4/3/2009 5:11:26 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Portland, OR
age: 45
yes there are sorry for you. people lie for there own personal reasons., some people lie just to lie, me i cant stand lier's or theifs, they will have to account for there actions some day. and if the world was just they would lose every thing on a lie. i hope your situation,has'nt caused you to much problems. hope the better for you (NLH)a.k.a.ru2low2
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4/30/2009 12:02:46 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Salem, OR
age: 41
a lie is a lie no matter how you look at it!an most guys think they wont get caught.i only know just a few men that dont lie there sraight up an to the point.thats what all men should do.my opinion only.
4/30/2009 12:09:09 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Salem, OR
age: 41
thats what most women want just the freakn truth .good or bad.at least thats my opinion.
4/30/2009 12:18:49 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Salem, OR
age: 41
have to agree thanks
5/3/2009 11:39:48 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Oregon City, OR
age: 43
Definately not just Men that Lie. Games and Bullshitting not tolerated. My advice to those that Lie and Play games.... GROW UP.
On a Happy note...There are people that are honest and sincere and do not lie.. Keep searching
5/4/2009 4:55:53 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Loves Park, IL
age: 48
So sry. You cannot figure out a lie, from a cyber?.. passer bye. Been to E-bay lately? Everyone is doing it. Gender is no escape either. By the way I'll be (he he) returning soon to southern Ore. I aint no superman, but do what I can.
5/6/2009 12:32:49 PM |
Why do men lie? |

East Helena, MT
age: 52
Women can lie too.
This Russian lady said that she loved me right up until the check cleared!!

5/9/2009 11:56:37 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Eugene, OR
age: 63
Why do people lie? Afraid of not getting something they want, or losing something they have, I know someone already said this, guess I just wanted to write it........LOL
This does happen more on the net and I have found after a few conversations.....if you live in the "real" world, not in a "fantasy world" you know you have to see it to believe it and even then you still need to be aware!
What I have found is I can't change people, for me I usually have to be motivated to change by wanting something.........sometimes I have to feel some pain....then I am willing to take an "inventory", check with some friends....get some honest feedback and go a different direction............okay, this is long....I help people for a living....it is my nature.....Life is a Trip
5/9/2009 4:29:22 PM |
Why do men lie? |


Eugene, OR
age: 68
blondie hi, after reading your post .... I think I will lie down. 
5/11/2009 8:44:11 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Merrill, OR
age: 47
well i give up for good gonna grow old alone an be happy 
5/14/2009 6:58:47 AM |
Why do men lie? |

East Helena, MT
age: 52
Why do men lie..
probably afraid to express their true wants and desires.

5/14/2009 7:10:54 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 60
Okay, Alan you made me laugh - bless you

5/15/2009 9:11:21 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Gresham, OR
age: 43
Let's put the theory on the table. Men love to lie, but they are absolutely horrible at it. Women rarely lie, but when they do, it's a story so good that it could be the basis for 100 episodes of a Spanish soap opera.
5/16/2009 11:56:34 PM |
Why do men lie? |


