3/14/2009 1:57:10 AM |
What a Woman wants |

Smyrna, TN
age: 51
This is what I want,But feel free to add to this If you like so all the guys will know This is what a woman wants.
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...And always Treat her with Respect whether she treats herself with Respect or not.

3/14/2009 1:27:31 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
I don't make a list. I have dated a variety of men with a variety of assets and qualities. I enjoyed them and when the right one comes along... I will know without a list
3/14/2009 9:00:42 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Lenoir City, TN
age: 37
I don't make a list. I have dated a variety of men with a variety of assets and qualities. I enjoyed them and when the right one comes along... I will know without a list
i agree totally and when i met my guy now i just knew he was the right guy for me, thankfully he feels the same! 
3/21/2009 2:33:51 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Madison, TN
age: 61
This is what I want,But feel free to add to this If you like so all the guys will know This is what a woman wants.
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...And always Treat her with Respect whether she treats herself with Respect or not.

seems to me...you will never have a guy like this....he probably has a boyfriend
3/22/2009 6:15:22 AM |
What a Woman wants |
Memphis, TN
age: 56
you saying Prince Charming isn't out there??
3/22/2009 8:38:26 AM |
What a Woman wants |

Madison, TN
age: 61
nope, just sayong he's probably gay.
3/25/2009 4:50:39 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Oliver Springs, TN
age: 47
thats how i treat the woman now that wrote me from here, i've always been that way with the lady's... hope she appreciates it, cause i appreciate her!
3/30/2009 10:38:56 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Murfreesboro, TN
age: 19
your list is exactly how i was raised to treat a woman, and i fit that list to a t lol.
3/30/2009 11:33:10 PM |
What a Woman wants |
Sevierville, TN
age: 32
I am raising two boys I want them to treat a women that way but, I don't want them to be walked on by Mrs. Wrong either? I would have to be the monster in law LOLs
4/3/2009 6:13:39 PM |
What a Woman wants |
Spring City, TN
age: 39
I agree with you guys to an extent. we must remember its a 2 way street.i treated my wife like what u guys are saying.i only did it cause I wanted to not cause I had2.she ran me over and it ended in divorce
4/3/2009 6:22:09 PM |
What a Woman wants |


Powell, TN
age: 45
I just want to be respected and treated like a woman, not a piece of meat, garbage, or property.
4/4/2009 8:34:03 PM |
What a Woman wants |
Nashville, TN
age: 40
This is what I want,But feel free to add to this If you like so all the guys will know This is what a woman wants.
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...And always Treat her with Respect whether she treats herself with Respect or not.

this is the way i have treated every woman i have ever been with.
6/12/2009 3:00:25 PM |
What a Woman wants |
Mountain City, TN
age: 50
i what a guy that likes to sit under the moon and stars,and writes poems and hold hands as we walk on the beach
6/12/2009 3:36:51 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Shelbyville, TN
age: 46
Well I treat women just as you described what you want only to be let down as it seems they rather chase after the bad boy types. That I will never be and I stay confused as why women say they want what you say yet when they find it they are the ones running? Also the saying your too good to be true or your too nice is really getting old. But hey one day a lady will come along that will appreciate the qualities I have to offer and I'm sure the wait and dissapointments will be well rewarding when we find ea other.
6/23/2009 10:07:27 PM |
What a Woman wants |
Knoxville, TN
age: 62
well said oceanlilyblue
6/25/2009 1:03:44 PM |
What a Woman wants |
Knoxville, TN
age: 31
If you hang up on a guy and he calls you right back, that means he is whipped. Everything else is cool though.
6/25/2009 2:56:18 PM |
What a Woman wants |
Harriman, TN
age: 49
hell thats me. except when you hang up on me I may calm down a while before calling back
6/28/2009 10:10:14 AM |
What a Woman wants |
Knoxville, TN
age: 62
She has put great thought into describing what she wants. Its good
6/28/2009 4:15:28 PM |
What a Woman wants |


