5/20/2009 6:11:27 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Walton, KY
age: 49
I also am angered by the effect that illegal aliens have had on our society.

So what steps have you taken to address the issue as a citizen of the U.S.?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/20/2009 7:18:47 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
When I first moved to Cali, the farmers and business owners wanted the Mexican workers, wanted them bad,
as they would work more hours for less pay and not join unions. Few politicians take the LONG view, most of us
humans think only of ourselves, or at most a generation or two ahead. Wrong. We should take the view of
"what is this going to be like 1,000 years from now?".... The border should have been sealed in 1960. That said,
what can we do now? Enforce the laws we have. Increase taxes for those having more than 2 kids, big tiime.
GIve TAX BREAKS for those who have no kids. Discourage unmarried young girls having kids. Enforce housing
laws on maintaining property. Fresno passed a law fining people 100 bucks if they did not bring in their garbage
cans on trash day. Guess what? A year later, you do NOT see trash cans sitting on the street. Do the same with
litter, old cars, run down housing. Since 100's of thousands of "aliens" are already here, what we must do
is stop the population growth and come down hard on the laws. Arrest, deport, arrest those who knowingly
hire illegals, make it more difficult to acquire citizenship, as many European nations do.
PS It just hit me, what we need to do is do away with the concept that if "you are born here, you are a citizen".
Too many aliens marry an American and have a child and then manage to stay here (and bring in the rest of
their family) or have a kid while here illegally and then the kid is a citizen. I propose that in order to be
a citizen at birth, BOTH parents must also be citizens. Furthermore, if a citizen wants to marry someone who
is a citizen of another country, fine, but the marriage should not be legal in this country. No benefits. Trucker, all you
needed to do was ask a Californian on this issue!
[Edited 5/20/2009 7:33:35 AM PST]
5/20/2009 11:03:28 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Madisonville, KY
age: 66
Bravo Alice.  
5/20/2009 11:09:13 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Calvert City, KY
age: 52
You are 100% correct about the need to change the "born in the US, you are a citizen" thing, Alice. Those children of illegals that are born in the US are considered "anchor children". We can't deport the kid and won't deport the parents of the kid.
5/20/2009 11:19:01 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Trucker, all you
needed to do was ask a Californian on this issue!
So true. Now if you all could just get your courts to agree with your voters. By the way, how did you vote on those 6 propositions yesterday?
I talk about all politics to anyone who will sit still long enough to discuss them. If an elected official comes to town, I tell him my opinion. I stay informed and I vote. To date only one person asked me to take not to discuss on her thread. You may know her.
5/20/2009 9:25:36 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 47
What I believe about the aliens having kids over here to stay is they have two choices, both leave or leave your kid and get the hey out of here. Either way the mother goes and a childless couple here could have a new baby if she leave it but since she probably wouldn't problem solved.
5/21/2009 5:50:28 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
It happened in my OWN family. Now the kid is a citizen, the woman (here illegally) is going to be allowed to stay, and
her "family" visits constantly, and she sends money to Mexico. She is married to an American and has an American citizen, by the way we count
things now. And of course, she wants to have MORE kids to add to our bursting population. And, she is on his
healthcare benefits, so you and I are paying, indirectly, for their healthcare! Again, no politician will bother to
come down hard for two reasons....1. The sob story, "poor little mom and helpless child" (!) 2. NO ONE is
thinking of the state of the nation for the long run, not 10 years, not 50 years, but the country that our
descendants will have to endure in the future.
I was not going to get personal, for the woman in question has many good qualities, but that is not the issue.
The issue is, she should not have been allowed to marry and stay here, and now bring in her big family (who
speak no English at all)
5/21/2009 10:08:10 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 47
People who won't learn the language burns my butt.
If I went over to YOUR country you bet your a** I will learn some of your language and that's only for a visit...if I'm gonna learn there I will learn it and SPEAK it.
Thank Salvation Army, they made a policy if you work there you MUST speak English. I've thanked them and I HATE going to Unique Thrift Store, I only go there when I can't find what I want at Goodwill or Salvation Army...I had to pantomime swimming so I could find out where the swimming suits were because the people there stocking stuff don't speak english.
5/22/2009 4:23:41 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
what can we do now? Enforce the laws we have. Increase taxes for those having more than 2 kids, big tiime.