Boardman, OR
age: 44
What kills me about threads like this is that they imply that women don't lie, to which I call BS.
Lying for whatever reason is not limited to one gender or the other; one age group or another; people of one region or another; or any other generalities that one may want to make, but instead it speaks more to the character of the individual.
5/17/2009 12:56:39 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Merrill, OR
age: 47
What kills me about threads like this is that they imply that women don't lie, to which I call BS.
Lying for whatever reason is not limited to one gender or the other; one age group or another; people of one region or another; or any other generalities that one may want to make, but instead it speaks more to the character of the individual.
havent said that only men lie women lie also but i was the one what gotten played by a guy so lol god bless
5/22/2009 9:37:53 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Medford, OR
age: 38
Gens all in the gens.... They think that the ladys are to stupid to realize that they are..... Or they are mama boys and always got away with everything.
So they think they still can 
5/23/2009 10:02:20 AM |
Why do men lie? |
Grants Pass, OR
age: 35
Well, sad fact of life is we all lie to a certain extent. We think of ourselves a certain way and fabricate stories (lies) to support that thought process and what we want to project to the outside world.
It is sad that decent people get caught up in this vicious cycle.
I think when people complain about wanting to find a "real" man, or a "real" woman, it is one who doesn't need their li(f)e-support of fabricated stories to impress someone. They just want someone who is themselves. The real "you" as it were.
[Edited 5/23/2009 10:03:09 AM ]
6/25/2009 11:30:09 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Merrill, OR
age: 47
Well, sad fact of life is we all lie to a certain extent. We think of ourselves a certain way and fabricate stories (lies) to support that thought process and what we want to project to the outside world.
It is sad that decent people get caught up in this vicious cycle.
thank you very much i agree ll i wanted was a honest man but its not gonna happen i gave up grow old alone
I think when people complain about wanting to find a "real" man, or a "real" woman, it is one who doesn't need their li(f)e-support of fabricated stories to impress someone. They just want someone who is themselves. The real "you" as it were.
6/25/2009 11:36:27 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Merrill, OR
age: 47
Lies are also used to hide cheating , drug use , unaccountable money loss and anything else your love intrest might be doing knowing it would be a dealbreaker ...I'm curious Maggie you have the best of the best in ansawers here ....what do you think applies to this guy in Ohio if you don't mind my asking?
good lord all i wanted was a good man no lies no drama no fight an i will tell u what i look like 
6/28/2009 12:04:19 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Enumclaw, WA
age: 40
well i'm a man
and i admit to lying sometimes
but i lie to protect did with my kids many years ago
i've lied for hope
when you tell your little children the easter bunny or santa claus
is not real.you destroy hope and innosecne
or nieve
6/28/2009 8:31:54 AM |
Why do men lie? |
Cottage Grove, OR
age: 42
I have met just as many woman who lie as men.... its not a gender thing, its a moral thing.
7/1/2009 3:40:45 AM |
Why do men lie? |


Corvallis, OR
age: 28
why do women?
7/3/2009 5:04:34 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Springfield, OR
age: 28
46 and gullible as ever.
7/8/2009 4:54:33 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Newberg, OR
age: 39
It has been my experience that people who lie are usually cheaters also and do not have good morals at all. It usually does not take very long for a person to show their true colors either.
7/10/2009 12:51:10 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Portland, OR
age: 54
7/10/2009 1:17:06 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Portland, OR
age: 54
fear feeeeear fear fear fear fear feeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaarrrrrr how can i be so afraid how can i be so alone you want me can you handle the truth i am man full of weakness lost in a wilderness of short comings. you may ask of my dreams and when their not reached timely enough ? full of sin i walk alone i dream of someone who will accept me for myself. but its hard for me to accept myself but believing in truth i stay alone. women look for their perfect man and wonder why all the lonely men lie. no fear
7/10/2009 1:25:26 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Portland, OR
age: 54
hello is there anybody out there a ha ha i am just a poor boy a ha ha ha you dont have to love me but you could try some of my truth. for i am man and i cherrish the truth as i suffer the reality of it no fear walk in peace.
7/11/2009 10:03:53 AM |
Why do men lie? |
Corvallis, OR
age: 52
If lies, lets forget and dump 'em!

7/12/2009 2:13:59 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Merrill, OR
age: 47
well i'm a man
and i admit to lying sometimes
but i lie to protect did with my kids many years ago
i've lied for hope
when you tell your little children the easter bunny or santa claus
is not real.you destroy hope and innosecne
or nieve
thats lil white lies hun they are excused 
7/12/2009 2:14:37 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Merrill, OR
age: 47
If lies, lets forget and dump 'em!

