12/4/2008 6:07:34 AM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
So many beautiful people cross my path, in here and everyday life. I sort of stand and look/analyze/admire, as in a high fashion store where every item seems to be my size and designed to my liking, but I left my wallet at home this time because I’ve bought lovely garments from here before and in the day light nothing looked right. How can you tell when it’s Love and The Right One?
12/4/2008 6:53:23 AM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |


Glendale, AZ
age: 36
you can't. you have to wear it to find out. go to the dressing room and try it on, and if you still want it, buy it!
12/4/2008 6:59:37 AM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
Oh no! Not this time! Been there, done that. There must be another way or I'll window shop for the next 50 years LOL
12/4/2008 1:01:13 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |


Sedona, AZ
age: 44
Have you heard the saying that i will grow to love him or her, total BS.. For me that is forcing something to fit, just like putting a square peg in a round hole, will it eventually fir, a little sanding and a little polish. When you finally get it there, you will discover that it not a good fit after all.
When you find someone, he right one you will know, sometime the situation might change or you might change but for that moment it will be perfect.
I think that that what we are all looking for is the one that will be with us for a lifetime, hell at this point i would be happy with just a few years. People come into our lives for a reason, and they also go away for a reason, don't judge, accept it for what it is. In the midst of all that, if you are open and not looking you will find the all illusive one.
Good luck.
12/4/2008 3:22:01 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |
Clarkdale, AZ
age: 46
What do we really know anyway? Love the one your with...this moment is what counts...and this moment etc.
12/4/2008 5:03:49 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |
Tucson, AZ
age: 59
it will fit,bend where you bend tight where it should be,and have the freedom that you have always looked for,relationships can be alot like clothes,as long as you let the taylor,fit it to your needs every one has aperfect piece of clothing waiting for them just trust in the taylor.    im not the taylor,but try me on i might fit   carl
12/5/2008 12:15:58 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
Thank you lovely singles people, may God help all of come across that perfect garment labeled "True Love!" 
12/5/2008 2:32:27 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

Surprise, AZ
age: 42
they dont have a gun aimed at you!
12/5/2008 2:35:39 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

Surprise, AZ
age: 42
love is a verb an action not a feeling! its a business partnership thats it! were to old to be playing those stupid princess games. were not in a fairy tale story!!!
12/7/2008 8:08:02 AM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
There has to be Magic, Fairytale, Romance, Longing to be with The One and Only and Forever Love of my life. To be True Love he will have to feel the same about me. Even you coltstarter (as skeptical as you are) have a Love like that in your heart, don’t settle for less, she is out there, you just have to meet!   
12/7/2008 4:24:22 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

Surprise, AZ
age: 42
love grows with time and endurance through hardship! going through trouble and overcomming problems, learning that your partner is not going to forsake you or abanddon you. thats what builds respect and honor which in turn creates fertile ground for love to grow!
12/7/2008 7:04:01 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
I was married to my best friend and we divorced as friends. We loved each other but we were never In Love. He thought he found True Love somewhere else. After about 15 years since we have met, if I were to be in troubled I could call on him, but I won’t since I would never want to create problems in his current relationship.
Friends can remain friends, love is always present in abundance in the hearts of almost all people, but True Love/Being In Love has to start out that way I’m guessing…
12/13/2008 10:09:40 AM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |
Peoria, AZ
age: 52
Likes attract, as in "water seeks it's own level" you are only going to attrack those of equal values, self worth and self esteem.. So if you are "OK" so should your pick..
12/13/2008 9:08:04 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 47
That is a great advice, thank you wise one At 20 I felt that I could change the world, if I wanted to, changing just ONE single man was not even a question 
while same attract same, different attract at least as much if not more! 
There is mystery, enigma, viewing life from as much as a Totally different platform and not having one point of reference in common. That can be adventurous, intriguing and desired.
Unfortunately, parties from same/same or same/different groups still encounter challenges called Life and end up here with all of us unsettled souls 
There are times when I actually Love being single even though I am not dating a soul! I could have had several dates, have even lost some people I actually liked because I preferred to keep my single/unattached status 
And of course there are times when I want an Earthly but Divine Love that will last Forever. A guy that would keep me balanced and comfortable like a great tailored comfortable high heel shoe  A precious human that I could love forever and ever.... Yes, I am an undecided dreamer  
12/14/2008 2:49:17 PM |
How can you tell when you found “The One!” ? |

El Paso, TX
age: 60
When he or she brings happiness and peace of mind into your life.