12/23/2008 12:06:27 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Mount Holly, NC
age: 41
I have heard the phrase Get back in the saddle again -When searching for a date after divorce and/ or after a spouse has passed away-in other words start looking for love again.Well for this plus sized woman-it's no picnic.So where can I find a new non-judgemental loving man in Gastonia,N.C.??? It's been awhile-like a year and a half-I need a new relationship!Please help. 
12/24/2008 11:43:34 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Danvers, MA
age: 42
Hi there,
It's hard to get back in the saddle, especially for us plus sized women. Maybe it is just me, but there are alot of guys out there, some who ARENT Matt Damon look alikes, who feel that every woman they date should look like a model. That is what I am running into. Again, maybe it is just me.
Good luck to you.
1/6/2009 5:38:26 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Brentwood, NY
age: 56
Hi, They say get back in the saddle, but when you been there done that, it just doesn't feel right yes even when your a plus size women, Well you know what Find that horse and get back on it even if you fall down try & try again We all need a push now and then
1/7/2009 3:31:11 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Elyria, OH
age: 52
I just read your profile. You say your a new christian. You need to be looking for a good christian man and don't worry about sex until you get married.
If you don't like my advise seek that of God in his word, the holy bible, or ask your pastor. I'm sure that there's would be the same as mine. Then you'll have 3 of us giving the same advise. When ever 2 or more agree....
1/12/2009 10:43:34 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Mount Holly, NC
age: 41
I never said I was looking for sex-that only comes after I get remarried.I'll pray for you.
1/12/2009 1:08:52 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Nutley, NJ
age: 46
you put your feet in the stirrups one at a time.Step by step,you will meet someone in time. When ya aren't looking for it,it'll hit ya like a ton of bricks.Just have fun in the meantime.
1/16/2009 12:17:53 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Mayfield, KY
age: 34
Just jump in the saddle,hold on tight and enjoy the ride.As for your size don't worry about it.There are plenty of men out there who don't mind a woman with a little extra to hold on to.If someone does'nt want to be with you because of your size,to hell with him.Just pay attention to the men who do notice you.Believe me they are out there.JMO.
1/21/2009 9:38:32 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Charlotte, NC
age: 60
I would say when you find something like this......

1/22/2009 5:51:42 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Boone, NC
age: 45
I think that when you get to be a certain age you have to be realistic in what you can attain in the physical sense. At my age I am mindful of the fact that when I take my clothes off that a 25-30 year old might not appreciate my body. And lo and behold if I turn 62.. unless I pay for it i won't have sex with a guy that age 
Bottom line its about the heart within the person and not some fantasy that I can attain someone that much younger as that sexy cowboy for anything long term. Tomm..is not guaranteed to anyone so we must be realistic
[Edited 1/22/2009 5:53:04 PM PST]
1/22/2009 5:59:14 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Smiths Station, AL
age: 49
Heck if I know..I've been divorced for seven months and haven't had a date, of course I don't get out much either...when I do meet someone..it seems like all they want is to hook up somewhere and have sex. Now how childish is that???? Like I am actually going to just go hop in bed with the idiots....some men think that is all a divorced woman is looking for is somebody to hump our desperate ass! NOT!
1/22/2009 8:36:49 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Lake City, FL
age: 34
I hear ya girl.
1/22/2009 10:33:09 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Vernal, UT
age: 36
just do it..But dont lower your stantards to up your average
1/23/2009 4:33:57 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Evanston, WY
age: 51
put yer foot in the stirup,grab the saddle horn,hop on, and yell yehawwwwww! and go fer a ride!