i did dump him 
7/12/2009 8:43:41 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Gresham, OR
age: 46
come on ladys not all of use are bad don't judge on one bad apple i never lie when it comes to chating and meeting you ladys
7/24/2009 1:31:45 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Eugene, OR
age: 40
Because they can and they likely think it is better to do so. Know that I use that determination for any person who lies, I do not discriminate due to sex, nationality, race, creed or religion.
I don't understand liars!
Truth is easier and overall prevails in the end!
7/28/2009 11:39:21 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Portland, OR
age: 25
7/29/2009 3:51:50 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Grants Pass, OR
age: 35
Isn't giving up on guys becoming a Lesbian? 
Regardless, I take offense at "MEN ARE BORN TO LIE". Not saying there aren't a lot of liars/cheaters out there (on both sides of the fence) but one's gender doesn't predispose them to be liars/cheats. A person's own moral compass, values, and what sort of environment they were raised in, IMHO, has pretty much all to do with wither or not they are "liars/cheats" then specifically if they are "male" and "female".
Doesn't also change the fact that man or woman, people are going to lie, cheat, and steal to satisfy their selfish needs. This is just human nature IMHO, and not the monopoly of one sex over the other.
My 2 cents.
8/1/2009 2:29:25 AM |
Why do men lie? |
Portland, OR
age: 59
A lie is completely the from an individual. If all the men you know or have known are liars, then I suggest you change the crowd in which you associate. Because I'll bet dollars to donuts that the women in that group lie just as much. Unless of course you really mean that you were cheated on, which is more than a lie.
Also I would like to say I do not believe it is human nature to do bad. (lie) Not many amoung us wants to hurt others or see others lose. It is our nature rather to help each other. Think of the natural disasters and their aftermath. Most people looked to help others, a few looked for self gain, but they were far outnumbered.
People who are guilty of bad acts against others gather together, womanizers like to brag to each other. Liars think themselves smart and like to brag. Get out of that group and you will find lots of people, men included, that don't lie.
8/3/2009 1:38:57 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Bend, OR
age: 22
i fell in love with this guy my best friend was seeing two years ago. just sum fling, they where not serious. but given that she was my best friend i respected what he was and didnt cross any boundaries. but let me say i fell head over heels in love with this man at first sight. well, my girlfriend and him decided they just wanted to be friends because according to johnny, he was in love with ME . to think that maybe it wz a possibility that the guy ive been lovedrunk over for years has mutual feelings? well, three times now he has come in my life thrown me through a tailspin by telling me he loves me and that i am all he wants in the world and that he is so sorry for ever hurting me , that he wants to do nothing but make us goodt. everytime he says that i BELIEVE it. i take it all back. and open that"crippled vein" that just got done healing . he says he will call, never calls. says hes comming over and never shows. he never does what he says hes going to. he doesnt want to hang out with me ever . when i ask him if there is another girl he says no. he says he loves me and there is no other girl for him p. i believe all that too. then he just dissapears out of thin air. i wont hear from him in months. and i cry. and miss him for a while till im ok again . im not trying to self destruct . I WISH I WASNT IN LOVE WITH HIM. i cant help it , and sometimes the literal pain that i feel in my heart is undescribeable. please someone shooot some advice as to why you think it is this guy says he loves me if he doesnt ? what does he get out of hurting me? i need advice?
8/3/2009 7:11:49 AM |
Why do men lie? |


Eugene, OR
age: 56
i fell in love  with this guy my best friend was seeing two years ago. just sum fling, they where not serious. but given that she was my best friend i respected what he was and didnt cross any boundaries. but let me say i fell head over heels in love with this man at first sight. well, my girlfriend and him decided they just wanted to be friends because according to johnny, he was in love with ME  . to think that maybe it wz a possibility that the guy ive been lovedrunk   over for years has mutual feelings? well, three times now he has come in my life thrown me through a tailspin by telling me he loves me  and that i am all he wants in the world and that he is so sorry for ever hurting me  , that he wants to do nothing but make us goodt. everytime he says that i BELIEVE it. i take it all back. and open that"crippled vein" that just got done healing  . he says he will call, never calls. says hes comming over and never shows. he never does what he says hes going to. he doesnt want to hang out with me ever  . when i ask him if there is another girl he says no. he says he loves me and there is no other girl for him  p. i believe all that too. then he just dissapears out of thin air. i wont hear from him in months. and i cry. and miss him for a while till im ok again  . im not trying to self destruct  . I WISH I WASNT IN LOVE WITH HIM. i cant help it  , and sometimes the literal pain that i feel in my heart  is undescribeable. please someone shooot some advice as to why you think it is this guy says he loves me if he doesnt  ? what does he get out of hurting me? i need advice? 
To quote a quote:
"He's just not that into you"
Move on and forget the turd...
8/3/2009 11:03:32 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Bend, OR
age: 22
come on yall not all men lie just the majority of them lie and i cant say why they do cuz unfortunatley for this discussion i aint one of the ones that lie...but the reason why i dont is for the simple fact of respect for females simple as that
8/3/2009 1:37:50 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Grants Pass, OR
age: 35
@ jennybinny09:
Much in agreement with WhiteHawk, make your peace and move on from this guy. I know it's hard, been in a similar situation myself, but they hardly ever "come around" like you are hoping/wanting them too and you can save yourself a ton of grief by cutting ties now.
8/5/2009 5:54:14 PM |
Why do men lie? |


