Tioga, PA
age: 66
My grown children and I drove to N.C. for my gr-daughter's wedding. It was on Sept. 1st. We got there a couple of days before that,and enjoyed some sights and shopping. We stayed in beach houses-1st. time for me. The wedding was on the beach,and was just beautiful. There was a heart made of tiny colored sea shells,and 2 torches -as it was at 6:30 there. The funniest thing was seeing everyone barefooted with gowwns and tuxes--especially my. son --lol. We went to the beach a lot--some for swimming,some tanning,and some of us picked up seashells to bring home. It is a nice place--if you get there have a great time. thanks and hugs to all-----lotsafuninpa.  

Suffolk, VA
age: 30
Just a little further down the road and a short ferry ride is Bald Head Isl. WOnderful place to vecation.