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11/3/2007 1:56:09 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Alcholism and Drug use are common denominaters to failure.In this day and age of instant gratification it is easy to have a beer or smoke a joint or whatever to ease the pain or boredom of lifes everyday ordeals.Once started down that road, you confuse the human body into accepting un natural highs.Soon the body will crave the product, just to feel normal.Alcohol has its own defintion, for after two drinks, you really are not yourself any more.And to continue, then the full effect of the novel-
Dr.Jekyl and Mr. Hyde approaches.
With other drugs, such as POT, it is more subtle. The high tricks your brain into thinking life is better now that I am high.But as time goes on, changes appear.You dont go that extra mile for a date, you begin to forget the nice feelings that the body naturally provides.And if you do the research, the short term memory holds every single instant of your life, until at night when you go to sleep the mind naturally sends the important stuff to the long term memory.Pot interrupts this process, and the brain does not always work the way it was intended.
I myself did it all.Drinking,DUIs,drugs,lack of success, you can fool everyone with any reasons to do what you do,
but, in the end,
the only one you are fooling is yourself.
I enjoy life now, I am sober.I can smell the morning air, enjoy the evening sunset
and talk and co-exist with my fellow man and nature in a way that I have never before.
If I had one wish,
I would wish to start all over again at about 13,
so I dont end up at 52 and wonder why I have wasted all this precious time.
[Edited 11/3/2007 2:01:12 PM PST]
Meet singles in your area, we're 100% free for everything! Join now!

11/4/2007 11:57:02 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Evanston, WY
age: 52
11/5/2007 6:04:25 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 57
I know a lot of very successful people that indulge in that and a lot more professor so I can't completely agree with ya. I believe everybody has a weakness, sex, drugs, shopping, abuse, lying, stealing. Any of those could easily end a career as well. It's what you let control you that ruins your life.
Fear can keep a lot of people in a dead end job as easily as drugs can make 'em lose that same dead end job.
Knowing your limits and self control can go a long ways towards people keeping the balance. I hardly ever drank liquor until I was married for a long time, over 20 years. After a while I drank more, but never to the point I was controlled by it. I have a beer or two now and then and can go for weeks without drinking at all. As far as pot goes I can take it or leave it, was a fun thing to do in the 70's.
Cocaine is the same as well as any of the other mainstream drugs. Know plenty of very wealthy well to do cocaine addicts too. Know a lot of people that did crystal meth too, My brother has a neighbor that ruined his marriage with crack.
Sad, but some people are very affected by their addictions, others function quite well, or seem to anyway.
I got a brother that never has done anything, period, he's a big pain in the ass... lol
[Edited 11/5/2007 6:06:51 PM PST]
11/6/2007 8:58:53 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |
Des Moines, IA
age: 59
Yes a site like this might save someones life or help restore it. Channa
11/7/2007 5:33:06 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Yes Copter, I agree.
I have been very successful, and I was bad into both .
But, if you do the research and follow-up.The truth will set you free.
Yes, some people indulge and are very successful.
But, trust me,
the human body and brain are a wonderful machine in a way,
when you implement self medication, you are changing an already perfect machine.
Of course when you indulge you can be successful.
But, here is the test.
Quit everything, become sober, just for two weeks,
then tell me the results.
Number One-if you smoke the herb, bet you cant go that far,why? Because your body thinks its got to have it.
Number Two-Try going without alcohol for two weeks, sure, you will feel terrible at first, because your body and mind have to have it.
Its called addiction, and you know the definition.
Why change if everything is OK and you seem there is no harm?
For the love of your life, just try to quit and once sober,if you dont like it, you can return.
But, I think once you have been sober for a month or so,
the rewards will be so overwhelming that you will say-
I cant believe that I didnt quit years ago.
Stop the Madness,
prove me wrong.
Whats two weeks out of your life.
Who is in control of your soul,
or the
And I am not directing this at you, just any of your friends, that may be in the catagory of addiction, once or twice of indulging here and there is one thing, every day habit is another.
Thank you very much for your response, I value anybodys opinion which may shed light on the subject.
[Edited 11/7/2007 5:38:06 AM PST]
11/7/2007 5:56:48 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |
Warrensburg, MO
age: 57
I just have to support everything you have said Professor. You have very thoughtful insight into the situation. I know so many friends who cannot go one day without a drink. I am sure it's no longer a habit, it's an addiction. I worry so much about what they are missing in their lives. Oh, I don't need to go on, you said it all perfectly!
11/8/2007 5:11:53 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Yes, it is a discussion that is hard to have.First when you start to talk to someone,they are hesitant because they feel you are looking down on them. I am a firm believer in the old saying
I am OK and you are OK
It comes from simple physcology 101.
I guess the ones that need to listen are the ones where problems are beginning to arise.
First, it will be a blackout, cant remeber what you did the night before in its entiretiy.
Then it might be an argument that gets a little mean or like you will think to yourself,
"Did I really do that, or say that"
It will progress on, a DUI will happen, a days work not done or called in sick from a so called hang-over.
These are stepping stones to catastrophic failures.
The nice girl who is a perfect person and worker, mows over some kid in the street, or has a car accident involving injuries.
All things that people are very, very sorry about.But, the responsibility for actions is there.
You see the person in court, you would never guess that they could do such a heinous act.
And they dont.Its the Mr.Hyde in them that does.
Substance abuse is no different then substance use, its just another form of addiction.
I dont want to stand on a soap box and preach.But, if someone, somewhere has a concern with themselves or a friend, it is compassion which makes you take a stand.