GIve TAX BREAKS for those who have no kids. Discourage unmarried young girls having kids. Enforce housing
laws on maintaining property. Fresno passed a law fining people 100 bucks if they did not bring in their garbage
cans on trash day. Guess what? A year later, you do NOT see trash cans sitting on the street. Do the same with
litter, old cars, run down housing. Since 100's of thousands of "aliens" are already here, what we must do
is stop the population growth and come down hard on the laws. Arrest, deport, arrest those who knowingly
hire illegals, make it more difficult to acquire citizenship, as many European nations do.
PS It just hit me, what we need to do is do away with the concept that if "you are born here, you are a citizen".
Too many aliens marry an American and have a child and then manage to stay here (and bring in the rest of
their family) or have a kid while here illegally and then the kid is a citizen. I propose that in order to be
a citizen at birth, BOTH parents must also be citizens. Furthermore, if a citizen wants to marry someone who
is a citizen of another country, fine, but the marriage should not be legal in this country. No benefits. Trucker, all you
needed to do was ask a Californian on this issue!
I just had to go back to this post because it had so much in it that is worthwhile and some ideas that I would like to comment on in general. Thanks, Alice.
The idea of not recognizing marriages to a foreigner might be a little like throwing the baby out with the bath water. The chain migration and anchor babies should definitely be stopped. A little history lesson though is warranted. These ideas were proposed by Ted Kennedy and approved by a Democratic congress decades ago. The reason was that it would build up Democrat voting blocs. So don't look for the current congress to consider it. It is also the reason blue states tend to oppose picture ID's to vote.
As for a child only being a citizen at birth if both parents are citizens...If that had been thought of 49 years ago then the Socialist would not be eligible to be president since only his mother was a citizen. Where is a time machine when you need one?
On taxing prolific families, I hope no liberal politician ever gets that idea. That's all we would need is more taxes!!! The idea of taxing to control behavior is another way taking away freedom. The only constitutional (and therefore conservative) reason to tax is to support functions of the government. The idea of entitlements and raising taxes to support them is a liberal idea to make people dependent on the government.
Discourage unmarried girls from having kids. Good idea! George Bush has supported a teenage abstinence program for 8 years. Contraception is not 100% effective, but abstinence is when it is used. The problem is that we tell teenagers not to do something and then leave them unsupervised, sometimes out of necessity. Single parents have to work and more often than not both married parents work. Teens are allowed to date too young and parents are too concerned about being friends to their kids instead of authority figures.
5/22/2009 5:35:37 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
Good morning and back at you... I am suggesting those changes for NOW, not looking backwards at the past.
As for taxing those with too many kids (and anything over 2 is too many), we give tax breaks for those with kids,
wny not tax them instead??? Give a big break to those with no kids.
If we did not allow those aliens into this country so easily, there would be fewer marriages. My cousin in Ann
Arbor married a visiting professor from Kenya. Now what? Granted, a professor is not the "type" of alien
we are discussing here, but the laws would have to be for all.
Presidents Reagan and Bush Senior allowed thousands of Hmong and Laotians to come into this country. We have
a huge Hmong/Laotian group in my city. It looks like a Little Saigon. High crime, welfare, and they have tons of kids. What to do?
I prefer, though, not to cast blame but to look for solutions, any we can find and enforce.
What do you think of my point that not one politician (and few citizens) has the guts to address the needs of
the country in the future, not just for until the next election, or their own lifespan? What legacy are we
leaving the Americans 200, 500 years from now? Open spaces? Clean water? Beautiful, well built cities?
Or a mess of identical shopping malls, concrete, freeways, raped land, no wildlife or natural beauty?
In this superficial consumer society, what values do we hold, and what is there for a young person to
aspire to? In my day, we had the Peace Corps, Vista, the Teachers Corps (I did this one), etc. If our
values are only to buy more, to spend, rake up credit, (or get on welfare and have kids for kicks), we
give little. Our public schools have become baby sitters. They are crapped up "portables" instead of
beautiful brick schoolhouses like we had in the 50's. This alone shows the value we place on
As long as we tolerate single women having and raising kids, they will. By accident or by design! Why not
discourage it in our society? If "morals" do not work, hit them in the pocketbook. Cut off scholarships and
welfare, cut off benefits, increase taxes on singles with even one child. Discourage it by any means possible.
Controlling their personal freedoms? It's a fine line between the common good and individual freedom, and
I will give a quick example from real life here in my city.
The hospital where I worked (retired now) decided to expand.... really expand. This is a small urban hospital
in a quiet, residential area. They quietly bought up houses around them and planned to tear them down
for their parking lot, etc. The people of the neighborhood organized to stop the expansion, feeling that
the plans were not good, the traffic would increase, the hospital could use other, more suburban sites, etc.
