12/19/2008 11:18:54 AM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |

Canal Winchester, OH
age: 43
Is your horse running home or not crossing obstacles? Are you constantly having to check your horse up? Or is your horse a perfect angel?
12/19/2008 1:43:53 PM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |
York, PA
age: 40
Why, one is a perfect angel LOL
The other is getting a lot better.She just needs more wet saddle blankets ( I need to clone myself)She also travels better in groups, but will happily lead so it isnt that she needs a leader to follow.Alone though, she is always on alert.But she has always been a hair..alert..
I did a parade last weekend ...and in my group of 5..I seemed to have the only horse who knew how to stop and just stand there...It amazes me that people dont realize that is the most important thing. A good WHOA. One lady was lamenting that she just couldnt get her horse to flat walk..I asked will she just stop and satnd there? "no" "well..start with that" 
12/19/2008 4:54:15 PM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |

Canal Winchester, OH
age: 43
LOL!!! thats the 1st thing I teach as you can see in my video of the other thread! oh wait I didnt post that one! here take a look at tsugar in kindergarten
12/19/2008 8:19:46 PM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 48
my horse is an angel because I don't own a horse LOL
You are a Great Guy Colt 
12/21/2008 11:12:51 AM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |

Canal Winchester, OH
age: 43
ahhh thank you sweety!
1/9/2009 1:57:20 PM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |

Canal Winchester, OH
age: 43
wow nobody has problems with their horse! very good
1/9/2009 2:20:44 PM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |
Rapid City, SD
age: 58
Have you ever heard of a horse being claustrophobic? My 6 year old mare will sometimes panic going thru a doorway, coming out of her stall, going thru a walkthru panel gate. I have looked to see what gets her wired, but I have not been able to find anything out of the norm. Again, she is not consistant with this panic response. Just every now and then.
1/10/2009 12:15:31 PM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |

Canal Winchester, OH
age: 43
horses dont see the way we do they see in greens and blues and reds. but its not there site that is the problem its their trust in you. once a horse gains your trust they will follow you anywhere! its not the kind of trust that means you feed them and are nice to them. its the kind of trust that says you are the leader and I will go where you go. to be that leader you must ride with confidence and ask, tell, make. horses respect you if you are decisive and can make them do what scares them when they come out on the other side and are safe you have moved one more step closer to gaining their respect. but be careful not to pick a fight that you cant win! choose your battles and make sure you have built them up through kindergarten and they are prepared for the next step. Remember the slower you go the faster you will get there! good luck!!!!
1/10/2009 12:16:32 PM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |

Canal Winchester, OH
age: 43
horses dont see the way we do they see in greens and blues and reds. but its not there site that is the problem its their trust in you. once a horse gains your trust they will follow you anywhere! its not the kind of trust that means you feed them and are nice to them. its the kind of trust that says you are the leader and I will go where you go. to be that leader you must ride with confidence and ask, tell, make. horses respect you if you are decisive and can make them do what scares them when they come out on the other side and are safe you have moved one more step closer to gaining their respect. but be careful not to pick a fight that you cant win! choose your battles and make sure you have built them up through kindergarten and they are prepared for the next step. Remember the slower you go the faster you will get there! good luck!!!!
1/12/2009 11:51:24 AM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |


Shelley, ID
age: 46
Wow! Thank you for the video! You mentioned it, but I couldn't find it until now!! Great stuff!! You are a wealth of information!! Thank you for sharing!! You rock!!
1/13/2009 6:35:10 AM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |


Shelley, ID
age: 46
Coltstarter, I wanted to ask you about the tarp and why you use it initially! Is that to determine what side of the coral she woke up on? Is that because it's the loudest tool?? Can you explain please?
1/13/2009 12:57:08 PM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |

Canal Winchester, OH
age: 43
The tarp!! I use it because it is noisy and scary to a horse! along with my trampoline which fast movements and things above their head ect... But the biggest thing I want the horse to realize is that no matter what I have in my hands that I wont hurt them! It builds trust,and desensatizes them to many things there are no bad residual affects if done correctly. Remember though I also tarp them while riding them in all three gates! anything you do from the ground should be done from their back when possible.
2/10/2009 3:13:20 AM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |
Old Town, FL
age: 50
No I have been riding him in the woods sence he was 21/2 years old not much he want do. Good place to ride young horses.
2/15/2009 6:41:03 PM |
are you having trouble on the trail? |

Canal Winchester, OH
age: 43
who are you talking to crackerlady? I dont even know what you are talking about!