I am not proud of my past, alcohol,pot, cocaine,crack. I guess I was lucky, I stayed away from the pharmesuticals, Meth, mushrooms,but, I am very familiar with them.
If anyone would like to email me or talk here about the subject,
I am a firm believer also in,
knowledge is power.
11/8/2007 7:26:04 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 57
Professor I think it should be a permanent part of the groups we have now. I'm not against it at all. I think a lot of times people put themselves into situations they wouldn't normally have if they were sober. Soometimes it takes that DUI to get their attention, and some never learn. I've had friends that had so many DUI's they walked for a year. Got their license back and had another within 6 months.
I've seen good friends get involved in stuff that ripped their lives apart, and I've had relatives do it over and over and over, til eventually the disease killed them. In the end they were sober and regretted it all but then it was too late. So yep this forum would be awesome if it helped one person get and stay sober.
I've had a friend that was addicted to sex and booze. He died of liver diease not ong ago and I miss him. He knew what he was doing was killing him but would rather drink than live. Sad thing to watch. He ended up with all kinds of relationship problems with is family and got involved with crazy gold diggin' women.... not too good.
I can do without anything, I drink a beer or three now and then, but seldom get drunk and never miss it. I drank very little for years, but found as I got older I enjoyed a beer at the end of the day. I love to get out with friends and have a few too, but that happens less and less since the divorce. They are all married.
This Forum would get my vote if it came to it.
11/9/2007 6:46:28 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
I want to thank each and every one of you for your input into this subject.It is only people like us that can help others to get back on track.We must all do whatever we can to try and help those who have a little trouble with substance abuse of any kind.Only through discussion and "De- fobiaizing" the topic can relative progress be made.One of the first things I did not like when I started to get help was just to seek help.And the last thing I wanted to do was get up in front of people an say-
"Hi, my name is Jeff and I am an Alcoholic". Shit, not me.I may drink a little too much but I am not an Alcoholic.And I am damn sure not going to tell you bunch of loser alacoholics that I am an alcoholic, geez.
And that is the first part of denial.AA has been in the business for a long time,and they do have a success rate.But, some people dont go for the 12 step process or find it harder to accept the situation.And no matter what road to sobriety you chose,you have to start out with the first step, the first step in solving any problem is to identify the problem.Now these are not the AA steps I am talking about, these are just plain common sense.Like your car, if you aint getting good gas miliage, you got to figure out what is wrong.
Once you can own it, be able to look in the mirror and say,"Gee, I could have a problem or maybe this might lead to a problem.I have got to do something about it." Its like being able to see the iceberg before you hit it.And that iceberg is out there.Dont lie to yourself or feel you are the only boat in potential trouble of hitting it and sinking.
If you can get to that point,and can say,"I need to deal with this", thats when the war starts.
And it is a war.
This is not just about alcohol, its drugs,losing your temper, losing control.We all have control and choices for our lives and we all want to be the best self as we can.But, life just keeps wanting to bring you down.It is easy to escape life in one way or another.But, if you can control life, manage it to your terms.Then good things will happen.Its not about money, woman or men that is important.It is your inner peace of mind.
Any feedback is important here.I am looking to help just one.Then my mind will be at ease.If I can make just one person think a little about this subject, maybe he or she can pass it on to a friend.People will read this thread and not respond, thats ok. The seed will be out there, no guarentee it will grow.I am no way quauified to give professional advice, but, I have gone through this,I have been to rock bottom.And no matter how much you got, it will not stop you from falling and hurting yourself or worse your love ones.
This is a life and death discussion, and the ones I want to hear, know that.
Have a Nice Day
11/9/2007 6:56:34 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
PS-If you read this thread, please give a small comment.Only with your help can I help.
Dustin will not have this as a Group thread without enough particpation.
Thank You
11/9/2007 8:58:43 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |
Gadsden, AL
age: 58
Thanks Professer,
I'm new to this Datehookup and was looking for Recovery.
Just so happends I got sober in St. Pete (2410 Central Av.)
The Ol' St.Pete Grp. 5/20/98.
Lived there for 7years
Thanks and have a great 24
P.S. Ya couldn't have said it any better  
11/10/2007 7:28:50 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |

Overland Park, KS
age: 43
I've posted in other threads at times about my being sober..if I am to share myself with my friends..they should know the bad with the good..
In early recovery..we are just tryin to cope with the knowledge that our crutch is being taken away..and now what do we do for fun? If not for finding people my age in early recovery to hang out with..I might have gone back out more than the 3 times I did, before deciding that my worst day sober was better than my best day drunk.
So bringing a thread here for recovery would get my vote..and just ignore the ignorant , trouble makers that drive by ...if they atleast read a little into the topic..the seed is planted..
I've been clean and serene since 1988..but still need a daily reminder of where I came from to keep me from wondering what could have been.
I'm currently seeing how alcoholism affects the mind ---My brother had emergency open heart surgery mid sept. .he's been back at his own home for just over a week..while he was in the hospital, we cleaned his house..several empty half gallon vodka bottles , along with an unusual filthy conditions ( my bro is usually neat and clean),led us to think he may have issues with chemical dependency.
that was confirmed this past week..his house was back to a mess..empty Vo bottles..Dad , his wife and I tried to convince him he needed help..on wednesday, he admitted he had a problem, but didnt want help..just yet. ThursdaY I went and gave him a little of my experience..Friday, Dad was finally able to convince Mickey(my bro) to leave his house with them and enter into treatment. Hopefully he will get what he needs there to make a plan for recovery..