1/23/2009 7:18:59 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Lansing, MI
age: 42
One day at a time.One person at a time.
1/26/2009 3:52:49 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Tuscaloosa, AL
age: 54
straddles the horse and goes for a ride!
1/26/2009 5:35:36 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Toms River, NJ
age: 51
slowly and carefully,,dont rush anything,,or do anything that you will regret,
the younger may be fun but nothing of substance,,find a mature minded partner,
and enjoy the ride together,,hugs frank
1/26/2009 6:02:35 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Bedford, PA
age: 47
I totally agree with Frank!
1/26/2009 6:07:56 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Lacombe, LA
age: 47
make sure you on left side, i heard right side will throw you
2/3/2009 6:47:37 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Menominee, MI
age: 57
pull ur self up by the boot straps and make sure the boots r on right feet and grab bull by the horns n say this is how its gonna be n move on,feel good about yourself.
2/3/2009 3:41:53 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Albany, OR
age: 43
go and get it
2/5/2009 2:05:32 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
age: 61
Like anything else in our lives--IT IS ALL UP TO YOU. YOU are in control of YOUR life. And it is all attitude. If you are not ready to close one door--then do NOT open another. Finish the chapter before moving to the next one. And stop making excuses---it is just as easy to eat GOOD food as it is to eat BAD food. You do not have to be heavy if you do not want to. Food is not your "comfort"--it is a crutch. You can lose weight--you can find nice new friends--you can find new things to do--you can find a nice man---you have to do all of this by taking the "first step". Take an honest look at yourself--in a full length mirror--do you need to change some things?? Well then--DO IT and stop putting it off. Stand tall and love yourself---demand the finest treatment and be a woman--don't accept or tolerate poor treatment. No excuses accepted. Tomorrow is a new day---forget yesterday---forget the past--look to the future--smile and move on. Good luck and may you be HAPPY !! READ THIS 2 OR 3 TIMES TILL YOU GET IT.
[Edited 2/5/2009 2:07:01 AM PST]
2/11/2009 12:58:25 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Brunswick, GA
age: 47
Find you a saddle, {man} straddle it, and ride baby ride......
2/12/2009 1:45:08 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Arlington, TX
age: 56
kill the horse......... ride a cowboy! 
2/13/2009 11:20:15 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Arlington, TX
age: 56
seriously, after my divorce i stayed to myself for 3 years before i got up the courage to start dating again. this is a good site to start with just be careful. good luck!
2/28/2009 10:57:01 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Denton, TX
age: 47
one stirrip at a time, sorry I am new here
3/6/2009 11:41:15 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Vacaville, CA
age: 46
I empathize with your concern about being plus-sized / BBW. I thought I would have to wait years before dating again, but just like we have our preferences in what body type we like - men do too. Some prefer a bigger woman, and there are dating sites for those looking for just our type. Do a simple online search, you'll find them.
As others have said: be yourself and don't lower your standards. There are amazing men with a lot going for them who realize that weight comes and goes, but personality and all that goes with it is what makes a woman.
And when all else fails.......make sure to have a good BOB! 
3/6/2009 3:41:55 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 51
uhhhlifeis - I don't get out much either. I am not motivated at all. Winter does not help. I am new to this site. Best of Luck
3/6/2009 3:50:59 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 51
seriously, after my divorce i stayed to myself for 3 years before i got up the courage to start dating again. this is a good site to start with just be careful. good luck!
I can see me staying to myself for a long time. It is scary out here.
3/7/2009 7:26:55 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 53
Well I think I could still saddle a horse... Make sure the cinch goes around twice and stays tight! Then put your foot in the stirup and grab hold of the saddle horn and swing a leg up and over.. and say giddy up! Now if you have a good horse you dont really have to drive them.. they wont walk you off a cliff.. they will however take you under a tree where you might have to duck in order not to get swept off the saddle. Yep..with husband #2 I forgot to duck.. now looking for a trusty horse that I can ride without a bridle.. as I did as a kid! I've always liked horses...
3/8/2009 1:59:19 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Bozeman, MT
age: 51
I say just hop on the horse and enjoy the ride!!!!  
3/9/2009 5:38:26 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Sparta, MO
age: 51
you put your feet in the stirrups one at a time.Step by step,you will meet someone in time. When ya aren't looking for it,it'll hit ya like a ton of bricks.Just have fun in the meantime. 
I agree wholeheartedly - this plus size woman is doing just that!
3/24/2009 10:59:28 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Warner Robins, GA
age: 63
The truth is it has nothing to do with a persons size so much as her attitude about herself. Just be yourself and let the love of God shine through you. Sometimes that special someone that God has for you may not be available just yet. Maybe he's not yet a christian. A good way to pray is to ask Jesus to meet this man right where he is. 
3/25/2009 1:23:16 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
age: 44
When you go out, just go out with no expectations. Enjoy yourself and if you meet someone, great, if not, that's okay too. Don't focus so much on the "got to have a relationship" thing - it puts unrealistic pressure on you and scares a lot of guys away.
4/3/2009 6:18:02 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Powell, TN
age: 45
By putting one foot in the stirrup and hoisting herself right back up.
5/9/2009 12:44:40 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Marshall, MN
age: 56
satinsky you stole my picture where did you get a hold of it
[Edited 5/9/2009 12:44:57 PM PST]
5/11/2009 7:25:30 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Gaithersburg, MD
age: 56
Iam not sure,but it does seem that when you think that you have met a nice guy, he shows what an a~~ he is when after you have just exchanged names , he thinks its time for bed...... Oh well ! Next....
Just a nice guy, where are they ?
5/25/2009 7:46:57 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Mentor, OH
age: 54
Hi there,
It's hard to get back in the saddle, especially for us plus sized women. Maybe it is just me, but there are alot of guys out there, some who ARENT Matt Damon look alikes, who feel that every woman they date should look like a model. That is what I am running into. Again, maybe it is just me.
Good luck to you.
This is true for all us trying to get back in the saddle again. No matter what "size"
The men I have run into seem to think they are all that and they would not be if they are divorced. I am who I am and put out no false pictures or pretend I am something I am not. What you see is what you get!!! No matter the reason why we allg ot here we are all looking for someone. Beauty, thinness,whatever is ONLY skin deep.
So not it is not just US!!!! The "men" seem to have the hang ups!

