5/2/2009 4:41:14 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |


San Diego, CA
age: 57
we plan for our future, pay debts of our past, regret past mistakes. How many focus on the right now?
5/2/2009 4:42:26 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |

Cullman, AL
age: 44
I focus on the right now, while trying to make sure that I keep the future in mind! The past.....forget about it! Done is done!
5/2/2009 4:44:54 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |
Brownsboro, AL
age: 45
5/2/2009 4:57:31 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |

Huntsville, AL
age: 57
Good one... I obviously focus on the "Right Now" as I sit her eating my Chocolate frosted Little Debbie cake, It is so yummy. Next month I will worry about the effects of that Little Debbie.................................................................
5/2/2009 4:57:47 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |


San Diego, CA
age: 57
I find that it is difficult to focus on living in the present. I just read a book dealing with the subject. most Americans are educated to save for the future retirement, buying cars, homes, appliances on time. working our fingers to the bone for the chance of relaxed time in the future. We are taught to put off today for security for tomorrow. will that tomorrow come? Is tomorrow more important than today?
5/2/2009 5:10:01 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |

Guntersville, AL
age: 50
I think I will go for door # 3 the twilite zone sounds like a good place to be.
5/2/2009 5:12:46 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 52
i have made a lot of mistakes in the past, and financial and personal ammends were made, so freedom came with that,but even with the mistakes, i have been able to share that experience and help many others. i try to set reachable goals for the future.i try my best to live one day at a time.
my take on this is progress no perfection, if i make things to hard on myself and have unrealistic expections, i usually mess up. honestly i can stay in the here and know if it's something i enjoy...........but while working, sitting idle or doing something i dont like, my mind takes me all over the place.
but.......i can start over anytime during the day.this may not make sence
5/2/2009 5:29:30 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |


San Diego, CA
age: 57
This makes me think......but that is good. Living in he present is difficult, but that is all we have.....the present. The PRESENT OF LIFE.......now!!!!
5/2/2009 5:47:18 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 52
yeah we have to enjoy today and insist on being happy with what we have.we can miss out on a lot of good stuff worrying bout yesterday and tomorrow.
[Edited 5/2/2009 5:47:34 PM PST]
5/2/2009 5:52:04 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |
Brownsboro, AL
age: 45
This makes me think......but that is good. Living in he present is difficult, but that is all we have.....the present. The PRESENT OF LIFE.......now!!!!
Don't wanna sound like I think I am some kind of authority, but in my job, when we pull up on a fatal wreck...I realize that we can all be taken in the blink of an eye...CARPE DIEM...Enjoy your life today...tomorrow will take care of itself ! That is my serious comment for the month !
5/2/2009 5:56:32 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 52
firedriver i knew you had a serious side somewhere lol
5/2/2009 6:00:03 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |
Brownsboro, AL
age: 45
It is there, but stuff like that makes me realize that we gotta have FUN !!
5/2/2009 6:01:21 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |

Huntsville, AL
age: 57
Jane said
"The PRESENT OF LIFE.......now!!!!" Today, right now is all we have, we are not promised ANYTHING from the moment we take our first breath, Today is all we have and it may not last 24 hrs. I agree Take care of the right now and the future will take care of itself.
5/2/2009 6:04:53 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |

Bowling Green, KY
age: 52
i have been told if you pray why worry.
5/2/2009 6:06:50 PM |
Do you live in the present, past, future? |
Brownsboro, AL
age: 45
   I been told that a crowded elevator smells different to a midget !!!