I miss my brother, and now realize I do not really know him..he's 56 I am 41..the vast age difference alone separates us...maybe now..things will come to see the light of day.
Keep coming works..
11/10/2007 7:58:46 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Thank you Turtle for taking the time to respond.
I hope your brother succeeds, I think he will.You mentioned when you first quit about the good times.When I first quit, it was the same.My whole life had revolved around alcohol and drugs and my entire social envirnment was full of those who smoked or drank or partied. It seemed that the bottom line was they were bored and had to do somethin.
You know like Cheers-"Where everybody knows your name".When I decided to get sober, I still went to the bars, to be with my friends, as I thought they were.But, sitting there sober and listening to the bullshit and watching the antics and fights and stupid discussions, I realized where I had been.Once you become sober, a lot of your so called friends begin to alienate you.There are many reasons.I became very alone.Where can you go, where there are sober people?Church, recovery centers.
I found a place lately, it has a hall on one end and it has the AA meetings, and it has a hall on the other which has the NA meetings.But, in the middle there is a coffee shop, this is where I sit. Everynite, if I can, I decide that it is more important for me to spend time there, then watching the nightly news.
From one side the AA people stroll in and talk, from the other side,all these bikers come in and talk.
The one thing that I like in the middle is that it is common ground.
The AA people crow about being sober for years, the bikers crow about still being alive,
then someone will walk in and say, "Hey, I have been sober for 3 days now"
It dont matter in my book if your sober for 25 years.It is just important for the one sober for 3 days.
The will to be sober, day at a time, is the most important ingredient in beating addiction.
Again, I dont want to sit here and preach, the only reason I take time at all here is maybe someone needs some support.If they do, please e-mail me or leave a post here.I am not a professional and dont want to have anyone think my opinion is better then the next guy, but, its the discussion that will turn on the light.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.-Prof.
11/10/2007 8:08:59 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |

Overland Park, KS
age: 43
I do not state my sobriety date to brag..but rather as an example that it can be done...I got sober soon after I became legal to buy been sneaking around the system before that.
In many respects..the new comer is the most important person to the room..they say we have to give it away to keep it..and new comers are sometimes ready to receive..
I like the format of your hall..sounds like a neat place..common ground. 
11/10/2007 9:40:23 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |
Anchorage, AK
age: 50
I was "sober" 20 years than took up wine habit in 00, mostly trying to deal with the "soon to be ex" guess what,, when He went out the door so did the wine.YAY.. OK OK OK then got into this forum and online dating crap. Trying to get back into real holy spirit Christian but am going slow from 7 years of burying my personal beliefs..
Anyway anyway blah a blah
Nice chat here
11/11/2007 8:06:32 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 59
Definetly, this would be a helpful discussion group to have. Addictions affect the lives of us all. Last year I felt sorry for a friend who said he had no where to go for Thankgiving. So I invited him to spend the holiday weekend with me and my family. Didn't realise what a problem he had and he ruined it for all of us, including himself. I wrote this for him, though we don't communicate any longer.
That Old Demon
You know what you did and the pain you have caused
To yourself and whoever was around you those times
Innocent victims, scarred by damage inflicted by you
There are many of you walking around today
The walking dead
Some of you function without others knowing
You wear your mask for society approval well
Because practice makes perfect and you have practiced for a long time
But it always catches up in the long run
Your body and mind shall eventually be ravaged permanently
And you worship an empty God with instant numbing promises
Liquor has names such as demon rum and mad dog for good reason
Just as the white lady calls those with a weakness for another damaging substance
Truely, you are alone to worship these false deities of wretchedness
In time you shall see them as they really are
They will unmask when it is late in your dis-ease process
Then feed on your stark terror of them
Because that is their motive and you know it deep down
They need you and your energy to function here
But you don't need them and their lies
You can break out of your selfishness and perpetual self pitied ways
Look in the mirror and realise how blessed it is to be alive right now
For some day we shall all die, but you are still here this moment
Quit wasting time, start living and reach outside of self
There is a whole world waiting and hoping
Family and friends that have been neglected but still love you
But you have to want to, for not one person can truely change another
It is all up to you
Is living death the legacy you want to leave.....only you know the answer
And it starts with learning how to love, be truthful, and kind to yourself
11/12/2007 5:48:55 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Kelly, you bring up a good point.For addiction not only hurts the one whose addiction they cant control, it hurts all that they come in contact with.Many of Thanksgivings are ruined for what amounts to too much of a good time.I was at one of my friends Thanksgiving one year, and the two brothers had more then there share of drink, they ended up brawling and cussing each other out. But, for them it was normal, the next day, they moved on.But, the memory of what happened did not move on from the mother.Mothers spend all day and night around Thanksgiving to make a nice family meal and setting.The mother felt bad for weeks, even though it was not her fault, she could not lose the memory of the awful day that had passed.
And since it is getting near the Holidays, be careful peeps.You know the company christmas party, the ride home on the highways after your turkey day meal, the hustle and bustle of christmas.Substance use can give people a hair trigger on anger.
Enjoy yourselfs and have a good time, but, just rember, alcohol and other self-medications change you.Dont let the inner grinch spoil things, the real you is more important.
11/13/2007 5:36:05 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Yes, another day alone.Passed by all the bars,had no interest in people
pickled and laughing their lifes away,passed by the hood, for a nickel or a dime could have picked up little bit and had any woman I wanted their,passed by the physciatiss office, could have went in and him tell me I am clinically depressed, but, I dont know it.
