10/13/2007 8:19:19 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |
Flint, MI
age: 56
Here's mine.
I had just started Kindergarten, and had been going for a few days.
One day the teacher popped into the bathroom, to see why I was taking so long. I asked her to help button up my dress from the back.
She asked how it got unbuttoned...
As a young child I had only worn pants, shorts, or usually only underwear, and I just naturally took things DOWN.. LOL
When I found out all I had to do was lift my dress up... I remember being so embarrassed. 
10/13/2007 8:26:47 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |


Ash Grove, MO
age: 54
That reminds me of my grandson everytime he has to do #2 he takes everything off. LOL
My memory I don't actually remember it but my mom told it so many times it seems like I should. There was a place coming off the freeway in Amarillo and everytime she went fast I would always say "Weeeeeee and laugh." But one time she got busted and pulled over by one of Amarillo's finest and I looked up at him from my carseat and said, "Mommy is that the nice man you told me to go to if I ever get in trouble?" He just looked at my mom and said "You know now lady I can't give you a ticket." Got mom out of that one. LOL
10/13/2007 8:34:00 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
pkk my youngest son did the same thing lol
funny Shepherd 
Being the middle child of 5 and the runt of the litter, my 2 older brothers were always messing with me. I would be leaning way into the deep freezer.. concentrating on reaching for that fudgecycle and one of them would walk by and push into the deep freezer and shut the door on me lol
I would follow them and their girlfriends around the house.. making a pest of myself and they would pick me up and put me on top of the fridge and leave me there LOL
10/13/2007 8:39:47 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |


Ash Grove, MO
age: 54
[blocked site] somehow I bet that was the best place to put you for your own safety!
10/13/2007 8:42:17 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |
Flint, MI
age: 56
I'm a middle child too.. and the shortest.
My two brothers and a sister are over 6 feet.
I learned how to fight back..lol
My one older brother would do stuff like that to me too, Trish..lol
I swear he would stay up nights, thinking of things he
could do to me.
10/13/2007 8:42:49 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
LOL pkk.. ya think they were thinking about my safety?
They are the same ones who taught me to ride my first bike.. told me the red light meant to go and the green light meant to stop! LOL
I hear ya Shepherd.. but than I grew up and paybacks have been hell ever since!
[Edited 10/13/2007 8:43:27 PM PST]
10/13/2007 8:50:48 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |
Flint, MI
age: 56
LOL Paula.. moms little helper weren't ya..
10/13/2007 11:38:35 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |


Ash Grove, MO
age: 54
Yeah I was always the good one. And trish what I meant by your safety if it had been my big brother I was bugging the top of the ref. would have been the safest place for me.
He made my short little life pass in front of my face a few times. Whew glad I grew up!
10/14/2007 2:07:00 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
brothers are great. I have 3 of em. It was alright for them to pick on me.. but let someone else pick on me and all hell broke loose lol
I never tattled on my brothers about EVERYTHING. I was smart enough to keep some of the things secret as my ace card for when I screwed up. Yeah Rick, go ahead and tell mom that you caught me smoking in the closet and I will tell her that you were the one who died the neighbor's cat green!
And oh yeah.. when we all get together.. I STILL find things from back then that I could tattle on them about
[Edited 10/14/2007 3:44:07 PM PST]
10/14/2007 3:03:56 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |

Arcadia, MO
age: 60
When I was very little I enjoyed playing in the mud and making mudpies and decorating them with pebbles and rocks and talking to my dolls. My Dad nicknamed me "Mud" in which he still calls me that to this day. I might add he's the only one I allow to call me that now!!!!!
10/14/2007 3:10:43 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |
Poquoson, VA
age: 64
I had an old maid aunt who was a third grade teacher. I would hear my father complain that she was lazy and could not cook. (She was not lazy, she just didn't like doing domestic work). With my father present and totally innocent I asked her if it was true that she did not know how to cook. She wanted to know who told me that and of course I told her my father. This was one tough lady that nobody pushed around. My father made a quick exit for the door and we did not see him again until much later that night. The aunt made lunch for me the next day and it was quite good. One must be careful what they say in front of children.

10/14/2007 7:47:18 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
I'm always putting my foot in my mouth.. my brother swears he is gonna buy me the manual How To Extract Thy Foot From Thy Mouth
10/15/2007 1:00:53 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
I took my brother's BB gun and shot out all the lights in the barn. Saw my grandpa come back from the barn and asked me ( wait.. demanded lol ) to know whos' BB gun it was. I did the only thing I could and pointed to my brother, Mark.. who had no clue what I had done.. Mannnn did he ever get into trouble for dat! Well hey, grandpa didn't ask who shot out the lights.. just asked whos' gun it was and I couldn't very well lie now could I? 
10/15/2007 5:29:13 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |


Farmington, AR
age: 52
[blocked site], I laughed hard on that on. But you didn't lie to Grandpa. 
[Edited 10/15/2007 5:29:25 PM PST]
10/15/2007 5:31:05 PM |
"Sharing a Silly Childhood Memory" |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
No Way.. I studied the question very carefully before answering lol
Man.. my brother had no sense of humor sometimes ( sigh)