12/22/2008 7:56:34 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 20
...what people think about it? I'm a black girl and I prefer white guys to any other race. I was wondering if I could get some honest opinions... 
12/23/2008 12:46:01 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Gravois Mills, MO
age: 20
I'm cool with interracial dating, i won't say no a woman just because of her ethnic background, but my preference is not of my own people.
12/23/2008 8:39:27 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Bloomfield, MO
age: 22
My sister is married to a black man, and even though its not my own perference, I say go for it! As long as the couple is happy, then its no one else's business but thier own! I know many white guys that prefer a black woman.
12/26/2008 5:13:31 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
age: 90
Ok my DH friend. If it is all about color, sex, or any other impersonable content I find it will fall apart. People have to be happy together without these needs. If I found a wonderful black woman that had the same likes, dislikes, family togetherness, tastes, and more, it would not matter to me of skin tone. If it was all about sex then I feel it would fail quickly. It really goes a lot deeper. How two brains relate and the giving and forgiving they are capable of with one another. Backgrounds of oneanother also could be frustating to deal with. They can be overcome if the good Lord is involved and some good old fashioned human persaverance. DAVE
12/26/2008 8:30:46 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Hannibal, MO
age: 54
Don't worry what others think or feel. Do what you think is right.
I have black in my family as my cousin is married to a black man and has three children by him. Also my youngest son is exspecting his first child, whom is also black.
I have many friends who are black, but prefer not to date one. Nothing racial, just a preference.
12/27/2008 7:52:38 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Belleville, IL
age: 49

12/28/2008 1:53:10 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Saint Peters, MO
age: 45
The only problem I would personally have with inter-racial dating is in having children. I know of a few inter-racial children who are treated as outcasts by both races and I see that as unfair to a child.
12/28/2008 5:05:15 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |


Arnold, MO
age: 25
The only problem I would personally have with inter-racial dating is in having children. I know of a few inter-racial children who are treated as outcasts by both races and I see that as unfair to a child.
i see it some times but not always but either way that is a horrible thing for people to do is outcast b/c there diff i say you like who you like that makes you and the same goes for every one, interacial date im fine with it ive done my share its the person on the inside that you will truely care for or not in the long run
12/28/2008 5:14:17 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 51
Whatever makes you happy...go for it!
12/29/2008 12:51:58 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 20
I can understand your point of view, maggieliz64, but thats not really fair for me or the man I may possibly marry and want to have children with. I can actually relate to what your saying in a way because my father's grandmother was white and I have Indian from my mothers side so I'm sort of light skinned. My troubles came from darker skinned girls who make assupmtions about my character because of my skin color. I just ended a friendship because of that. But as human beings we cant change what we're born with. That's something I would try to instill in my children. Life is all about dealing and hardships and trying to overcome them. People are gonna think what they want, so I dont waste my time trying to care or please others before myself. It's all in the mentality. Wouldn't you agree? 
[Edited 12/29/2008 12:54:16 PM PST]
1/1/2009 11:31:33 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Springfield, MO
age: 23
I love interracial dating. I myself am mixed. I'm Mexican/white and I have always been attracted to black men. I'm just now dating my second black boyfriend though and I'm 22. I have a 2yr old son that is half black. I think mixed babies are the absolute cutest, always have and always will.
It's a sad day if a child is picked on cause they're mixed. We should be long past this point in our society.
1/11/2009 2:36:29 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |


Kahoka, MO
age: 26
I say go for it, if they make you happy then that's what's important, and kids are going to pick on other kids whether they're mixed or not, belive me I got picked on plenty when I was younger, I honestly don't know if they get picked on more or not but it'll happen either way , you shouldn't let an unknown like that stop you from being with someone you love
1/11/2009 7:25:16 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Kansas City, MO
age: 19
the way i see it, why descriminate, love can be found anywhere
1/17/2009 11:03:28 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Kansas City, MO
age: 64
...what people think about it? I'm a black girl and I prefer white guys to any other race. I was wondering if I could get some honest opinions... 
There is Always going to be prejudices.. Weather it be skin, religion, money, height differences ~ You name it.. Realize it , Be Nice and Who you are.. Find a level you can tolerate (with the right mate to back you up) And do it Your Way... "Together"
1/31/2009 11:34:10 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Saint Louis, MO
age: 52
hi, iam a white gal, i prefer to date blk men. we are all gods children we all bleed red, so the color of our skin, shouldnt matter.
2/1/2009 5:23:44 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Kansas City, MO
age: 40
I do not interracial date. I a, completely ok with what other people do. As long as they are happy. I know many people of other races that are good people. I do not interracial date for I asm just not attracted to aferican american or hispanic men. I have dated black and hispanic guys and there was never any spark of interest on my part. Its amazing how i get attacked for being racist. I am only being open and honest so noone gets hurt. I can not help that i like pasty white guys. LOL and british accents 
2/3/2009 9:01:58 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 20
I do not interracial date. I a, completely ok with what other people do. As long as they are happy. I know many people of other races that are good people. I do not interracial date for I asm just not attracted to aferican american or hispanic men. I have dated black and hispanic guys and there was never any spark of interest on my part. Its amazing how i get attacked for being racist. I am only being open and honest so noone gets hurt. I can not help that i like pasty white guys. LOL and british accents 
Lmao, why pasty white guys?
2/3/2009 10:15:00 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Kansas City, MO
age: 64
Lmao, why pasty white guys?
Most likely the same reason you do!!!
2/23/2009 4:12:38 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Liberal, MO
age: 58
My 1st wife was black,we met when I was 16 and she was 15,we were childhood sweethearts and since we were both loners,that made it even better.after high scnool I went into the Army,and as soon as she finished school we were married,we were both virgins even tho we spent many nites alone at river,but we had respect for each other.I loved her more than life itself,but that was cut short as she was killed by a drunk driver on her way to pick me up on post in S.A.,Tx.we had been married for a lil over a yr,and I found out she was about 6 weeks pregnant.if this hadnt happened I'm sure we'd have still been together,,,we were together when that sort of relationship was unheard of,in the late 60's.I'e since been married 4 times to white women only,and I feel this is why we dont last when they see pics of my 1st wife it makes them mad as hell.If I could find another black girl like my Rachel,I'd be in heaven,but the way it looks I will die alone,and at least I did have 4 years of heaven with her. (i'm white)
3/16/2009 3:33:55 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |


Columbia, IL
age: 23
i'm cool with the interrational dating thing, i just won't because its not fare to the other person. My family is extremely racist. I would never do that to someone. Only because I am from an very tight close knit family!
3/21/2009 7:29:32 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Overland Park, KS
age: 38
"Only a blind man can see true love because they see with their heart, their mind and their soul."
People should be able to freely date and be in relationships according to what they feel not what people see.
6/15/2009 9:53:18 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Hannibal, MO
age: 23
I am a product of an interracial couple and you are only outcasted not by what you are. its like every other school click, I was a dork that who i hung out with, my cousin is in the same boat he plays football so he hang with that crowd. its how you are brought up in the world and who you are, Not what you are
6/18/2009 7:48:52 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Joseph, MO
age: 22
Since the beginning of time there has been discrimination of all sorts.
If it makes u happy, n u feel good while with that person. Wether it be man, woman, black, white, muslim, jew...Whatever. Then screw what anybody else has to say, ur happy.
Everyone likes to judge.
If ur not open to new experiences ur just plain ol' LAME. L-A-M-E LAME!!
Do what makes u feel good. Of course in all relationships of any kind there will
be troubles. But if u can get past them. It is what it is.
Jst SMILE n Be Happy.
7/3/2009 12:30:30 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Kansas City, MO
age: 35
Ok, now my name is BOND, JAMES BOND.
Honestly I dont see a thing wrong with it. I am casper of the midwest, and I am drawn to darker complected darker haired women. Dont really care if your Peruvian, Japanese, Italian, or cool white girl that hangs by the pool all day.
But thats just me.
7/3/2009 3:27:27 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Independence, MO
age: 47
Ok wasnt gonna comment on this, but Im not from here, just moved to the area about a year ago, I come from Nebraska. I havent figured out if its the city Im in or what but I see alot of what I guess I would call ignorance, not so much that people are prejudice just seems like they have never been exposed to black people. Ive been told certain places not to go and went anyway, just to see, than end up asking myself "whats the issue". So is it where Im living? Or is Missouri predjudice? Or just maybe my age group?
[Edited 7/3/2009 3:28:50 PM PST]
7/6/2009 1:23:01 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |


Saint Louis, MO
age: 40
Interracial dating! Do not under estimate cultural differences and their significance. Simple dating... no big deal but if a relationship gets deep it can become a big issue. All the normal stuff ( or what 1 person considers normal ) can become a big deal. Does that make sense?
7/7/2009 2:58:25 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Independence, MO
age: 47
It makes total sense to me, but I have also noticed that with my kids, they dont seem to notice the cultural differences, attitudes of others as much as the people my age do. Most people are not bothered by dating/hanging out, but whoa when you turn that into something serious. I have no issues with interracial dating, but beware if it becomes serious you will have issues to deal with that you didnt think were there.........
7/8/2009 11:51:22 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |


Saint Louis, MO
age: 40
In my experience, the only people I have had problems with were nutballs who had issues anyway. My older son is black and my younger is mixed and I have been cursed out for ruinin' day hurtage ( ruining their heritage ). Noone is interested in the baby daddy who ran off or the abuseve and non supportive baby mama. But I digress.
I simply meant one has to be vigilant and very attentive and in tune with a significant other because it is easy for problems to erupt. Just added stress. I do not mean to sound as if I am against inter racial dating. I am just saying be attentive to your partner.

8/3/2009 10:49:12 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 28
I've got no problem with interracial dating. I'm interested in any race as long as the guy is nice and great to be around. I've had "crushes" on just about every race but it depends on the guy and I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I say go for it as long as you're happy. Now, if you were to ask some of my family they'd be totally against it.
8/3/2009 12:25:43 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |


Hillsboro, MO
age: 26
I'm good with dating everyone except Russian girls, j/j. I don't have any problems dating outside my race. I don't even think of myself as part of a race. I'm glassfish, lol, that's it.
8/5/2009 5:14:40 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
interracial dating, hmmmmmmmmm date who makes you happy. who wants you for you. if you see color perhaps not but if you see the person for who they are flesh or no flesh then go for it. WE ARE MIXED WITH SOMETHING, SHAKE THAT HERITAGE TREE AND WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL FALL OUT. I JUST WANT TO LOVE AND BE LOVED THE PERSON COULD HAVE POLKA DOTS!   
8/14/2009 10:03:50 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Chillicothe, MO
age: 32
...what people think about it? I'm a black girl and I prefer white guys to any other race. I was wondering if I could get some honest opinions... 
I don't have a preference of one race over others. I have dated white, black and hispanic. Come to think of it I have never dated an Asian man. Hmmmmm lol
8/19/2009 1:20:45 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Kansas City, MO
age: 45
I agree with you,you should see that person,not the color,reliegion,or anything elso and socially talk about culture,if both of them can adapt, there noting wrong, plus we are all mixs away,dating back thoudsand of yrs,so I've being with many women of all races and many of their's familys members didn't have a problem , but a few may have,well my soon to be ex.. is white and older then I by 14 yrs, her kids didn't have a problem at all,we met on the job,and you can say I was the only black person that work there and around the country of the people they employed, let just ligthed up .
"Only a blind man can see true love because they see with their heart, their mind and their soul."
People should be able to freely date and be in relationships according to what they feel not what people see.
8/27/2009 11:53:14 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Platte City, MO
age: 51
I like to date Black women and I am A white guy I believe that if two people are happy then it should not be a problem weather it be skin color, age difference, NOTHING SHOULD STAND IN THE WAY OF SOMEONES HAPPINESS
8/28/2009 2:49:44 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Sikeston, MO
age: 35
You don't choose who you fall in love with. I would be very open to a man not of my race that would treat me well.
8/30/2009 5:34:51 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Columbia, MO
age: 25
I myself prefer dating black women so I see no problem with it. You can't help who you are attractive to you know?
9/10/2009 8:19:33 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Van Buren, MO
age: 57
I think this is a positive site, so you probably won't get many disparaging remarks from folks that think it's wrong and that's a good thing, but you asked for "honest" opinions. I grew up near New Madrid and from another generation. I remember when they integrated our school. Everyone (in my world) thought it was horrible. My dad raised me to be prejudiced, not militant, but for sure when you talked about interracial anything. (My dad also taught me that everyone, of any race, had a category and they should stay in it no matter what, we were sharecroppers and we didn't need advanced education, etc. so he was at least consistent). Anyway, I grew up that way and lived a lot of years that way.
In my 40's I was saved and Jesus Christ taught me better. I searched the scriptures and realized there were only two kinds of people, saved and lost. There were many interracial marriages in the bible and I had no business letting preconceived notions over rule scripture. There really isn't any such thing as "race" in the bible.
So now I will add my chorus to the majority in this thread and say that if you are a child of God, that's really the only barrier to a mate. You should look inside the Brotherhood no matter what "race" you were born into. Outside the Brotherhood, you have to depend on cultural bias and opinion. That's when looks, social status, the car you drive, weight etc. determine your best mate.
As for me, I would kind of like to experience dating with another race, it sure would do me some good to expand my knowledge, but it's probably 35 miles to the nearest black family from here. It still might happen though, my car gets decent mileage! Who knows!
Good luck and a great topic.