Passed by the Church, should have went in and thanked God for another day of sunshine,
I slowed down, but kept on going.Passed by the library,should have stopped, knowledge is power.Pulled into my yard, sat and wondered about life for a minute, then my dogs came running up to me tails wagging, eyes full of joy.I guess life is full of choices,
glad I can make my own.Life is good and can be better,if you give it a chance.
11/14/2007 7:37:26 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |
Campo de la Cruz
age: 38
Sober since October 27 of this year.
Thanks professer, I was so skeptical on making that step
but life gave me a second chance and I did it!
I am sorry I did not take that step before...
I used to see AA goers as a bunch of frustrated humans craving for a drink!
never though of each one as a mentor and it is so cool to hold hands at the end of the meetings in a circle and pray
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can
and Wisdom to know the difference...
…shouting in hope
Keep coming back it works if you work it!
and all the amazing stories of failure yet success for taking that step because
copping with life is not easy then you rely on a drink or a substance to numb
the pain so all you think about "...just can't wait to hang out with my drinking partners." but now...
when someone I love hurts my feelings
or the day did not go as expected...I get to think to get together with my bunch of friends, true friends that I can very much relate to...I did not know miracles where happening in the Yellow House...I am so proud to be a part of it...because a miracle is happening inside of me!
Just the other day someone I care about hurt me so much so so much but because of the support and commitment one finds and the penetrating life stories just inspire me to see a new perspective giving me a new consciousness to let go of resentments.
...the beauty of these meetings is that you find people from all types of life wanting to make better choice therefore a more safe world...yet unique yet we all one!
Thanks proffeser you definitely have my vote!!!
11/14/2007 6:12:13 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
You are extremely articulate in your understanding of yourself.It is a miricle happening within you.And I will always be here for you, just to talk if need be.It is a big step to try and save yourself.But, it is the frontline of the battle.The intense feeling is there for you to succeed, trust me.You may even fall and fail in your struggle to arrive at Serenity.That is not the end of the world if you do, just get back up, brush yourself off and remain committed to the most important fight of your life.It will take time and commitment from you and you alone.You have taken the first step of a journey to sobriety.It is not an easy road to travel.It is filled with many detours that may get you off track, but, you are very lucky to see the light at age 35.You have your whole life ahead of you.And trust me when I say that if you commit yourself to this journey,your life will change.Opprtunity will come to you, you can attain the happiness of living a clean life.It is a lonely journey and the will can sometimes be strained by a bad day, or an urge to be with other people who indulge in alcohol or drugs.It will take time to heal the damage, thats right the damage of the diesease.But, as you have done, you have chosen this path, and God will help you through it.Because God helps those who help themselves.You are in a very dangerous time.The first 90 days are intense.But, what I am telling you, if the worst happens and you slip and fall,be it your mandate to conqueur this evil.Every time I think of having a drink, I consider it gasoline.Somebody would be crazy to drink gasoline, even if I have a beer in my hand, I have my mind convinced, dont drink it, it is gasoline,nobody in their right mind would drink gasoline.The trick,Ghost, is to find something that works.Replace the time you would drink or do drugs with something else until you get past the first 90 days.Even if you just go fishing, or take a walk in the woods or go to the library or whatever it takes to replace, fight like your life depends on it.You are your own worst enemy, but, you are your own best friend.Once you have made up your mind, it will become a way of life.And soon, you will see the rewards.Surround yourself with sober people.
My prayers will be with you, I will always be here.Lets go through this struggle together and build yourself a rewarding substance free existence.You will see,you will see.
11/14/2007 9:24:47 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Woonsocket, RI
age: 50
Hi name is Mary,and I am a raging(recovering)alcholic! In the last 5yrs.I have been in 23 detoxes/psyc.wards + 16months live in residental.This thread is so very important and if there is ever "ANYTHING" I can do for "ANYONE"that is struggling with addiction....PLEASE let me know!!
It doesnt matter where you live..I may not be able to be with you physically,but if you want help I will do what I can to find you the best available facility, wherever you live!Just pack a bag and I will tell you where to go and if at all possible I will find someone to be there with DO NOT have to BE ALONE,ever again!!!
Feel free to email me and if you need a friend "who knows exactly what you are feeling",I will give you my # to call and I will try to get you through a rough spot if I can!
Thank you Professor for this wonderful thread idea and also to all of you who have shared.
Ghost....I am so proud of you!!!!Keep up the good work and please remember this...even if there are times that you dont believe you can do this....BELIEVE THAT I BELIEVE YOU CAN!!!!
love,hugs and peace to all......mary
11/15/2007 5:38:11 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Thank you SCW and Wood I think we got our wires mixed , but, whatever.This is good, it shows that people have an interest in this thread.It is very important for those who are searching for help in substance use to know that they are not alone.Very important to show that there are people out here who really care and that we as a whole can make a difference.Sobriety knows no social class, from the poor lonely broke wino to the super rich movie star, the power of addiction effects us all.If only it makes someone think twice about getting into a car and driving after a few, to have in their mind they read someone said,
to think, when you drink, and dont sink.
Dont think ,"I only had a few, I can make it home."
"I only live a few blocks away"
If anyone is ever at a place, and they think for just a second about getting home,
safely, or without killing themselves or someone else.
Find an INTERNET access, contact me.I dont care where you are on the PLANET.
I will get you home safely.Just get to me on this website.TRUST ME.
And that goes for if you feel there is no hope, and you think maybe the world will be a better place without me.