Portland, OR
age: 32
First I would like to state that men do not have the monopoly on lying. Many times I have been lied to by women. Think about that for a minute ladies. How many times have you witnessed your girlfriends tell lies or even yourselves. But as others have already said if your talking to someone and you know they are lying then the choice seems simple dont talk them anymore. reminds me of this joke I heard. Guy goes into the doctor and says "hey doc it hurts when I move my elbow" doc says " then dont move your elbow!!!"
8/7/2009 8:06:06 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Beaverton, OR
age: 40
Many lie to create another perception, okay. If someone is attempting to paint another picture of themselves directly to me, at least they are trying to impress me! It could be entertaining. Usually the impact of lies can be minimized if we are loyal to ourselves with honesty.
In essence, take the lies as a compliment when in the proper context!
8/7/2009 9:26:08 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Beaverton, OR
age: 40
Oh yes, one more thing, how do you know he was from Ohio?!
8/7/2009 10:08:58 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Beaverton, OR
age: 40
i fell in love  with this guy my best friend was seeing two years ago. just sum fling, they where not serious. but given that she was my best friend i respected what he was and didnt cross any boundaries. but let me say i fell head over heels in love with this man at first sight. well, my girlfriend and him decided they just wanted to be friends because according to johnny, he was in love with ME  . to think that maybe it wz a possibility that the guy ive been lovedrunk   over for years has mutual feelings? well, three times now he has come in my life thrown me through a tailspin by telling me he loves me  and that i am all he wants in the world and that he is so sorry for ever hurting me  , that he wants to do nothing but make us goodt. everytime he says that i BELIEVE it. i take it all back. and open that"crippled vein" that just got done healing  . he says he will call, never calls. says hes comming over and never shows. he never does what he says hes going to. he doesnt want to hang out with me ever  . when i ask him if there is another girl he says no. he says he loves me and there is no other girl for him  p. i believe all that too. then he just dissapears out of thin air. i wont hear from him in months. and i cry. and miss him for a while till im ok again  . im not trying to self destruct  . I WISH I WASNT IN LOVE WITH HIM. i cant help it  , and sometimes the literal pain that i feel in my heart  is undescribeable. please someone shooot some advice as to why you think it is this guy says he loves me if he doesnt  ? what does he get out of hurting me? i need advice? 
Is Johnny from Ohio? Are these lyrics from some 'ska' new release? Sorry, I genuinely laughed outloud reading this. If behind every good man there is a Hillary Clinton tolerating those portioned truths while filing her nails & rolling her eyes; I suppose behind every prevaricator there is a sucker born every minute. I believe Lorena Bobbit discovered why men lie therefore took measures into her owns hands thereby eliminating any chance her husband would have to lie, alas, thinking with the other head.
8/8/2009 1:19:27 AM |
Why do men lie? |
Orick, CA
age: 20
So far I've gone all day without lieing.....

8/8/2009 1:49:36 AM |
Why do men lie? |
Portland, OR
age: 59
i need advice? quote from jenny bunny.
He wants to keep you around so he can get what he wants from you when ever. Don't take it. A person who lies, once, can be forgiven, twice, it's a trait of theirs, three lies and the continued life of that lie is the fault of the receiver, you know he lies. He is not a good guy, he is a lier. He is not nice, probably never will be. Kick his as* to the curb. You really love being in love and he ain't. So you can not be in love there is no union, it takes two. Look for some one that will really offer you love. Probably not in your current group of friends. Go for it.
8/8/2009 6:59:33 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Merrill, OR
age: 47
So far I've gone all day without lieing.....

