10/15/2007 7:58:23 PM |
Why is it???? |

Orem, UT
age: 63
The only men who write to me are in it for the sex only and are usually married? I have been alone now for nearly 4 years and at first I did not want to even think about dating or chatting with the opposite sex. Now that I want to, all I get is guys who are way over the hill and in bad health who I would have to nurse or else I get these guys who want get laid twice a month and not even give me their names. I guess I should just forget it!
I am a loving person with a lot more to give. 
10/15/2007 8:05:20 PM |
Why is it???? |

Helena, MT
age: 62
They only want to get layed twice a month whats your problem. I am not on here for just sex but when i find someone it better be more than twice a month or i am out of there. Im 62 but i'm not dead yet!
10/15/2007 8:08:45 PM |
Why is it???? |

Orem, UT
age: 63
Because twice a month is too much for somebody who won't even give you their name and they are married. I am hot enough to have it every night but not with that kind of creep!!
10/15/2007 8:36:33 PM |
Why is it???? |

Port Byron, IL
age: 53
Well I have had a few guys wink at me and I let them know right off that I am not their one night stand. It worked too I went on a date yesterday with a very nice gentleman that lives somewhat close. He had manners and opened doors etc even the car door I was impressed! He was a real nice guy not sure I am attracted to him phycially but I tell you for a first date he was great. Took me to a movie and a lite dinner easy to talk to and he liked me, he is a captain on a boat on the mighty mississippi so has little time off work but that is ok he was so sweet. So hang in there it might get better I will tell you that the other one guy I met for lunch was a real bad date, the lunch went fine then all he wanted was sex so that was the end of that date right there inthe parking lot. He was nice enough and even somewhat handsome and well educated but he did not know me from adam how could he want to have sex with a stranger, I just cant do that. 
10/15/2007 8:40:01 PM |
Why is it???? |

Orem, UT
age: 63
Well I have only been a member for a short time and the only winks I got so far have been from really old sick guys or ones who want to schedule sex at a motel a few times a month. I guess I better be patient.
10/15/2007 8:55:43 PM |
Why is it???? |

Port Byron, IL
age: 53
Yes be patient I am somewhat new on here too but its been about a month and I just delete the old farts. LOL Hang in there for what you want.
10/15/2007 10:42:34 PM |
Why is it???? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
At least you get older men I get the kids. 
10/17/2007 4:14:19 PM |
Why is it???? |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Hi there, I have only been on here for a short time,also---i asked for guys between 62-67. I had one 75-----58---- and an athlete who ran all other men in the ground. He was 85--omg--like I would really date him. I do think a lot of guys are on here for sex--i feel--let them go to a bar------lotsafuninpa.    
10/17/2007 4:18:30 PM |
Why is it???? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
I think... that it is not so much they are seeking sex here.. as much as they have no idea what to talk about.
10/18/2007 5:14:04 AM |
Why is it???? |

Duncan, OK
age: 67
lovely, dont get discouraged. The only winks I get r from the 20 to 40 yr olds and I tell them Im old enough to be their mother or in some cases , their gdmother. They say they dont care but I do. Guess because Im into "health and fitness" it scares off "old guys" ? I wouldnt hurt them honest.However , finding and old guy in good shape seems like finding a needle in a haystack. Its a cruel world isnt it?

10/18/2007 5:32:55 AM |
Why is it???? |

Tiverton, RI
age: 56
just my 2 cents, some people lose their sex drive and their partners don,t, what are you suppose to do, i don,t think i could have sex with a total stranger, but a woman i meet once or twice and we were comfortable then yes.
10/18/2007 6:00:52 AM |
Why is it???? |

Flint, MI
age: 55
So what about your marriage vows???
Just my 2 cents
10/18/2007 7:01:30 AM |
Why is it???? |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 69
That all of the hot ladies who want sex are on the West Coast?. Let me give you a little history. I have been widowered, 11 years ago. Just in the last year, I decided to try a whole slew of websites, BSDM, Horney Sex, Adult, Local paper, Yahoo. It was interesting, the same ladies were on all of them, a few different. The younger ones, even though they were looking for any age, just wanted you E-mail address, to sign you on their webcam at 2.99 per minute or more. The more mature, were looking for younger, so they said. Some both young and old just wanted money (sugar daddys). What did I get for a years work?. Carpal tunnel syndrome, Mouseitis in my right First finger (Yes, that is right, it is considered a work related injury), a lot of Credit card bills. How many dates did I get, None, Nine, Nada, Zilch, Nyet.
All I am looking for is a Friendship, Warm relationship, Hugs, Kisses, Laying in each others arms, talking, or not. SEX is the last thing on my mind.
I guess my handle is posted on this memo, so if there is anybody out there interested, let me know. My telephone is BR549.
10/18/2007 7:09:20 AM |
Why is it???? |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
I think part of the problem here is we need to think friendship first and sex should not enter the picture until you really get to know that person. Do people not think about Aids and veneral desease?? Sex is a vital part of marriage but if a good roll in the hay is all you are basing the relationship on it will be doomed from the start.
10/18/2007 7:53:45 AM |
Why is it???? |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 69
Good point Sunshine?.
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