CALL ME, I will be here.
The only thing that makes me mad when I read the morning paper is people doing crazy or stupid things.
We are not crazy, and we are not stupid.
Substance use can fool the brain, but, it cant fool the mind.
For anyone having thoughts about your substance use,CALL ME>
Hang in there, hope is eternal and life can and will be better for you.
But, you got to own it, know it and combat it.
It is a life and death subject.And life is too short not to be happy,
for any reason.
God Bless you all,JMO
11/16/2007 7:51:58 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Madisonville, KY
age: 60
Professer, I would like very much to have this group here at DH.It will help me in understanding a family member.
11/16/2007 4:06:25 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Well, good for you.
"Help in understanding a family member"
That is a very positive and compassionate approach.Had my family did more to try an understand my problem with substance intake, maybe I would have had help long before I finally did.If no one is there to support you, then change is almost impossible.You can change by yourself, but, it is a constant fight with yourself with no benchmarks being established or credit approval of goals gained.The fact is nobody wants to suggest to themselves that a problem may be lurking over the horizon.I will tell you the first red flag, that is a DUI.
But, sometimes I feel it is useless to discuss this topic.
but the power that helped me change, drives me to help someone else change, or at the very least, just to consider it.Change is very hard.Especially if the facts are masked by rationalization.
Boils down to the looking in the mirror scenario,asking hard questions, and being able NOT to lie to yourself.
Why do you use substances?Whatever answer you give will not add up, go ahead, anybody, tell me why you drink?
Oh it makes me relax and feel good.
Crap on that, you didnt drink when you were ten, you tellin me then you never relaxed or felt good.
Here it is the Holidays coming up, God help those who cannot help themselves and please dont let no one die on the roads again, this year.
But, they will,
combat with no enemy but the one from within.
11/20/2007 3:48:59 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Woonsocket, RI
age: 50
Hey all....I just wanted to post a couple of FYIs,for anyone who is suffering or knows someone who is,from an addiction. While detox is an excellent start,most people will not benifit from it except to get a brief taste of sobriety. If you or a loved one really wants to get "clean" I highly suggest,"long term treatment"!!!!
While nobody wants to be "put away" in a home away from their home,for any length of time,the statistics show that a pretty good percent of people benifit greatly from an experience like that.
If anyone is interested in more information on how they work or how they are run,please let me know and I can fill you in on all the details.There are people out there who are willing to help,usually fellow addicts who have gotten clean through treatment,and like nothing better than to help someone who is still suffering!
11/20/2007 5:17:28 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
That is very true SCW.Treatment, it is a path to sobriety.Why does it have such a failure rate?Yes, many people do go to treatment and enjoy the satisfaction of sobriety.But, many, slip back into the same feel of addiction.One person I read on the threads mentioned that it is the devils work that brings then back to addiction.In the big picture, what we communely agree about who and what the so-called devil does is very clear.We all have some kind of God and Devil in our minds.Even those who dont believe in God find themselves talking to themselves, or thinking out load.They are communicating with their inner self that they ask questions of.We all have a certain part of the brain where we weigh right and wrong.Call it a conscious, call it a reacting to ones education and personal knowledge.Sometimes, in fact many times we dont do whats right, even though we know better.
The problem of addiction is getting past the addiction and getting to be in control of ones actions again.Choices, we all have that.Choices to travel the path which is best for ones self and those around them.It is hard for someone to take me at face value.I am very plain and most will not take the time to get to know me.Nobody is attracted to what they see,or have no desire to be with me.I use to use my addictions because the saying misery like company is very true.If I was there providing their need, they could overlook me as a person.And it showed because when I stopped providing what they want, they would leave and find it somewhere else.I entered the underworld and dealt with many things in search for my soulmate.I lowered myself into the abysis with the justification of I will save her.I will provide what the other scumbags are giving her, to more or less, pull her away from the devil.It was a very dangerous place to go.Most people hit rock bottom because they spend everything they have, lose everything they have and sooner or later they have nothing, all is lost.I just so happened to be in a position of certain wealth that although I spent thousands and thousands, I did not hit rock bottom because I never ran out of money.When I look back at the cost for nothing, I am ashamed.I am ashamed that money was spent for such a foolish endeaver.I am ashamed that all that money could have been used for other people who really have needs.Single parents with no homes to live in, homeless people who live everyday without food or hope of someone truly letting a hand come down and help them.
For me, someone helped me out of addiction.Somebody offered me something in exchange for sobriety.The offer was very substantial.It was life changing.It was like, I will give you the Moon, if you stop.But, if you ever go back, I will take back the moon.Well, damn, I liked my addictions, in fact I loved them and could not dream of ever being without them.But, I had a choice to make.The Moon, to be set for life.If I let this pass, I will regret it for the rest of my life.Shit.What to do.Well, considering where I was headed if I stayed with my addictions or where I could go if I had the Moon.....
I quit, right then and there.Became sober, and never looked back.I saved my life and it was such a blessing from God, I still thank him everyday.
The only way to combat an addiction is to replace it.Once the addiction has been beaten into submission, it can be controlled by the knowledge of its existence of an evil that cannot be tolerated, it can be cast out of heaven, jsut like the angel of darkness was.You cant destroy it, but, you can live without it.
Trust me my friend, fight the battle, win for yourself and get to the promised land, it is not that far away,just my opinion.