5/31/2009 5:09:09 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Tell City, IN
age: 69
Reply to th6231: Did a man really write this? Hey! we all need to meet someone like you! I've been alone a long time and most of the men I meet, I wouldn't date. That was very good advice.
6/6/2009 10:22:34 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Mentor, OH
age: 33
I am in total agreement with you. I am starting to wonder if there are men out there who are interested in more than just how fast they can get you in bed, and if I had a dollar for every time I have been told it will happen when you least expect it I would be a millionare. I need to face the facts though I like you have a little more to cuddle and love and two small kids too. If you find the superglue that keeps you in the saddle please let me know because I am about to put mine in storage...Good luck and I truly hope you find him soon...
6/10/2009 8:19:18 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Bellevue, NE
age: 45
That is sooo sad. I am about to get divorced, dead marriage finally ending, scared of getting together with another guy, for obvious reasons.
Gotta tell you, many days I see men as the animals they are. They want one thing, one way or the other.
So true about the age thing. Got time I guess to figure out what I am about now. I figure as long as I can have fun for now I will not worry about finding "the one".
Just trying to survive and start meeting new friends and just hanging out with some people will do me just fine for now.
6/10/2009 9:35:59 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Turtle Creek, WV
age: 22
When she comes to my house
6/17/2009 3:10:36 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Orlando, FL
age: 44
Strap on and hold on for the ride of your life
6/21/2009 8:48:42 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Tulsa, OK
age: 55
just be yourself, and if its meant to be it will happen. 
7/30/2009 7:37:10 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Springfield, MO
age: 47
I am recently divorced and getting out there is really hard. I am 47 and I think that is a little old to be starting over. But the cards says i will rather i like it or not. Have any advice on how to get back in the groove of it all. I really just want someone to talk to and enjoy there company.
8/3/2009 4:56:46 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Lawrenceville, GA
age: 37
I feel your pain...talk to everyone wherever you go, join the gym and you will meet people and get in shape too. Go to every party you are invited to, even if you don't want to go. Go to spoting events, you will have fun. Just a few ideas.
8/6/2009 5:08:15 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Taylor, TX
age: 65 online now!
i read this and i think it is so true to life
happiness is like a cat. if you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you, it will never come. but if you pay no attention to it and go about your business you'll find it rubbing against your leg and jumping into your lap.
8/20/2009 3:24:38 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Joshua Tree, CA
age: 57
If you still think your looking for prince charming... It could be you that has to clean up after is Horses! If your looking for a partner for life! You may not be looking for the cow boy with a herd of Horses! If your still thinking of Jumping into a saddle you better be wise and make sure the dang thing doesn't have something on it that could cause you a lot of discomfort and medical bills later. Cow boys don't wear chaps for nothing! And remember: Cow Boys like to break horses before they dare right them!
My advice is stop thinking any relationship is better then none. That just isn't true!
Enjoy shopping around! Savor it! Let them treat you like the special person you are. And if they don't.... You know that you picked that person because you needed that experience to demandstraight to you what you don't want.
You have choices.... Be picky! And remember this: The one you finally choose is the one you deserve!
8/21/2009 4:45:47 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Drumright, OK
age: 33
cowgirl up and ride the f**k out of it
8/21/2009 10:44:40 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Shelley, ID
age: 45
LOL I elected for the saddle instead of the man for a couple of years . . . focus on the horses and the rest will come a friend told me . . . She was right!!!  
8/21/2009 7:47:04 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Atlanta, GA
age: 29
all men dont always thank about sex some just really want to be loved
8/21/2009 8:02:19 PM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Shelley, ID
age: 45
I actually own horses and a saddle or two . . . my ex made me give up my horses . . . bad idea . . . now I have a good man who wants to actually participate . . . getting back in the saddle meant never leaving it . . . 
8/22/2009 5:40:53 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |


Murrayville, GA
age: 51
I'm a firm believer in counseling. You've only been divorced 7 months. It takes several YEARS to heal from a divorce or being widowed.
Join a support group for divorced people. Your church probably offers this and it can be an excellent resource. You can be around people in a safe setting and learn what to AVOID when you do start dating.
Post a picture.
Consider joining one of the many sites that feature big women. There are some men that prefer bigger ladies.
As far as "getting back in the saddle again".....take this piece of advice from a lifetime equestrian. "Do good groundwork BEFORE getting in the saddle".
Good luck to you.
8/22/2009 8:31:50 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |

Gardiner, ME
age: 34 online now!
cowgirl up and ride the f**k out of it
Easier said Then done. I have been tring for 3 yr's now and still have a hard time.
[Edited 8/22/2009 8:32:54 AM PST]
8/22/2009 9:15:25 AM |
How does a woman get back in the saddle again? |
Winnipeg, MB
age: 56
That is 100% correct, and it will happen for the same reasons. Cupid will throw his arrow when both parties are ready for it. You will be surprised at silly things you will do in the getting to know you time, that you will have not control over but will be wonderful
Good luck in your search.