Well, we lost. Money won, and the hospital was given the go ahead. One of the officials said to me, "It's
too bad for you local residents, but sometimes the COMMON GOOD takes precedence over the individual". I
did not care for his remark, as their expansion meant I sold my house rather than live close to the
hospital. (I lived 3 doors down). However, his point is one we have to consider when addressing the
issue of immigration and population control.
[Edited 5/22/2009 5:36:44 AM PST]
5/26/2009 9:10:14 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I don't have a problem with legal immigration, just the illegal type. Heck, we have this giant green statue of a lady in New York inviting the legal type. We all came from somewhere else if we go back far enough.
While teen pregnancy is a problem, and I believe that intentionally having children out of wedlock is destructive to the family unit, having children is a good thing in a responsible family. Neither abortion nor invitro fertilization should be funded by the government. Certainly partial birth abortion and killing babies born alive from a failed abortion should never be allowed. Yet we find the Socialist is also in favor of both based on his voting record.
It would ease a lot of the strain on our society if some of the things Californians voted for their own state were instituted nationwide- No government-supported healthcare for illegals, marriage being between a man and a woman, citizens voting on taxation, especially in a depressed economy, and no pay increases for representatives without a balanced budget.
One of the greatest liberties we have is the right to private property. Several courts in recent years have ruled through imminent domain that private property can confiscated and sold to someone who will pay higher property taxes. This is against the Constitution and needs to be dealt with. I have no problem with someone selling a farm who has decided it was not their thing so that it can be developed and population can expand rather than crowd areas that are sometimes too crowded already. One of the most beautiful sights to me is a mall with a mix of all ethnicities shopping and selling. That is one of the things that America is all about!
Democrats don't typically like looking back because it reveals how many of the country's woes can be traced to them. The easy way to tell where they figure blame should be assigned is their language. Slavery was an American problem, not one perpetuated by Southern Democrats. Segregation was an American problem, not one that Democrats fought for (Senator Robert Byrd, D-WVa, former KKK Kleagle, filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1963. To this day he has no problem publicly using the 'n' word. The CRA was passed with overwhelming Republican support).
Democrats claim to fight for the common man, but the richest men in Congress are all Democrats.
The Socialist claims to identify with the poor and has $100.00/lb steaks at an endless stream of White House parties (My invitation has probably been lost is the mail, anyone else having that problem?). He is hard at work in the White House gym or a golf course in Hawaii solving the nation's problems. If he didn't show up with a teleprompter to give a speech, there would be no indication he was aware of the issues facing us! He is uninterested in tackling any issue (such as Social Security or Medicare) that is not part of his agenda. He is so weak on national security, he is the opposite of Teddy Roosevelt, because he prefers to speak loudly and carry a limp noodle.
5/28/2009 10:04:03 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
They are politicians, my friend. Not the great leaders we hope for. Not a Teddy or a Franklin Roosevelt.
Was "W" more to your liking? He was no "man of the people", another rich Texan whose "daddy" saved his
britches more than once.
You use the word "socialist", and I will accept it for myself it means working for a balance between the common
good and individual freedoms.
My fellow Californians are now paying the price of electing yet another crummy actor as governor.
But, rather than focus on our areas of disagreement, I wonder again what you think of my statement that
not one politician is taking the long view (instead of the "every four years is election year" view) when it
comes to making decisions. What will be left of my beautiful state, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
if we ignore the rape of our land by developers, and ignore over population? Yeah, the Lady of the Lamp
lifted her hand to greet the European immigrants alright, but we did not have malls and cookie cutter
developments "from sea to shining sea" back then, either. It is NOT the 1800's, it is 2009, and we are now
filled up!
My take on worse thing which happened to my state in my time here? Indian casinos and legalized gambling in the
form of the state lottery.
But, glad you find something to admire about the Golden State besides our citrus and our beaches!
PS Trucker, have you ever visited here?
[Edited 5/28/2009 10:05:44 AM PST]
5/28/2009 9:07:53 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
They are politicians, my friend. Not the great leaders we hope for. Not a Teddy or a Franklin Roosevelt.
Was "W" more to your liking? He was no "man of the people", another rich Texan whose "daddy" saved his
britches more than once.
You use the word "socialist", and I will accept it for myself it means working for a balance between the common
good and individual freedoms.
My fellow Californians are now paying the price of electing yet another crummy actor as governor.
