Mesa, AZ
age: 22
Can someone give me some advice I know its a little weird but gotta ask someone right?

Phoenix, AZ
age: 47
Because people today are not in it for the long haul. The first time they are bored, or want more freedom, or don't like something out of a relationship they jump ship. Divorce is too easy to get. People think well I am not happy so I am just going to leave. But think about it like this. If you have children are you happy with them all the time NO. But do you love them and want to take care of them yes. But there are times they are easier to love than others. A baby how can you not love them right. But a mouthy teenager who is always moaning and complaining they are a little harder to be with right. Do we still love them yes. Like the way they behave no. If people would look at a marriage and think yes there will be some days I ask myself what am I doing in this relatonship it needs a lot of work but I am going to work on it because I love my spouse and that is the right thing to do. But you know you can't be married 1, 2 5, or 20 yrs and not have your ups and downs that is just part of life. Marriage is not always 50, 50. sometimes its 80, 20. 40, 60, 75, 25 but its still a marriage the secret is to remember when you are carrying the heaviest part of it that sooner or later the numbers are going to reverse and your spouse will be carrying the heaviest part of it. Well I hope I helped some.

Mesa, AZ
age: 22
yeah you did thanks that all makes soo much sense 

Mesa, AZ
age: 51
I have to agree with Stormy... We have become a disposable society when we are done with something we just throw it away. That also includes relationships. We don't want to work at a relationship we believe that there is a "perfect" person out there for us somewhere. Well believe it or not NOBODY is perfect for anyone else. There are some that are closer than others but if you are looking for perfection, you will spend your entire life wandering around alone because it doesn't exist. That doesn't mean that everybody is compatible with just anyone, what you have to do is make a list of what character traits are important to you such as honesty, loyalty, whether they are affectionate that sort of thing then, prioritize that list. When you are meeting someone new, take out that list (not literally but in your mind) and compare them to that list. They may or may not have all the traits that you are looking for this is why you prioritize the list. If they posses the most important traits then you can proceed. Also, there is the "Chemistry" thing.. nobody understands that but it has to be there for a successful long term relationship.
I hope this helps and relax finding love is supposed to be fun!