4/20/2009 9:36:40 AM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |


Mount Juliet, TN
age: 30
My son which is 20 months old bangs his head against things. Most of the time its out of frustration or not gettin his way. He is extremely strong and is really starting to hurt me. Just wondered if anyone had any suggestions. I currently have a big nasty bruise on my chest from this.
4/20/2009 2:51:41 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 31
I had one myself. I ended up bubble wrapping all hard surfaces that I could. I also would hold her head against my chest and not let her lean forward. Hang in there it does get better. She is now 5 and does not do this as often as she used to. Keep an eye on him for sensory issuies to. Just a heads up there where mine has senseory intergration disoreder. Take care Leesa
4/22/2009 6:36:50 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |

Worcester, MA
age: 24
My son has anger issues also the way we solved it was getting a drum set and a thing of hearing protection.I let him bang away i think it has helped some.
4/22/2009 7:17:47 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |
Nashville, TN
age: 31
I don't have a headbanger, but I know children who are...I do not want to worry or alarm you. It could be a number of things, but I would like to point out that frustration is the most likely culprit. Most of the time, it is due to not being able to communicate the needs a child has. By all means, I am not saying that you do not to a terrific job....I know you do a PERFECT JOB!!! As an educator, I had to learn about early childhood. My suggestion is to have a physical on your child, and have his hearing checked. In addition, I would suggest that you also review this website...trusted site from the Department of Education: http://www.ed.gov/Family/GrowthChart/page1.html These are typical things your son should be doing. Without even knowing or observing your son, I could not make heads or tails as to what is wrong. In the following, I am not directing this towards your son, but in my experiences....if it is not hearing, the next thing I would check to see is if he had a language delay. This would have to be observed by a professional. Please, do not get alarmed. When my twin daughter was home within 5 days...I noticed she was not tracking toys...and immediately I took action! You can, as well! The earlier detection....the better outcomes...since there is a "window of opportunity." TEIS is what we have in the state...Tennessee's Early Intervention System is for children ages 0-3 years old...My daughter was enrolled within the first month of her life. The last... I say with hesitancy...I have been around children who are headbangers, because they have Autism/Pervasive Developmental Delay. Certainly, I am not saying your son does. I am just telling you of my encounters. Good luck to you...If you need me, I am here...Take care!
[Edited 4/22/2009 7:24:20 PM PST]
4/22/2009 8:50:49 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 31
That is true anger issues and Language delays are other reasons kids headbang. Early intervention is an exculent reasours to use. I know ours test them for free in your home. Then from there they work on a treatment plan if the child needs it. Good luck take care Leesa
4/22/2009 11:57:50 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |
Pensacola, FL
age: 28
i have an autistic 7 year old who does this. he usually bangs his head on the floor when he gets mad. my 2 year old picked up the idea and does it also sometimes, but soon figured out that it hurts and doesn't really get her anywhere. As for him, school has been helping him alot by redirecting his frustration into something nonviolent, but honestly I have no idea how they do it. He also bites.
4/23/2009 7:24:32 AM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 31
My 5 year old bites so you are not alone there. She has autistic tendiencies. Take care Leesa
4/25/2009 8:35:53 AM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |


Powell, TN
age: 45 online now!
Perhaps you should have him tested to see if there are any developmental disabilities.
4/25/2009 9:19:29 AM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |


Saint Augustine, FL
age: 49 online now!
Oh katie take heed all the info here
but when he does this is it because he is frustrated, bored
wanting to express himself, I know her son but havent seen him
in a while.
I too would say have him a physical for hearing or speech maybe
some language delays. If nothing is found no harm done.
Also something you can try, get him to play then with the things
he touches, tell him the name of it.
For example he touches a truck (you say truck) do that till he
repeats it.
Do it for awhile and if he bangs his head it could be he is frustrated.
You will see.
Give my guy a big hug and kiss from Momma Love you  
[Edited 4/25/2009 9:20:13 AM PST]
4/25/2009 5:07:39 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |


San Antonio, TX
age: 45
I pray for all the family's with this issue I really do .Love them be proud of them and cherish them give them joy and it can be overcome.
4/25/2009 6:05:34 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |


York, PA
age: 45
I am for early intervention!
My son was not a handbanger but he did/ does have a speech delay. At 2 yrs old he was accessed by Johns Hopkins, and placed in an early intervention class part of the Baltimore city school system. While in this environment I saw kids with all sorts of disorders which included a speech delay. They were wonderful with William and we learned basic sign language to help....as soon as he mastered a word he refused the sign language. He also attended Towson University for speech therapy which is offered at a huge discount because "students" administer the therapy.
Now, he is six and you can scarcely tell he has a speech delay. Now, it seems like he is talking too fast and dropping words sometimes.
But the extra help really makes a difference and in the long run you will be glade you did.
As parents we don't get to pick what we get, but it is our job to make the most of what we get.
Good luck you are by no means the only parent to have to go thru this process. We are here and make use of your support....family and friends. 
4/27/2009 10:04:19 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |


Yuma, AZ
age: 38
My son is Autistic (7 yrs old) and he does the same thing. It used to be extremely bad up until he was about 5 yrs old. Now, it's not quite as bad but he has moved into hitting himself in the head with his fist. I would definately talk to your doctor. If they can't (or won't) help, ask for a referral to someone that will. It's not something you want to ignore.
5/7/2009 8:44:23 AM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |


Mount Juliet, TN
age: 30
I don't have a headbanger, but I know children who are...I do not want to worry or alarm you. It could be a number of things, but I would like to point out that frustration is the most likely culprit. Most of the time, it is due to not being able to communicate the needs a child has. By all means, I am not saying that you do not to a terrific job....I know you do a PERFECT JOB!!! As an educator, I had to learn about early childhood. My suggestion is to have a physical on your child, and have his hearing checked. In addition, I would suggest that you also review this website...trusted site from the Department of Education: http://www.ed.gov/Family/GrowthChart/page1.html These are typical things your son should be doing. Without even knowing or observing your son, I could not make heads or tails as to what is wrong. In the following, I am not directing this towards your son, but in my experiences....if it is not hearing, the next thing I would check to see is if he had a language delay. This would have to be observed by a professional. Please, do not get alarmed. When my twin daughter was home within 5 days...I noticed she was not tracking toys...and immediately I took action! You can, as well! The earlier detection....the better outcomes...since there is a "window of opportunity." TEIS is what we have in the state...Tennessee's Early Intervention System is for children ages 0-3 years old...My daughter was enrolled within the first month of her life. The last... I say with hesitancy...I have been around children who are headbangers, because they have Autism/Pervasive Developmental Delay. Certainly, I am not saying your son does. I am just telling you of my encounters. Good luck to you...If you need me, I am here...Take care!
I know its frustration.. He hates the word No.. If I hold him down when he starts gettin upset it seems to help.. Just hope he isnt like his father and continue to do that into adulthood
He is extremely smart he just didnt have any reason to talk because he lives with my little bro (10) and sis (13) who do for him before he has to say anything.
[Edited 5/7/2009 8:46:18 AM PST]
5/7/2009 10:20:05 AM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |
Mercer, PA
age: 41
My son was banging his head at a very young age and it seemed as if it was during angry times. I consulted with his doctor and found he was having migraine headaches, they run in the family. The pain was causing him to be agitated and he couldn't communicate it at that time. Hope this may help. Just another avenue to explore...
5/7/2009 11:24:24 AM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |


Mount Juliet, TN
age: 30
Thank you all very much.. He isnt doin it as much now that he is startin to be able to communicate more.. Like I said he is way too smart for his own good.. We know his hearing and sight are good and he is average with his speech so they dont think anything is wrong there. Matter of fact she was suprised with as smart as he is that he wasnt talkin more until I told them he had the two older ones in the house.. The headbanging is from frustration I knew this.. I just want suggestions on curbing the behavior because I dont want him smashing holes in walls with his head later in life like his dumbass dad... Corey never grew out of it.. I dont want him to be anything like his father.
5/8/2009 8:10:27 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |
Oklahoma City, OK
age: 30
My oldest is a headbanger, hairpuller. In his case it is frustration and anger. He is also ADHD.
There are so many reasons for this, it's even common as a release from stress in very young kids. I've done some reading on this, and the only way to tell is to start eliminating each solution to the symptoms.
Start keeping a journal or diary of these events. When is your child most likely to bang his/her head? What was happening right before? What was happening through the last day or two? What helps to reduce the banging, or stop it?
Each of these is a clue as to what is the true cause of the symptom.
I hope this is of help to someone!
5/8/2009 8:12:15 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |
Oklahoma City, OK
age: 30
In response to curbing the behavior, redirect his attention before it gets to the headbanging stage if at all possible.
If he's wanting that toy but someone else had it first, give him a choice between two others, and remind him firmly that someone else had it first, but when they are done, he can play with it.
5/9/2009 5:16:44 AM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |


Paragon, IN
age: 40
my daughter always rocked violently and kicked wall and people. She has early on set bipolar. So keep a journal for the docs. It will help them help you figure your baby out! Good luck and your in my prayers!
5/15/2009 1:45:39 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 26
i have a 2 year old that hits his headd on every thing i am afraid that he is knocking out brain cells lol but so far the doctor says he is fine and if i am real worried to go get him a helmate
5/15/2009 2:41:24 PM |
Anyone else have a headbanger |

Springfield, MO
age: 37
I dont have a headbanger but i do have kids. I think you should definately take Melanie up on her advise. It was very well-placed and sincere without making you out to be a bad parent. I wish you the very best and will pray for you
God Bless