well u could lie i think u cute enough
8/8/2009 7:00:40 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Merrill, OR
age: 47
thx i did now looking for a good man 
8/9/2009 8:30:55 AM |
Why do men lie? |

Cave Junction, OR
age: 51
True confessions of a chronic lier;
Gee darling, should I tell you that you just don't look attractive to me today, or should I share with you that I was flirting on the internet hoping to find the perfect fling to satisfy my mid life crisis or that I like to go to the grocery store on my way home from work cuz there are pretty women there showing off their fine bodies and smiling at me when our eyes happen to meet. Should I tell you that its just too much trouble to sell the house and try to make our lives separtate when you are so needy and how would it be visiting the grand kids separately. Besides, I still care about you and want you to be happy, even if you are never interested in sex anymore cuz of your various health problems. So I do my best to take care of you and still hope for an intimate connection.
Oh yeh, you know how you gave me heck for spending money in such a way, well I just did it again, thought you'd like to know.
Oh yeh, I just quit smoking, except a few in the evening, but if your into health and fitness than so am I, No, I don't smoke.
Actually being on the internet is freedom to be anyone you want to be, or to be brutally honest about who you are. If we create our own reality then why are we so screwed up?
So here is the truth from a chronic liar. Do you believe me?
8/9/2009 9:26:36 AM |
Why do men lie? |


Eugene, OR
age: 68
wow, I resemble those remarks. 
8/9/2009 8:05:15 PM |
Why do men lie? |
Orick, CA
age: 20
well u could lie i think u cute enough
Sweeet, and thanks..... You are too kind 
8/17/2009 6:45:21 PM |
Why do men lie? |


Portland, OR
age: 32
the same reasons as women do. God I hate these gender bashing topics. You find me one woman that has never lied. As much as we dont want to admit it or accept it lying is just part of our current culture. Men, women, it doesnt matter. Just as this is the 100th topic I have seen asking why men lie, I have seen 100 more asking why women lie. Get over it and move on with your life. I think this disproves the idea that there is no such thing as a stupid question.
Sorry to be so blunt and rude. I just get annoyed seeing the same crap over and over again.
8/17/2009 11:43:44 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Latrobe, PA
age: 55
hi i was talking to a guy from ohio all he ever did is lie to me from the start so beware girls there are lyiers out there 
why do some women lie-honestly,has nothing to do with gender,you should know that.
8/18/2009 4:13:51 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 55
I think that alot of people learn to lie from an early age. Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Not me I didn't do it. For some reason we don't understand that person feels uncomfortable about who they really are. Some people are just lonly and are tierd of being tuned down when they tell the truth and are desperate just to talk to someone.
Alot of times they are just chatting and have no real intention of ever meeting anyone so a lie is more exciting. It dose make it hard for those of us who are out here looking for the right person. And can be very confusing when you think you might have found them but then it was all a lie. It can be a big emotional set back especialy if it took alot of courage on your part to begain looking or had been realy hurt by someone. Telling a lie isnt exculsive for men or women. But honestly if you are truly looking be homest becouse if you really like someone an you meet them if you have lied about yourself it will be there in full view relationships can not be based on lies. Dena 
8/18/2009 4:50:15 PM |
Why do men lie? |


Eugene, OR
age: 68
shad i can not lie to you, I think your hot. 
8/18/2009 9:55:17 PM |
Why do men lie? |

Latrobe, PA
age: 55
I think that alot of people learn to lie from an early age. Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Not me I didn't do it. For some reason we don't understand that person feels uncomfortable about who they really are. Some people are just lonly and are tierd of being tuned down when they tell the truth and are desperate just to talk to someone.
Alot of times they are just chatting and have no real intention of ever meeting anyone so a lie is more exciting. It dose make it hard for those of us who are out here looking for the right person. And can be very confusing when you think you might have found them but then it was all a lie. It can be a big emotional set back especialy if it took alot of courage on your part to begain looking or had been realy hurt by someone. Telling a lie isnt exculsive for men or women. But honestly if you are truly looking be homest becouse if you really like someone an you meet them if you have lied about yourself it will be there in full view relationships can not be based on lies. Dena 
well said
8/22/2009 5:39:19 AM |
Why do men lie? |
La Grande, OR
age: 51
goes both ways dear