11/21/2007 4:40:22 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |
Lincoln, NE
age: 50
What a GREAT Topic! I am in Recovery. My sobriety date is 02/08/06. I wasn't a "falling down" drunk,or any of the typical stereotypes most people have of what an "alcoholic" / "addict" is. In short, my drinking and using kept me from living in accordance with my values and beliefs and as a result of that conflict I wasn't able to accept life on LIFE'S terms. Now, with some real sobriety under my belt, I am a much more well adjusted person, a better dad, brother, friend and now...student. I have gone back to school to get my degree. I am able to work towards my goals and have some serenity. It can only be done, as they say, One Day At A Time. Life is Life and there isn't anything that can happen that I have to take a drink over or use any drugs over. Drinking/Using won't make things any better, only worse. If you get tired of dealing with the consequences of your bad choices and behavior then you may be ready to make some changes in your life. I am grateful for all I've been through because it was what I needed to experience to get me to where I am today.
11/22/2007 9:01:38 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Well, the Holidays are here, and so am I.Somewhere out there is someone thinking about all this and that is good.I hope that when everyone goes to the holidays parties that they take note.Get a designated system to get home after the party.Stay at the hotel,go home the next morning, make an appointment to get a cab afterwaards.Just to be on the safe side, you might not be drunk and yes you can probaly get home by yourself ok, you dont plan on getting drunk.It is not about getting drunk.It is about being impaired.The split second of response needed in any accident situation,might be slowed by a hair.And it might not be your fault, it might be the other guy who is drunk.Shit, no one ever expects someone to run the red light.So be prepared, think before hand and for Gods sake................
expect the unexpected.
11/23/2007 4:05:56 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Expect the Unexpected
11/25/2007 6:23:41 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Read todays paper.Said 90 percent of those who try to get sober, relapse.
It says 40 percent who go through a program, relapse.
I feel very fortunate to have gotten a handle on my addictions.I would love to relapse,just to enjoy it again.
But, I wont.
I did somethin today, maybe it makes no sense.But, I said, I want to see a sign, talking to someone out there, but, no one in particuliar.I said to myself, to prove my point, I will rip up seven peices of paper and put them in a hat.The number one will be on one peice.
And I said to myself, I will put my hand in my hat and pull out the number one.
I pulled out a piece of paper, and the number one was on it.
My friend that helped me to get sober is name is Peter.
What a Saint he is.
I live in Saint Petersburg.
Coincidense,twilight zone philosphy, I dont know,,
but, if there is a FORCE,
it is strong within this one.
Its ok to relapse, because it means you are trying.To try a hundred times and relapse 99
you still win, in the end.
11/25/2007 11:47:20 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
I've been on here for several months and had no idea this group existed! Great stuff and some honest sharing going on here. If anyone ever needs someone to talk with, please feel free to e-mail me. Peace out all - One Day At A Time!
11/26/2007 5:41:35 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Well, I am glad to hear a response, sometimes I feel no one is out there,but,only sometimes.Again, my only hope is to be here for anyone who wants to fight addiction.It truely is-
One day at a time.
Good luck people, and keep in touch, the holidays are here so be careful, and if you gotta, steal someones keys, before you watch them drive off drunk.
The lives of the people you might save,
thank you in advance.
11/26/2007 9:49:17 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
The holidays are upon us and are particularly difficult. The voices of addiction seem to be at their strongest this time of year and invariably whisper "pick me". The sad part of addiction is that while it tries its best to destroy the individual, it also concurrently goes after his/her family.
11/26/2007 5:04:35 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Absolutely.The family and friends and total strangers all suffer from ones addiction.I have a sister and brother and many nephews and nieces.They all have their family.They all consider me the BLACK sheep.They never call,write or contact me in any way.Even though I have been sober now for some years.All they rember is me when I was a drunk and drug addict.Maybe someday they will forgive me for my past, maybe they never will.It is a price that I paid for my stupidity and actions of the past.
11/26/2007 5:43:42 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
Very well stated!
11/26/2007 9:59:22 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |

Chico, CA
age: 70
Thanks for bringing up this thread. I am not sure how many of us have lived with addiction but I would guess more than would admit it. I have read everything you have posted here and I hope Dustin allows this thread. If my reply will help I am proud I was able to be a part.
My husband was a recovering alcholic for 22 years before his death. He was more proud of his recovery b-day than his normal b-day.
With recovery clinics and AA he stayed clean and sober for almost half of our marriage. And it isn't easy for someone who has an addiction problem. I have met and been around many who couldn't or wouldn't stay on the program.
Bless you for what you are doing here.
11/26/2007 10:13:39 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
Bless you Hmna for standing by your guy all those years. I'm sorry to hear he has departed. It's amazing the dedication folks like you display towards addicts like ourselves until things get better. I can't help but think you have been involved in your own personal recovery as well.
11/27/2007 4:24:17 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Its the compassion in dealing with addiction that helps slay the beast.For without the understanding that the addiction and not the person is at fault goes a long way.Too many times people view people with addictions concerns as sub normal or get confused that its his/her fault.If its anyones fault, it is the companies which push the product, the Malboro Man,Budman, the Hollywood Cheech and Chong.It is cool to be one who uses a product, the general population approve it as some kind of status quo of being a swinger or party animal.
No one is there when the product has done its damage and the victom lies at the bottom, with no one by his/her side.Yes, everyone rationalizes that its OK, I can have a drink or a smoke and it dont bother me.There are plenty of functioning alcoholics.In fact, they will work much harder to prove to themselves that it dont affect them.But, it is the need to have the addiction.They dont feel good or normal without it.They cannot socialize without the addiction making them more uninhibited or mellow.Before they know it, they cannot have a good time or even operate at all without it.