But, rather than focus on our areas of disagreement, I wonder again what you think of my statement that
not one politician is taking the long view (instead of the "every four years is election year" view) when it
comes to making decisions. What will be left of my beautiful state, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
if we ignore the rape of our land by developers, and ignore over population? Yeah, the Lady of the Lamp
lifted her hand to greet the European immigrants alright, but we did not have malls and cookie cutter
developments "from sea to shining sea" back then, either. It is NOT the 1800's, it is 2009, and we are now
filled up!
My take on worse thing which happened to my state in my time here? Indian casinos and legalized gambling in the
form of the state lottery.
But, glad you find something to admire about the Golden State besides our citrus and our beaches!
PS Trucker, have you ever visited here?
GWB did 3 things that I respect him for:
He cut taxes on every American who paid taxes
After 9/11, he kept us from another attack on American soil
He appointed 2 originalist judges to the Supreme Court
He recognized the nature of evil in the world
Even if you disagreed with him, you always knew where he stood and he never waivered
He had the most diverse cabinet in history and placed the first 2 black Secretaries of State
No one in his administration was ever convicted of a crime (not that they didn't try). That could not be said of the Clinton or Obama administration. Scooter Libby doesn't count because the crime he was supposed to be obstructing the investigation of was dismissed without charging the perpetrator once the perp was known to be a former Clinton operative.
He may have been hated by the left, but he made many attempts to get along with his opposition for the sake of his new tone. He certainly never tried to destroy the reputations of those who disagreed with him as Obama does.
To see how much world leaders respected him, one need only contrast the disrespectful statements and actions of those same world leaders against Obama.
As for Arnold, I had high hopes for him based on his campaign speeches and his speech at the 2004 Republican conventtiion. Unlike the characters he portrayed in his movies, however, he took the easy way out and decided to govern like the man he replaced.
To be Socialist has nothing to with balance. It means the government takeover of the private sector in every way possible. It diminishes inititive in all but those in charge and their friends.
Have you noticed that Socialist has quadruled the deficit, has caused near double digit unemployment, has admitted that the country cannot sustain the debt he has imposed on us, has abandoned the pretense of only raising taxes on the wealthy. THAT is Socialism in practice.
6/16/2009 12:29:55 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Burnside, KY
age: 43
awe hell, the goverment got a universal answer to every problem. thow enough money at it and it will eventually go away.
6/17/2009 10:58:18 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Lexington, KY
age: 31
Ok good sir, where were we...
"Actually, I am a loudly talking Republican. You forgot to mention Bible-thumping though I'm sure it was just an oversight. Though I wish you had made your comments on my Obama thread, with respect to the owner of this thread, I will answer here."
"I respect your service to our country as I and every male member of my family have also done, including my son, who is currently serving. Since you praise the Socialist, be aware that a little over a month ago he said that military people ought to pay for their own health insurance. They knew what they were getting into (his words)."
Lets leave service out of this. I dont want anyones "thanks" or sympathy. Its funny how Bush cut VA benefits. I get treatment for my pain, but no help if I get sick. Thank bush for that. You can also thank him for using Depleted Uranium that has caused me kidney problems. In IRAQ did the NOT find any WMD's? thats what i thought no they didnt, good sir.
I rarely get to watch TV news at all. I do prefer Fox News if I do. I generally get my news from whatever is playin on the radio in the towns I drive through. I do listen to Rush (Methodist), Hannity (Catholic), and Levin (Jewish). I am Baptist myself. I also listen to NPR from time to time.
As for growing a pair, it takes no guts to support the media that badmouths the work of the military, to support global warming against the findings of literally thousands of scientists who disprove it (how many global warming conferences have been called off due to snow?).
Again, you are ignorant to global warming. Not only will the earth heat up, we will also have more severe weather patterns... harsher winters in some areas. LURK MOAR.
You could have responded to this thread and left it at that, but felt the need to bash me. I don't care personally, but you play you victim status like a trump card and demean those who still are in harm's way. I love how you demean a network that you probably never watch because the other networks told you it was bad. Being informed does not make you a puppet, not being informed does.
P.S. Rather than get 'butthurt' that someone is talking about the Socialist, why not use that computer you are sitting in front of and see if what I'm saying is true. You might actually become a Conservative instead of a RINO.
Now see, you got butthurt with me. Dont go baww'ing on me, and just stick to the conversation. Im not personally attacking you in any manner. you wanted someone to call you out, im doing what you asked for my own entertainment, perhaps at your expense. But I will always remain respectful of your right to your own opinion.
