3/22/2009 8:30:38 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Goodyear, AZ
age: 49
What would be the right way to greet someone for the first time from a date site.
1. Shack hands
2.Smile and nod
I am lost on this one.
When I first meet someone I ofer to shake hands. I feel that the men are not comfortable with this. What do you all think?
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3/22/2009 10:05:32 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Mesa, AZ
age: 47
It depends on your intentions if you are considering them as a dating partner i believe that a hug is acceptable. However if you are just being introduced by someone then a handshake is proper action.
3/22/2009 10:36:34 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Glendale, AZ
age: 46
I believe on a first meeting that a hand shake is proper but I'm old school and it may have changed over the years
I don't even ask for a goodnight kiss at the end of the date unless it's obvious we have hit it off well
I can tell you this though.............This dating shit is hard 
3/22/2009 12:23:43 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |


Tucson, AZ
age: 79

If you have been e-mailing and talking on the phone, I think a hug when you meet breaks the ice. 

3/22/2009 7:06:46 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Goodyear, AZ
age: 49
I believe on a first meeting that a hand shake is proper but I'm old school and it may have changed over the years
I don't even ask for a goodnight kiss at the end of the date unless it's obvious we have hit it off well
[Edited 3/22/2009 7:08:06 PM ]
3/22/2009 7:13:07 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Goodyear, AZ
age: 49
Thanks for the different views on this. As you can see I misspelled shake I do not have the quotes down either I was trying to agree with the last line from Azfunsun43      Z.
[Edited 3/22/2009 7:14:58 PM ]
3/22/2009 10:34:39 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Glendale, AZ
age: 46
Oh hell, don't feel bad, this computer shi.........stuff drives me crazy sometimes
I have a question in relation to yours:
In a success/failure ratio...........Have you found more success from single/alone date with someone or success from meeting someone at a gathering of singles ( such as the DH bowling or DH Dave & Busters or something to that effect) ?
Just curious?
3/23/2009 7:06:27 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Goodyear, AZ
age: 49
I do not know if I can answer that but will try. I have not went to any single get togethers as of yet. I have meet two nice guys on this site and went out with them. The first was realy nice and we had fun but he wanted to move way too fast. The second there was no connection. I agree that there has to be a spark to contue.So sense the alone dating has not worked real well I think I will go to the next meet up event.
Yes this computor stuff is             
And this dating also goes the same way
[Edited 3/23/2009 7:07:15 AM ]
3/23/2009 10:39:05 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 48
if your meeting some one from the site im guessing you have allready hadseveral conversations before so this person is allready like a freind, so how do you treat freinds?...thats what i go by anyway...
3/26/2009 5:32:27 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Casa Grande, AZ
age: 50
So, asking them to meet you at the No-Tell Motel on the first date would be improper?
I kid!
If you have been corresponding via email or whatever venue you choose, I think a hug would be in order. A gentle hug. Not a squeezing chest-to-chest hug. Handshakes are too "business" like. Why not just pound fists? Nothing wrong with a hug as long as it's kept in check and doesn't indicate that you have an agenda or may need some co-dependence therapy.
3/27/2009 4:17:44 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 54
A handshake is absolutely the minimum; it shows sincerity and a desire to get to know the person. If you do nothing, that can truly be perceived as lack of interest or disappointment.
I believe the woman needs to make the decision about the physical reaction and be firm about it. By that I mean execute and don't play games. A couple times recently I've felt that I was about to be "hugged" or should "hug", but by the time I picked up on it the opportunity was over. Males can't figure out this stuff so quickly; at least my reaction time takes a couple seconds.
So my answer is -- MAKE THE DECISION and do what you feel like doing. We will follow along and enjoy it.
- Jim
4/17/2009 4:49:33 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Arizona City, AZ
age: 66
Communicate without being pushy...Jim
4/17/2009 5:04:41 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Tucson, AZ
age: 23
I've found that most of the time both people automatically go for the hand shake that turns into a hug kind of thing. Grab hands with right hand as if to shake, lean in and embrace with the left.
4/17/2009 4:27:24 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |


Phoenix, AZ
age: 48
handshake, hug or kiss -you have to play it by ear. -one thing for sure if we hit it off well -i'm definately stealing a kiss -or two
4/17/2009 10:16:55 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 36
First time meeting?? Big smile and a big "Hi, nice to finally meet you." 
Really - it's the first time you're meeting. It's not even really a date - it's just meeting someone. Keep it light - keep it friendly - keep it LOW pressure on both - and you've got to think the whole time "is this somebody that I can get along with and possibly be friends". Guys - I know you're hating me for having said that, but really - straight up truth. Just find out if you can get along well in person and not just online or on the phone. 
Keep other thoughts out of your head until after you can definitely even establish if you could actually be friends. Maybe there will be chemistry and fireworks and maybe a hug or even a kiss goodnight and how the first meeting goes and how it ends will dictate how the first actual DATE goes. 
Oh, and yes - there are other possible endings to the evening aside from a hug or a kiss - alternate endings include having a drink thrown in your face, being told that you remind somebody of their ex, one night stand, handcuffed and taken to jail... And I swear that those alternate endings aren't ALL from my own personal experience - maybe... 
4/23/2009 10:16:45 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Bisbee, AZ
age: 59
A Handshake works fine for me --- gives you that first touch, from there it's all about chemistry and impressions.
I don't want to get bowled over, and that wet noodle effect is well, you know --
once again - balance prevails,
personally that first meeting just makes me nervous... 

4/24/2009 1:41:08 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Goodyear, AZ
age: 49
Makes me nervous also. 
4/24/2009 5:36:35 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Peoria, AZ
age: 42
If you are meeting someone from here...then I have to assume that you have chatted with them in one form or another. Then for me I would say it would be a hug if you feel that comfort level with them. Now when I attended an event there was a lot of hand shaking as there was noone there I had communicated with in a "dating" sort of way...now a few of them if I where to see again at another event, I would give them a hug if they seemed comfortable.
I do not know if there is a right or a wrong way, I think you need to go with the moment and what you are comfortable with!
4/26/2009 6:00:34 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Buenos Aires
age: 48
If its someone who I have had long term communications with.....I would most likely hug the person. In fact I am not one to agree on meeting someone unless I feel that I know them pretty well, so I would say definitely a hug if not a kiss on the cheek too.
4/26/2009 8:13:17 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
Thanks for the different views on this. As you can see I misspelled shake I do not have the quotes down either I was trying to agree with the last line from Azfunsun43Z.
Jeze I wisch pepol posten on theze blauges wode lurn how to spele.
4/26/2009 10:22:09 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Peoria, AZ
age: 47
Hi. I'm Gary.
Here's my 1040 and my STD-free test results.
Can we go to the movie now?
5/13/2009 9:29:43 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 49
So I think before you meet someone new you need to feel comfortable about the meeting to begin with or at least know your ready to meet a friend if nothing else! Maybe just a hello when meeting that way neither of you feels pressured or uncomfortable! 
5/13/2009 10:44:56 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |


Mesa, AZ
age: 49
What would be the right way to greet someone for the first time from a date site.
1. Shack hands
2.Smile and nod
I am lost on this one. 
When I first meet someone I ofer to shake hands. I feel that the men are not comfortable with this. What do you all think?
I feel that a smile, nod and hand shake is appropriate for the first meeting and a hug at the end of the date if things went really well. I don't think a hug on meeting someone you've never met before is apppropriate. It is best to kind of get a feeling for someone before getting that close. A few years ago, I was working as a Personal Trainer at a health club in Gilbert. There was this attractive lady I had seen in the gym who I hadn't had a chance to talk to. One day I was at the supermarket and she saw me a gave me one of those body to body full hugs. It was just out of the blue and made me feel uncomfortable. If we had talked sometimes and segued into affection it would have been better. Unfortunately, she smoked and stank of it, which would have been a deal breaker anyway.
5/13/2009 10:51:23 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Glendale, AZ
age: 36
If their Asian, don't offer to shake their hand, always bow.
5/13/2009 11:14:13 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Tucson, AZ
age: 37
The 1040 comment with the STD test was funny.
I'm a hugger. Usually I have talked to someone extensively on the phone before I meet them. So I feel that I can hug. If I am meeting someone and have never talked to them, I of course only shake their hands. I hug my insurance agent, my real-estate person and my boss. So... to me a hug is kinda like a more affectionate handshake.
6/20/2009 9:31:02 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Hereford, AZ
age: 44
To me, as a guy, initiating physical contact without an invitation is both pushy and just plain impolite. I'll follow her lead, at least until things are a little clearer.
As for the meeting vs chatting thing, we're talking about dating here....I have NO idea what her take on the chemistry is, no matter how often we've chatted. CAN'T know till she sees, talks to, smells, touches me. And I ain't one to think she's automatically swept away by me..chemistry ALWAYS takes two.
6/20/2009 9:33:42 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
well if i met you , i would craddle your hand and kiss it. 