9/11/2009 10:46:27 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |


Saint Louis, MO
age: 55
At my age, I'd have to assume the woman would have had sex with many black men and I would just kind of wonder if...
she'd be disappointed.

9/20/2009 11:47:24 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 20
I'm mixed and I prefer white men. I'm not attracted to black men and I get called racist all the time. I don't understand that. But you should be able to date whoever you want no matter what a persons race is.
But if you are going to have children, great, but it would be better if both sides of the family accept the relationship. My mother gave up her family to be with my father. And when I was younger I never understood why I spent almost every weekend at my fathers parents house who lived like super far. But the grandparents that stayed like literally around the corner, I seen every blue moon(like every big holiday). For some reason I always wanted to be accepted by those people, I would listen to country, bluegrass and rock. And talk and dress a certain way, hang out with all white people thinking that when they saw me they would want my to be their granddaughter. But it never happened. And when one Christmas came around, I had a cousin the same age as me(16 at the time), they bought her a freaking car and I got a ten dollar iTune gift card( I didn't even have a ipod then). I said f**k them then. I just started being myself. And I didn't really care what they thought anymore. But if you are going to have children with another race it would be best that both families accepted the relationship.
9/22/2009 12:31:08 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |


Saint Peters, MO
age: 43 online now!
i just see beauty ,big small ,black white ,whatever ,its all about the person inside
9/25/2009 12:30:53 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Jonesburg, MO
age: 31
I'm 31 yrs old and I've prefered darker skin, eyes , and hair since I was a teenager. Both of my children are of mixed races, and they couldn't be more beautiful. Anyone who judges children, especially because of race, isn't worth paying attention to their opinion anyway.
9/25/2009 2:32:53 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Peters, MO
age: 44
Hello artangel my name Nadeem would you like to chat send me wink if your answer is yes
9/29/2009 7:01:58 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 31
i love me some dark chocalate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2009 9:46:04 PM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Hamilton, MO
age: 32
You go girl you do what makes you happy who cares what other people think if you live for others you will never live for yourself
9/30/2009 1:04:11 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 25
To each it's own. I think it's great that so many people are able to think outside of the box, and open there minds. Interracial dating is not as taboo as it once was. We're all one race anyway, and thats human. Well, most of us are anyway! LOL. Fudge anyone who disagrees. It's about what makes you happy. And if that's a tall sexy tanned white guy, then so be it!

10/1/2009 3:17:50 AM |
Interracial Dating, I'm wondering... |
Nixa, MO
age: 28
I love interracial dating. I myself am mixed. I'm Mexican/white and I have always been attracted to black men. I'm just now dating my second black boyfriend though and I'm 22. I have a 2yr old son that is half black. I think mixed babies are the absolute cutest, always have and always will.
It's a sad day if a child is picked on cause they're mixed. We should be long past this point in our society.
I as well have a mixed child. I also have a white child. And from personal experience I have found that there are a lot of fake people out there that give the big smiles and say "oh! what a beautiful baby!" you can tell if they are being fake. The problem is we are not past it as a society. Maybe someday we will be. I believe that having a strong black man as our president is a giant leap in the right direction, but until all the ignorant people are dead and gone... we will still have to deal with it.
As far as having biracial children, you have to raise them to be strong in WHO they are. My youngest is black and my oldest is white. They both realize their differences and argue amongst themselves, but if push came to shove, they would fight to the death for each other. I am raising my oldest to be a strong white woman and my youngest to be a strong black woman. But I am also raising them to know that the color of their skin does not make them who they are. Their character will strongly out weigh the color of their skin to those who matter. And if someone has a problem with it, they are not the kind of people they should associate themselves with.
So as far as biracial dating, I say if you are strong enough to not care what other people think and be only concerned with your happiness, go for it. But if you are the kind of person who constantly worries about what others think, perhaps biracial dating is not for you. Because as I said earlier, we as a society are not past it and if you are in a biracial relationship, you will have people who have a problem with you and your partner.
So good luck.