Powell, TN
age: 45
A guy should never refer to me as his "old lady". That is one of the most disrespectful terms a man can call a woman.
7/1/2009 5:20:29 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Knoxville, TN
age: 49
What you described is what my wife had. I write romance novels in my spare time and had written her a multitude of poems and gifts. I adored her. I did all that you described. But when she found out that the single saleman at her work who had been flirting with her, brought home over $100,000 the previous year, she left me. I know because when carpooling home (we worked 5 minutes from each other) she went on and on about his income. Then she mentioned it was after taxes. She had all the passwords at work to install programs so I knew then she had been on the payroll system checking him out in order to know his income after taxes. Anyway, after a year and a half, he never married her, moved her in, paid any of her bills or did anything but have his way with her. She is not the woman now I married and loved. That woman was not like this. She is like an evil twin sister. I would never take her back and therefore I know my true soulmate still waits to be found. Yet, all you said that a woman wants, I have found to be not valued. I am on several sites including myspace as throughtimehh but no one seems interested in romance. Is it that it is such a long lost art that women do not believe a man could possibly be romantic anymore so you assume the man is lying?
[Edited 7/1/2009 5:23:08 PM PST]
7/1/2009 9:00:57 PM |
What a Woman wants |


Memphis, TN
age: 32 online now!
What "most" women want is total control, someone to neurotically say yeah you're always right, and.... well I guess that's about it. lol
7/3/2009 9:13:31 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Trussville, AL
age: 53
A guy should never refer to me as his "old lady". That is one of the most disrespectful terms a man can call a woman.
My mother said the same thing when I was a kid....it is one of the most derogatory terms a man can use.....says more about the man than it does the woman.
7/4/2009 5:48:34 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Knoxville, TN
age: 40
She wants to be pampered. Yes, to the point of treating her like a little baby. We live in a day and age of fast times with must have immediate romances. Everyone wants their relationship to be the one where placing that first coin in the machine hits the jackpot. An immediate society with instant gratification. Tickle my ears and tell me you love me and I'll be yours for the minute. Should someone have the ability to scratch my ears better than you have, well then, "Next!" lol We all know that to be true. I like a woman with a strong mind. Those are tough to find: like the perfect diamond.
7/28/2009 3:58:15 PM |
What a Woman wants |
Murfreesboro, TN
age: 63
I see a lot of profiles (both women and men) that say everything but what they truely are and what they are truely looking for. This is a fast paced world now so you need to let your potential partner know how you want to be treated. Also, It.s a two way street. If a person (man or woman) wants to be treated in a certain way they have to do things that would encourage one to want to treat you in a certain way.Golden rule!
7/30/2009 2:53:31 AM |
What a Woman wants |

Lynchburg, TN
age: 60
I can appreciate how a woman wants to be treated, but what happens when the woman treats her man like he's the lowest form of life on earth for no reason at all. He gives her everything that he can, but still get's treated like crap!!
7/30/2009 3:01:59 PM |
What a Woman wants |


Powell, TN
age: 45
My mother said the same thing when I was a kid....it is one of the most derogatory terms a man can use.....says more about the man than it does the woman.
Thank you. I cringe when I hear people calling their SOs that.
I can appreciate how a woman wants to be treated, but what happens when the woman treats her man like he's the lowest form of life on earth for no reason at all. He gives her everything that he can, but still get's treated like crap!! 
Then she's just wrong.
I want a man that's comfortable with me doing things for myself and not having to rely on him every time I break a nail. However, I know there will be times that I will need him to take care of things that I cannot. But, I've taken care of myself for so long now it's second nature and I am not used to depending on anyone to do things for me. he's going to have to be comfortable with me being able to think for myself.
[Edited 7/30/2009 3:04:14 PM PST]
7/31/2009 6:25:25 AM |
What a Woman wants |

Crossville, TN
age: 57
We want it all.... lol.... someone who is a little naughty and badboy, but with a good heart and caring and gentle... who doesn't need to be told what we need , just knows...
And I too wonder,,, I have seen the nicest guys with the b*tchiest woman and wonder WHY?????
7/31/2009 11:06:46 AM |
What a Woman wants |


Harriman, TN
age: 52
HellFIREanddamnation......If I ever got close to getting it right, they changed the list!!!!      
7/31/2009 1:51:03 PM |
What a Woman wants |

Crossville, TN
age: 57
I can tell you one thing we DON'T want... We don't want to be your mamas..  . We do want to be your friends , your lovers and your partners.. 