6/20/2009 9:37:01 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
sage, you always touch my heart  
6/24/2009 1:51:06 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |
Scottsdale, AZ
age: 27
Handshakes are too professional. This is what I do when I meet clients, or the big bad executives, etc. It's very impersonal if you are meeting someone on a date. When you greet the person, it's your first step on opening yourself up to a possibility of a great night, so no hand shake, go for the sweet smile, and hug the man I am personally terrified of hugs with people I don't know, but if you do a hand shake - you give off an instant vibe that you are apprehensive maybe, and nervous? Shy smile and a hug really gets the guy 
LOL, ok, where's my guy though?
[Edited 6/24/2009 1:51:52 PM ]
6/24/2009 2:30:25 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 25
I usually just whip out my peepee and put it in her hand.If shes cool she will like it and we will have a good night. But if she's uptight like most ladies i'll get slapped 
6/24/2009 6:40:45 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 54
Handshakes are too professional.
I am personally terrified of hugs with people I don't know, but if you do a hand shake - you give off an instant vibe that you are apprehensive maybe, and nervous?
Shy smile and a hug really gets the guy
LOL, ok, where's my guy though?
Nice post, but I respectfully disagree with you. A handshake shows boldness, willingness, and composure. You can also gauge on whether you are meeting a cold fish, a dishrag, or a warm and strong person. If you can deliver a firm-gripped handshake, then you are not nervous.
So, maybe people should unbutton their shirts the 1st time they meet?
I'm sure that a shy smile and a hug "gets" the guy, but that seems like a fake tease to me.
Your guy was trying to shake your hand a moment ago, so you missed him!
- Jim
6/26/2009 3:54:48 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |


Phoenix, AZ
age: 48
you don't actually shake her hand: reach out and hold her soft gentle tiny hand for a few seconds, imagine your that nervous little boy reaching to hold a girls hand the first time you got close to a girl.
looking into her eyes, feeling the feminine softness in her fingers, warmth and anxiety in her light nervous grip.
-then squeeze it until she falls down on her knees and cries "UNCLE!!!" 
hand holding can be quite sensual, its a connection two people share wherever and whenever. -the way you hold her hand tells her how you feel about her and vice versa
6/26/2009 8:09:49 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 54
Well I know that female nurses (maybe all nurses, not sure) don't like to shake hands. They are totally uninhibited! Any time there is a party or gathering with men, they don't shake hands... they'll put their hands down a guy's pants and shake with an immediate member of his body.
Perhaps this is how women can decide in ten seconds whether they are going to bed with a particular man or not!
- Jim
6/26/2009 9:51:46 PM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 49
Well I know that female nurses (maybe all nurses, not sure) don't like to shake hands. They are totally uninhibited! Any time there is a party or gathering with men, they don't shake hands... they'll put their hands down a guy's pants and shake with an immediate member of his body.
Perhaps this is how women can decide in ten seconds whether they are going to bed with a particular man or not!
- Jim
6/27/2009 3:12:35 AM |
Proper way to greet someone when you meet for the first time |

Marana, AZ
age: 42
Hmmmm... I Know Lots Of Nurses And Not One Has Ever Greeted Me Like That...Strange...