If you feel you need to learn my side, I have a video online you may watch that will enlighten you as to my side and perhaps fuel a long peaceful debate. Your choice. I have challenged you, ball is on yourside of the court now.
6/17/2009 8:22:17 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
First, thanks for coming here.
Second, how do I see your video?
Third, I love a good debate, but if you wish me to source my info, I will, but will expect the same in return.
Now to the fun...
Of course Iraq had WMD's. Saddam used them of the Kurds in northern Iraq after the first Gulf War. Not all WMD's are delivered with warheads. It was not the only reason for the war. It was Bill Clinton and the Democratic leadership that first proposed that Saddam had them back in 1998. Since the fall of Saddam we have been fighting Al-Quaida in Iraq alongside the Iraqis in what Osama bin Laden referred to as the central front of the war. I wish we had a president who understood that now.
The best guess from the global warming crowd is that the 'global temperature' has risen almost a degree in the past 100 years. The best thermometers have a deviation of over 1 degree. Al Gore claims his program will lower the qlobal temperature about a degree in the next 100 years. About the time you were in elementary school the same NASA scientists were warning of a coming ice age. The best weather equipment cannot predict weather accurately a week in advance according to NOAA. Based on that, how can anyone predict weather next year, much less 100 years from now.
The VA didn't treat routine illness when I got out in '93. I know, I tried. By the way, Clinton was in office then.
What did GWB use depleted uranium for? No nukes in Iraq or Afghanistan.
6/19/2009 2:16:17 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Louisville, KY
age: 32
Doesn't BO have the special ability of being able to levitate across water? So that's what I was inclined to believe after last year's election, at least. And you should see this Man turn water into wine. Flippin' amazing.
Blah. If the Mayans prove to be right, we don't have to worry about the next election in 2012! But wait a minute, BO's here to our rescue! Former Arizonan supporting an Arizonan in an election: Priceless.
[Edited 6/19/2009 2:16:39 AM PST]
6/20/2009 5:12:44 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I have heard he can lower the ocean levels and the global temperature and create world peace with merely the sound of his voice reading a teleprompter. After listening to him, people don't care about being unemployed, paying higher taxes or fuel costs. People give up their freedom at just the sound of his name. We don't care that we are sitting on enough petroleum, natural gas and coal domestically to fuel this country for the next century, we must have wind powered cars and solar powered everything else. Who cares that our country is out of money and mortgaged to the hilt. As long as he wants another program, we'll just print the money if no one will lend it to us.
[Edited 6/20/2009 5:27:01 AM PST]
6/20/2009 6:01:45 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
He said he was going to change the world perception of us and he has. Israel, Taiwan and South Korea fear having us as allies. Argentina, Cuba, and Nicaragua laugh at us to our faces. Iran and North Korea are openly developing nuclear weapons where they used to be afraid of what we would do. We insult our allies and beg our enemies to like us.
"Four more years" is usually something you here at the end of a presidential term to inspire people. I submit the idea that "nearly four more years" of the Socialist is a very scary thing.
6/21/2009 4:57:42 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Louisville, KY
age: 32
He said he was going to change the world perception of us and he has. Israel, Taiwan and South Korea fear having us as allies. Argentina, Cuba, and Nicaragua laugh at us to our faces. Iran and North Korea are openly developing nuclear weapons where they used to be afraid of what we would do. We insult our allies and beg our enemies to like us.
"Four more years" is usually something you here at the end of a presidential term to inspire people. I submit the idea that "nearly four more years" of the Socialist is a very scary thing.
Indeed, this man, Borack Hussein Obama, is not not only a Socialist... but he's a "Secret Muslim" as well. Why doesn't he come clean with the American People about it? You don't know, I don't know. The only people who truly knows what this man's intentions are, undoubtedly, would be ACORN... not to mention all of the other unsavory characters this man has associated with.
He's endorsed many, done little to distance in the process. If I had BO's background, track record, I wouldn't even be able to get a TSA Security Clearance. Even though he promoted change, the "American People" failed to acknowledge there's two different kinds of change. So... for the next four years, we'll have to see what kind of change this man had in mind for us all along.
If I don't miss my bet, we'll be pleading for some "Republican SENSIBILITY" to bail us out of an enormous mess, come 2012. John McCain, my former Senator for over a decade, a proven American Hero, got shafted by his own party, due in part of W's mistakes. Thing is, McCain may have been ultra-conservative, supported some of W's proposals, but the two were polar opposites on many levels. McCain, being a former War Hero, felt obligated, compelled to give our boys in Iraq support, regardless of why they ended up over there.
