4/29/2009 6:09:26 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |


Hartselle, AL
age: 48
I just saw a little piece on TV that schools are closing in Huntsville and Madison becuase of two case of Swine Flu. Oh I hope it is a mistake!
[Edited 4/29/2009 6:09:56 PM PST]
4/29/2009 6:10:57 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |
Cullman, AL
age: 51
There are some cases, do not kmow about Madison, cases in Alabama, but they are not telling it
4/29/2009 6:12:20 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |

Higdon, AL
age: 57
I just seen it on tv..that its in Madison County
4/29/2009 6:12:45 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |


Hartselle, AL
age: 48
its on ABC a warning and it will be on the news tonight...it is announcing the school closing in Madison and Huntsville now. I am watching Lost and it is showing it through the program. Channel 31 Waay
[Edited 4/29/2009 6:13:07 PM PST]
4/29/2009 6:15:02 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |

Decatur, AL
age: 59
there are two cases and the school in madison is expecting more positive test results to come back...they are closing the school for 7 days....it should be on the 10 o clock news tonight....the regular flu was bad enuff....be safe you all...
4/29/2009 6:18:20 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |

Huntsville, AL
age: 57
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - State Health Officer Don Williamson says two probable cases of swine flu have been reported in students at a Madison County elementary school.
Williamson said Wednesday night the cases were reported in two students at Heritage Elementary School in Madison County. Williamson said there was no indication that the children had traveled recently to Mexico.
Williamson said other children at the school were also showing symptoms of respiratory illness and said health officials were recommending that the school be closed for at least seven days.
4/29/2009 6:59:42 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |

Crane Hill, AL
age: 57
This stuff was around in the early 70's... we had to give shots to everyone in our guard unit for it... and I lied on my shot record saying I had taken the vaccine but never did because I hated getting shots so much. Hmmmm... maybe I need to see if they're available now at the health department.
4/29/2009 7:07:50 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |
Winchester, TN
age: 55
Don't wish anyone bad but I hope it stays on the other side of the plateau. I got my butt whooped in Florida a few years back and I can do a testimonial for that Tamiflu
(miracle drug). Feel bad hit the local doc up for that stuff (within 48 hours) Good to go next AM.
4/29/2009 7:10:18 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |


Hartselle, AL
age: 48
I have a feeling this stuff is going to hit all over, Young and old. From what I read and seen on this its spreading and fast.
4/29/2009 7:12:08 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |
Thorsby, AL
age: 54
guys you all know i work in a hospital and i can tell you all there is no confirmed cases in alabama.it takes 24 hours to get the results back . now there are flu cases but not the swine version. Be safe and wash your hands a lot but dont panic!
4/29/2009 7:15:41 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |


Hartselle, AL
age: 48
Im not panicked, No need to panic if its going to happen its going to happen. Nothing we can do about it!
4/29/2009 7:16:34 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |

Guntersville, AL
age: 50
Has anyone talked to Daryl tonite? His son is in Huntsville schools. I can't get in touch with him.
4/29/2009 7:17:54 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |
Thorsby, AL
age: 54
just wash your hands a lot. the swine version can only travel 6 feet before it disapates. if someone sneezes or coughs aroun you ,just go wash good. i promise we are all ok
4/29/2009 7:27:49 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |

Hayden, AL
age: 57
I took the swine flu vaccine back in the 70's. I think the shot made me sicker than the flu would have. I wonder if the vaccination is still any good.
4/29/2009 7:29:45 PM |
2 cases of Swine Flu in Madison.. |


Huntsville, AL
age: 58
I'm a teacher in Hsv City Schools. Unfortunately, I'm not a "news" person, but fortunately, I have a co-worker who is, and called to tell me about the closing. This is my first indication of any such outbreak.