But, there is hope, if someone can kick the habit and return to having a normal body to live in.Then the simple pleasures of life return, and yes, life can be good.God gave us all wonderful bodies and minds, the pleasure zones are there, and it is very nice and relaxing to enjoy the built in pleasure zones.Trust me, I know.Life is meant to be very enjoyable.All addictions do is cloud and disorient the fabaluos systems that are with us anyway.
Get sober, give the body time to cleanse itself, it is the hardest thing you will ever do.
But, once you have arrived at that state, again, you will wonder why you didnt do it years before.
11/27/2007 5:08:37 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Woonsocket, RI
age: 50
Hey all!! Welcome,Hma2+ylekiot,thanks for sharing some of your experiences,strengths and hopes with us!!! And no,I am not affiliated with AA,but was, and have lived, breathed and nearly died over this disease for many yrs. is truly a wonderful thing when one gets the "fog out" and lives a life free of addiction.While I have been Blessed my whole life with wonderful times and many memories,they are mostly all "clouded" with some form of sadness that was alcohol isnt perfect,but man it is "GOOD"!!!
As always...if there is ANYONE who needs or wants to talk privately about themselves or a loved one who may be suffering from any addiction,please email me and I will do whatever I can to help!!!.....peace,mary
11/27/2007 5:23:13 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |
Campo de la Cruz
age: 38
professer: Absolutely.The family and friends and total strangers all suffer from ones addiction.I have a sister and brother and many nephews and nieces.They all have their family.They all consider me the BLACK sheep.They never call,write or contact me in any way.Even though I have been sober now for some years.All they rember is me when I was a drunk and drug addict.Maybe someday they will forgive me for my past, maybe they never will.It is a price that I paid for my stupidity and actions of the past.
professer don't be hard on yourself!!! I have been there and it is rough especially in holydays but just keep in mind you changed your ways and well, people just love to not only criticize but brag about the negative aspects of an individual but when there is genuine change I guess they can no longer be as alarming with their negative statements in other words their gossip patterns so I feel sorry for them to be so hollow and I am so proud of you for becoming such a mentor to billions of us now, we are your family so excuse my English but f**k them 'cause is their loss and cheers to you
non alcoholic and talking about nonalcoholic and beverage these holydays...well that is my weakness so what I do is mix lime sparkling water, pineapple juice, orange juice then I put some real fruits, oranges, pineapple and apples...uhmmm is so delicious just gets me high thinking about it with no need of "The Venom" if you know what I’m talking about and I really feel with my decisions!!!
[Edited 11/27/2007 5:24:32 PM PST]
11/28/2007 6:03:38 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Well, Ghost, a heartfelt thanks to you.Yes, you are very right with what you say.And it is their lost.Their hollow thinking and selfish standards.For they no nothing of the battles I have fought to be here and Victory is mine.And I stand alone from all my so-called friends and family of the past.Someday the younger ones will ask about me and it is them that shall come forth and experience the true meaning of life.Now they are polluted with trusting what they have heard,but, the truth will set you free, and they will seek the truth because of the gut feeling that they may have misjudged me.I can wait, and it is with friends,if I may call you, like you that the passion and the will to continue on being sober makes me stronger everyday.For I know in my heart, that there is a greater truth in life, and I am experiencing it everyday.With everystep and everythought, I feel good.I dont judge my fellow man/woman in their ways, I can only hold a candle in the dark.Those who can help themselves will see that light and eventually shine from within themselves to total glory.And yea, I may stand alone on this mountain top, but,I am closer to God and eternal happiness which sets me free like a bird on the wind, I will soar.
11/28/2007 9:59:42 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
Hey all. Just a "good morning" show of support!
11/29/2007 5:31:48 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
ylet,appreciate your show of support.If only everyone could wake up to an email from many,many friends to be sober, I am sure that would help everyone trying to win the battle.I see by the news it stated that 22 million people need help with addiction and only 2 million try to get it.And out of that 2 million,90 percent will fail and 40 percent of the ones who actually go to a clinic of some kind will fail.I wish I was intelligent enough to find the answer.That means no matter how you look at it, millions will have horrible consequences to there responsibilty in life in general.It is hard to follow an addiction cure.For some addictions it is point blank, it is either appparently harmful or strictly illegal.In this new day and age it is getting even more complicated with the RX generation.Those who use prescription drugs thinking they are safe cause the doctor says so.Esctasy was first formulated and used for physhiatirc medication to help married couples get along better with each other, to slow the rate of divorce and dissolution.All drugs have a good idea from conseption.But, being used by a licensed doctoer for a cure is the main reason.When someone begins to self prescribe oneself, the whole idea gets twisted and results are made that are not justified by logic.Spock from Star Trek always new that,simple not being logical was enough not to pursue certain avenues.But, many of us have this feeling of pushing the envelope, escaping to a better place.I heard a girl the other day talking about taking oxycotton and drinking and how wonderful it made her feel.Made her feel.I can feel wonderful without anything making me to. I hate being told what to do and I am sure my brain feels the same.But, life is short and why not feel wonderful all the time?Having an addiction makes you feel good all the time.Therefore feeling good becomes normal, and then you never feel good anymore, just like normal,the [pleasure is taken out of it, for the course to being normal is fake and induced.The sad thing is no one gives a crap until something horrible does happen.Then they can only look at themselves and cannot hide from feeling they were wrong.Yes,wrong for the path they choose, and no matter how much they try an rationalize,no one can bring back to life the innocent lying in the street dead from a drunken or impaired driver, their teddy bear lies nearby with a look of confusion and disgust in its eyes, humans?Simply put, we all have choices and we all know right from wrong, and ignorance(ignoring what the brain tells you deep inside)
is no excuse.
