/12/2007 1:51:53 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |
Poquoson, VA
age: 64
Please trust me on this. I am as close to being a PI as it ever gets. Don't go there. Its almost as bad as being a cop and in some ways worse. I could sit hear all day and tell you stories about things that go on in the workplace. To give you a few examples, extramarital affairs, wierd complaints such as my fellow employees are trying to poison me, somebody stole candy from my candy dish, and a real goody an irate female employee who would deficate on the floor of the ladies' room to get even with the company. These are cases I had to investigate or knew about. It is a waste of my time and very depressing. I have far more important things to do. Fortunately there is a good side to my job as well where I do positive things. What I just described are some of the things PIs sometimes are involved with and it gets old in a hurry. I have also known people who were PIs and in fairly short order chose another field. Think about it. Would you like to have a job where you had to peek through somebody's bedroom window, document they were having sex, and if possible take pictures of it. PIs do things like this and real cops generally have a low opinion of them. As for me I would prefer working on a garbage truck. Finally, the lawyers often use an arguament in court that a PIs testimony is not credible and this has been proven time and again. Being a PI is not really a good thing to have on your resume.
I say all of this becasue I read your profile and you seem like a very nice and intelligent person who has been through some tough times. You deserve far better than what being a PI has to offer.
10/12/2007 1:55:44 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
Being a PI has pros and cons.. like any job. I loved my job for years.. loved being able to help someone out who had no one else to turn to. I loved the cases that actually made me use my head. It's not the job that is protrayed on tv.. but it is interesting many of the times. But.. it does have it's risk.. and I simply got burned out on it. I am quite intelligent thank you. Being the curious person that I am.. this job worked well for me for 16 years.
[Edited 10/12/2007 1:57:39 PM PST]
10/12/2007 3:29:29 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 55
Hey [blocked site]..I have always wanted to own horses and live on a small ranch though. Those bigger ones are alot of work. Don't know if I'm up to that much work! Heheheh
Would also like to have all kinds of other animals, and a nice garden to grow all my own vegetables. Would like to learn to can them all too! Being a partner with my man on his own ranch and to stop "working for the man", my dream life!
10/12/2007 3:31:05 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |
Poquoson, VA
age: 64
Trublu: Please don't take personally what I said about PIs. I was being a little hard and it is within the corporate America workplace where I do my investigating. Most of the investigative work I do it is a result of people who are "Out There" and waste much of my time. Many of the employee issues I deal with is really human resource/workplace relations issues that get dumped on me because those that should be handling them are too damn lazy or afraid to get involved. One situation I was involvd in was an employee who coached a teenage girls soccer team was accused of sexual assult on one of the girls. I am 99% sure the man was innocent and this was nothing more than some teenage girl either looking for attention or trying to get even with her coach. I base this on the input I received from his supervisor, coworkers, and employees on the cutomer site. He was a married man with children of his own. He could not afford a lawyer or bail, had to rot in jail while awaiting a trial, and lost his job. This is one time I wish I had a PI license and could have dug deep into this case and just maybe a good PI would have saved this man. The other thing he had going against him was the part of the country he worked in (poor economy and low end law enforcement). Since he lost his job I never found out if he was guilty or not. Sometimes I do get involved with some real criminal type stuff and get the opportunity to assist the police, the FBI, other government agencies and I better stop there. If being a PI worked out for you I am glad that it did.
10/12/2007 3:35:29 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
I understand cmed. Trust me.. I lost alot of faith in humans when I was a PI. Sometimes it made me just wanna scream or pull my hair out at some of the cases that I had. The domestic cases were fierce. Ins fraud kept me pissed all the time. I wouldn't do it all again but glad I had the opportunity to be one.
10/12/2007 3:35:54 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |
Hamilton, ON
age: 35
i hope some day to be a bubble gum tester.
10/12/2007 3:43:40 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |


Utica, MI
age: 52
DJ Free drinks, my jams, watch everyone else get wasted
[Edited 10/12/2007 3:54:14 PM PST]
10/12/2007 3:49:00 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
I had a farm.. raised beef cattle. Had a huge veggie garden.. the yard filled with flower gardens. It was the best time of my life.. and the toughest. It's not a life for everyone
10/12/2007 3:49:21 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |


Akron, IN
age: 61
I always wanted to be a Forest Ranger.
10/12/2007 4:44:33 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |
Poquoson, VA
age: 64
Time for me to lighten up and focus on the thread. Right now I am burned out. I worked seven days a week from mid-May, had Labor Day weekend (less Labor Day itself) off, straight through the next three weekends and finally took last weekend off. I don't know what awaits me this weekend - if my cell phone rings or blackberry buzzes I'm doomed. Frankly I need some down time, a vacation, and none of that looks like it will happen anytime soon. I say all this to let you all know my fantasy career at the moment is retirement combined with a part-tome job in a grocery store working produce. I liked grocery stores since I was a little boy and always wondered what it would be like to work in one.
Are any of you currently grocery store employees, ever were, and care to share?

10/12/2007 5:13:05 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |


Utica, NY
age: 61
cmed68,trublu and everyone,
You mean it's not like the "Blue Moon Detective Agency"???  
I'm thinking it would be... including the banter back and forth between him and me. Looking forward to it. (doesn't Bruce Willis have THE BEST smile... LOVED HIM AS DAVID ) Remember, I did say fantasy.
I think I will look into it a little more after your warnings. Have a connection to a New York State PI... I'll get back to you on this.
I'll be watching you, 

Guess I didn't say fantasy... but that's what I was "thinking" for the "fun and adventure".

me again
Wait a minute... the girl did ask "What's your fantasy career..."

talking to myself again 
[Edited 10/12/2007 5:27:41 PM PST]
10/12/2007 5:16:02 PM |
Do you have a fantasy career .... |


Utica, NY
age: 61
always wanted to run the cash register... Kur-ching, Kur-ching, Kur-ching $$$$$$$$$