I've met the man... several times... and he genuinely cares about the Great State of Arizona, along with every person that inhabits it. My Brother, who lived in BO's district in Chicago for two years, told me on numerous occasions... that Mr. Borack Hussein Obama neglected his district, made no effort whatsoever to make a single district a better place for the citizens of Chicago's Upper East Side. In my opinion, Hillary was the only solution to our problems, and she got shunned by her own party. Pathetic.
Enough of talking about this charlatan... it's beginning to anger me. I'm voting Micheal Steele in 2012!
6/26/2009 10:49:01 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Cap and Trade passed the House today. For those of you that don't know, it essentially is a tax on breathing (controlling Carbon Dioxide emissions). The net effect of the bill once the Senate passes it and the Socialist signs it will be a dramatic increase in utility bills (per BHO, 1/2008)
Further good news is that your utility bills will go up at the same time the Bush tax cuts expire and we start getting taxed for universal health care. Don't worry though unemployment will be at or above 10% and gas prices will be back to where they were before they started coming down, if not worse.
Is this a mistake? Did BHO not see this coming? Are his plans not working? Does he just need more time?
The answer is NO! BHO has stated on the record that this is according to plan.
How's that HOPE and CHANGE working out for you? Or is it ROPE and CHAINS?
6/27/2009 8:49:50 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Madisonville, KY
age: 66
BHO wants to destroy america and the Demo's want POWER. They tell us to squat and we ask what color. The health care is designed to kill off most of the older people and ruin us middle class people.
6/27/2009 2:38:31 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
I wish I could say you were just being paranoid, but I don't think you are.
6/28/2009 6:35:16 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Madisonville, KY
age: 66
I think a lot of us can guess another obama and democrat plan in the short future. How much are we going to have to pay for slavery??? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!
7/4/2009 6:17:07 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Happy Independence Day to everyone. Hopefully it won't be our last as a free nation.
7/5/2009 12:32:30 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Louisville, KY
age: 55
That cowboytrucker sure is a troublemaker.
7/6/2009 6:08:21 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Yup. The same as a fireman is a troublemaker for fighting fires.
7/6/2009 5:16:54 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
Cowboy, get off that soapbox and clear your head over at the Kentucky Tavern. No politics or kids allowed!
7/6/2009 9:19:45 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 47
Well, Cowboy, the first little turd hit the fan and I don't know if anyone noticed.
They announced the EON (LG&E) said that because of the Cap & Trade energy bills will be raised by at least $10 a month.
I heard it mentioned ONCE and that was IT. That's why I said it was a LITTLE turd.
Just wait until the elephant size ones hit the fan.
7/7/2009 3:58:25 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Cowboy, get off that soapbox and clear your head over at the Kentucky Tavern. No politics or kids allowed!
I will get off the soapbox when the our freedom is safe. Someone told me recently he couldn't be crazy enough to do the things I said he's doing. That cap and trade thing is your first chance to notice it on a personal level. It's getting worse before it gets better.
7/7/2009 4:37:05 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
Cowboy, get off that soapbox and clear your head over at the Kentucky Tavern. No politics or kids allowed!
I will get off the soapbox when the our freedom is safe. Someone told me recently he couldn't be crazy enough to do the things I said he's doing. That cap and trade thing is your first chance to notice it on a personal level. It's getting worse before it gets better.
7/7/2009 6:59:53 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Madisonville, KY
age: 66
Cap and Trade will destroy the middle and low income people. If you own a home built in say 1980 or before lots of luck in selling it after the inspection team gets thru with it you will want to give it away lol.
7/7/2009 11:14:04 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
So, you won't come over to the Tavern, where friendly Kentuckians meet, raise a glass, play a tune?
I have lived longer than you, and let me tell you, the cast will still be on stage when we get back!
And as for the economy, personally, I am buying stock. Might make enough to get my nose bobbed yet!
7/13/2009 4:28:34 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
age: 20
Right on Cowboy! Too many out there don't think or can't think. Their minds are on something that doesn't matter, something silly. People have not paid attention for years is why our country has gone communist/socialist. A few are starting to wake up..let's hope a lot more does before it's too late. Lots of people tune in their local tv news at night and believe some of it. The truth is not out there in front of your face, you have to listen to FOX, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, etc. and then you may still have to dig some of it out for yourself. Obama & cohorts run the news media and plan to run everything else very, very soon. He has been groomed for a dictator since high school and won't stop at anything to achieve his goal.