Happy Holidays and be safe,
if you see an impaired driver,stop him/her
at any cost.
11/29/2007 2:21:32 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
Good afternoon brothers and sisters in sanity! (not INsanity) 
11/30/2007 3:42:33 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
Where the hell is everyone? Anyone sober today?
11/30/2007 6:31:31 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Woonsocket, RI
age: 50
Hey ylekiot!!!! Sober and accounted for here!!!LOL Have a great weekend. Im pretty much game to talk about anything to do with addictions and recovery,so if there ever anything on your mind ...speak up,OK???? .....peace
12/1/2007 6:01:43 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
Daily accountability checkin. How's everyone doing?
12/2/2007 4:12:33 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
Anyone got their head screwed on straight today?
12/3/2007 12:18:35 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
WTF. Where is everyone? Hope everyone has not gotten "well" overnight!
12/5/2007 5:56:38 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Yea, I saw a thread the other day on this subject.All I got to say about this is try an experiment.
1)Quit smoking for two weeks.After a day, you will swear,you gotta have it,after a week you will crave for the life you had swhen smoking it
after two weeks, you wanna die for it.
ADDICTION,just think about it, and dont give me this
"oh it never hurt anyone" crap.
I ve been there, I know what it does to you.
It makes you think of only yourself,
it confuses the brain into rationalizting things.
It f**ks you up so bad you cannot even see what it is doing to you.
Do the research, see how the brain works when you sleep, see what POT does to your neural impulses.
Then after two weeks, pick up a joint and get high.
Wow, see how it screws you up,
thats ok, have another one, then you will be right back where you started from.
You can lie to yourself, but, you cant lie to the mirror.
Why do you think its illegal?
Why do you think being a DRUG ADDICT is not hip.
Dont matter, I miss it too, very much.
I use to like with living with blinders on,
but, somethin made me change,
and I thank God I did.
ADDICTION, whats your excuse?
12/5/2007 10:18:49 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
'Bout time someone showed up here. Hello Professor.
12/6/2007 5:37:21 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Whats up Yielk.
Yes, not too many people post here.Its like society in a whole.Nobody believes they have an addiction problem.Most people are functioning and see no need to address the subject.
I remember when I drank and used, anyone talking sober,well, I figured they were losers just getting on a soap box.I guess if nothing is going wrong,shows no red flags.Nobody will, or rarely will research themselves and how the body and mind work.Its like the Earth, earthquakes and tremors happen all the time, but, when it finally explodes and cause cataclysmatic results,no one runs for cover or help.But, I do hope if just one life is saved this holiday season, it will be from someone who can see the danger coming.Dont let drivers drink and drive.Stop them.
At any cost.
12/8/2007 5:04:23 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
I think the main culprit here is depression, it leads to alternate escapes from life.It produces madman.You rarely evr hear of a female going nuts and becoming a sniper, bobmber or mall mudererer.There is a place for medication.There is a logical for those that need help to use drugs to stabilize themselves.If only the kid who murdererd them people in the mall had smoked a joint, maybe he would have mellowed out and walked away.I dont know the answers.I cant see people killing people.In war you have a job to do, you either do it, or they will do it unto you.But, just to slaughter,what makes a mind of a true coward work?
12/8/2007 8:06:54 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
K, I'm checking in. Still somewhat in my right mind! 
12/9/2007 2:28:35 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Woonsocket, RI
age: 50
Hey Ylek and Professer....nice posts! Im one of the "lucky ones"(Blessed)that doesnt have to deal with cravings or urges,especially during the Holidays.Although I will admit,when I use to watch those commercials with Baileys Irish Cream...they looked darn good!LOL
While Christmas time is a joyous time of year for most,there are those who fall into such a deep depression over it,and turning to alcohol and or drugs,is the "fastest" way to escape the Holidays and the overwhelming sadness that it brings for them.
As always...if there is anyone in need of help,advice or just a chat about addiction,feel free to email me and I will "help" in any way I possibly can!!.....peace,mary
12/9/2007 1:48:11 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
Thanks Mary.
I hope more and more people will leave their opinions and thoughts here.
It builds strength for those who need to know
they are not alone and people do care
12/9/2007 2:41:22 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
Holidays can be tough - and dangerous. The kids have left the nest, I'm by myself, and keep occupied by a few community service committments (not court mandated! )
12/10/2007 4:56:46 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 54
12/10/2007 7:32:20 PM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Marble Falls, TX
age: 60
Today 12/10/07 I am 90 days sober had a private meeting with a friend.The one that brung
me up to the first meeting!I made about 75 meetings in the last's tough I also quit smoking at the same time.I am a diabetic W/heart problems and told to quit 5yrs ago
after I had a "mild" heart attack.I blamed that on stress from owning and operating a restuarant,could'nt be the fifth of jack and 2 packs of cigs a isold the res.and kept up the S&D.NOW my blood pressure is up,blood sugar is up among other problems I'm headed to the VA to see if i now may need open heart surgery.Probably shoulda listened a few yrs ago but glad im there NOW. Phil alcohol challenged (politically correct)
12/11/2007 12:26:15 AM |
For those interested in Substance Control and Sobriety |


Stateline, NV
age: 53
Right on barbaque. Congrats buddy!