Wake up America...go to a TEA PARTY or get involved in "The Continental Congress 2009"....go to "givemeliberty.org" or We the people Foundation.
7/13/2009 4:48:57 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
age: 20
I've read quite a bit of this, Cowboy! It is my first time on here. Man, I think I'd vote for you for Prez. You sure to heck are a lot wiser and more intelligent than any of the clowns in DC. Why don't you go to Continental Congress 2009 and contact the State Director, Sandra Yeager, or go to www.WeThePeopleCongress.org. I heard this gal speak Saturday July 11th & this is something every freedom loving American citizen needs to get hooked up with. Tell all your friends about it. You would make a good delegate. Some of these pitiful people just don't get it and you couldn't beat the truth and logic of all this into their brains with a sledge hammer. You can't do much with an imbecile but let him hang himself. You can't fix stupid.
7/13/2009 5:00:35 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
age: 20
You are correct on this. We'll have to get a certificate from Mr. Hussein (the Muslim) stating all our appliances, windows, doors & everything are up to his and Al Gore's specifications before we can sell. That is part of the plan, for us NOT to sell and relocate. The socialists are moving in on us from every direction to stifle everything, in order to take complete control of us. Crushing the economy will enable them to do just that. Cap 'n Trade also will give the following benefits to ANYONE who loses a job because of it (mostly in OIL & COAL industries)for 3 years:
70% of their present weekly pay, $1500 moving expenses in case they find another job (lol)
plus $1500 tax credit for something else, when they can already deduct moving expenses on tax return, plus they will be eligible for unemployment benefits. And if the bill passes, they will have the options of adding, changing to their discretion, since none of them really knows what is in it already. They don't read the fine print in Washington DC because they don't plan to abide by the rules anyway. If you are a dictator with 17 czars under you who answer to absolutely nobody except the dictator you can do anything you want. We're watching it happen right under our noses. Sad!
7/13/2009 5:06:27 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
age: 20
And just wait for the universal health care..........EUTHANASIA BY ATTRITION!
The older citizens,disabled and mentally challenged will not be afforded any health care. We may get a "swine flu" shot of Obama's recipe that will send us on to "PIGGY HEAVEN" sooner than we want to go!
7/13/2009 5:24:16 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
age: 20
Get real! Educate yourself...nobody else will...the public schools and universities won't for sure. The local news channels won't tell you the truth either. You only get Obama propaganda on them. You need to listen to Fox news, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Sara Palin, Glenn Beck, etc. They will get those marbles on the right track. You're young, there is hope for you yet! Good Luck!
7/13/2009 8:00:29 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Louisville, KY
age: 52
First, let me say that at last count BHO has 33 czars. It is because of this he hasn't been in a hurry to fill cabinet posts. A good thing from his perspective, because it has been difficult to find Democrats who pay their own taxes and otherwise have no conflict of interest. Congressional oversight would lead to press conferences. Once the alternate media picks up on a bad enough story, eventually the liberal media HAS to cover it. Czars require no congressional oversight.
Second, unfortunately, everything else you talked about is already in the works. Why shouldn't BHO do these things? Despite all the spin about Republicans attempting to block his programs, there aren't enough in either house to stop him and he knows it. The House was inundated with calls and emails to vote against Cap and Trade and it still passed with a 7 vote margin. While it is true 8 Republicans voted for the bill, it is also true that Pelosi would not have brought it up for a vote till she was sure of passage and she wasn't goingto stop till she was sure it would pass, either by getting some Republican support or strongarming the 40 Democrats who voted against it till they voted for it. It is how she got the porculous bill, SCHIP and the omnibus bills to pass the House. The Democrats that voted against C & T had to ask permission from the Speaker to do so.
Third, since it has come up before, those that dislike Fox News or talk radio claim that they are biased. Fox has an equal number of liberal and conservative news people and commentators which they take pains to give equal airtime. This is opposed to the mainstream idea of fair that has maybe 1 conservative which is typically shouted down by 3 or 4 other panel members (i.e. The View, Politically Incorrect). Just once, I would like someone who claims bias show where they have been inaccurate. Typically, any story that breaks from these sources eventually is forced to be confirmed by the mainstream media. Also, I have never heard a mainstream media source misquoted by the alternate media. In fact, the vast majority of quotes have been audio and video clips of the person quoted in their own voice.
An excellent example is BHO associate and pastor, Jermiah Wright. Sean Hannity broke the story of his radical beliefs a year before the mainstream media did, showing 6 things he said that showed his radical views. This was important because he was BHO's pastor for 20 years. He married the Obamas and baptized their children. BHO claimed he had no idea that his pastor believed this stuff though he attended his church for 20 years. It was further claimed that the quotes were soundbites taken out of context. Then Jeremiah Wright spoke to the Washington Press Club and confirmed that he not only held these beliefs, but BHO knew it and as a politician was pretending to distance himself from his pastor. Even the mainstream had to acknowledge he said those things though they quickly swept the story under the rug.
7/28/2009 7:01:12 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Madisonville, KY
age: 66
So now we know Obama is a racist along with all his friends geezzzzzzzzzzz can we survive his term?
8/8/2009 8:26:26 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Covington, KY
age: 33
I think we will.but there is going to be some hard work to do fixing all the crap he is going to mess up
"the one who speaks of tolerance is the most intolerant" 
"socialism is for the people,, not the socialist" 
[Edited 8/8/2009 8:31:09 AM PST]
8/8/2009 5:07:19 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Murray, KY
age: 33
This is my problem:
We may occupy the same land but we do not occupy the same country.
We can't. We have played the "lets all just get along" game for far to long.
Liberals will give up aright if they think it will make them safer or wealthier.
I am never set to make that compromise. Not for any price.
I am not a "Conservative" either, I hate Bush and I hate Obama. They both have sold this country out on one level or the other.
People have grown so complacent, so long as they have their luxuries they don;t really give a crap. It's not that I am opposed to luxuries, I'd like to own a yacht and explore the coast or checkout some islands but I am not going to give up freedoms so that my pockets will be a little heavier and certainly not because I am afraid someone will use a gun an try and take what I have accumulated. "Molan Labe" - Come and take them, you can always try.
This country has more cowards that I can stomach, no don't fight...sue. Don't fight...complain to FOX news. Don't shoot a criminal, call the police.
Police don't prevent crime, they investigate crime.
If people don't hear it on the news, they don't believe it. That makes them suckers.
Never, ever forget that News Corps are run by people who have a lot of influence and money, those people have their OWN political agendas and when they can avoid it they don't report news that could put a thorn in the side of that agenda.
Watch SNL, they ripped all over Bush and Palin, but they gently nudge Obama's ribs.
The Daily Show. Nuff said.
FOX News. Nuff said.
10/8/2009 8:38:12 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Hyden, KY
age: 36
I agree entirely! There is only one mesiah and that's Jesus!
11/1/2009 9:22:14 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Madisonville, KY
age: 66
Can't get a flu shot!!!!! Think what its going to be like once the gov't takes over our health care system.
11/5/2009 4:40:06 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Carrollton, KY
age: 59
yeah right all he"S done is lie lie lie
11/5/2009 8:35:53 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Hyden, KY
age: 36
i don't think that health care thing is going to pass, because too many people are complaining about it.
11/15/2009 6:59:33 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |

Hopkinsville, KY
age: 65
I do hope you are right. Also hope that "crap and trade" dies a similar death.
Spending is uncontrolled by this admin. and taxes ARE going up if all these socialistic/marxist policies are put in place. Look at the people BO has surrounded himself with. Thugs may be a way of life in Chicago, but they have no place in the national govt. Indecision with regards to our military in Afganistan is a travesty of justice. These men are giving their lives for us and our freedom and need our support in every way possible. Islam terrorists need to be called what they quite obviously are.
Look at Acorn. Look at the big union guys. But I guess that's to be expected from a community organizer. On the up side. folks are realizing what is happening, I just hope it is not too late to pull our country back from the brink of destruction.
If you are a conservative I know you will agree. If you are liberal, you need to go educate yourself and you will see what is evident.
11/25/2009 9:42:36 PM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Bardstown, KY
age: 40
Thought Bush was bad??? Oh Boy?!!! lol... Went from bad talker and doer. To a good talker and no action.
11/28/2009 5:50:51 AM |
Anyone wanting to vent about the Socialist aka Barack Obama |
Taylorsville, KY
age: 51
He's my President and until he proves himself to be as stupid as Bush was, I will respect him.
I won't call him a Socialist. I won't watch Fox News(cough, cough).
I won't listen to Ann (I just want some controversy to sell my new book) Coulter.
I hope Hannity will actually take K. O. up and allow himself to be tortured(waterboarded). Then we will finally have a republican be against torture.
How can your ultra-religious folks be FOR TORTURE????? Hypocritical much?
Gee, you're absolutely right! I can't think of torture even being mentioned in the bible...