5/14/2009 1:44:33 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Kingman, AZ
age: 34
So here's my story. Back in the summer of 02. There were 4 of us down at the swiming hole on the callapoolya river in crofordsville drinking and swiming. I am still learning to swim, that hole thing with breathing under water is f**king hard. So any way i ended up in a spot where i couldn't reach the bottom and couldn't get up on the bank. Ran out of air and woke up in bettween Cassy's legs my gf's freind at the time, and she was asking me what at the time seamed like stupid qwetions. I was told i was completly blue from lack of oxygen and had no heart beat. An yet here i am and still love the water. Lesson learned? After having river water inside yor lungs. The last thing you want to do is light up a cigerett. It damn near droped me to my knees. And i still smoke.
5/14/2009 2:21:23 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Casa Grande, AZ
age: 48
Waking up with my head between some womans legs always gets my heart beating too...

5/14/2009 3:01:34 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Kingman, AZ
age: 34
I never thought about it, but that could've done it.
5/14/2009 3:12:12 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Goodyear, AZ
age: 47
When I was 14 my sister talked me into jumping off of a bridge. This was a very high bridge in Stayton Oregon. Let me tell you I was scared out of my witts but I was not going to let my sister call me chicken(next time will). It took me about 30 minutes to get up my nerve to jump(with my sister in the back ground telling me she will push me).
So then there I go like a idiot. They said I was straight as an arrow. When I hit the water I did not know to bend my knees. I stayed straight or should I say SCARED STRAIGHT I kept going down,down and down waiting to hit bottom so I could go back up(did not know I did not want to hit bottom). Finly I started back up and almost did not make it. They were finely starting to dive for me when I popped up  .
To this day I so not like rivers with high bridges.
5/14/2009 4:00:25 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Kingman, AZ
age: 34
I been through stayton witch bridge?
5/14/2009 4:22:18 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Goodyear, AZ
age: 47
Boy you are realy going to try to make me rack my brain.Plus that was a lot of years ago. You have the main street in Stayton( I think it runs north and south) I know it is not the one going to Salem or the one going to portland it is south of Stayton I think. I will have to call my sister. She still lives there.
5/14/2009 4:54:52 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Kingman, AZ
age: 34
Realy that's cool. I came in from jefferson i have a freind that lives there.
5/14/2009 5:27:30 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Goodyear, AZ
age: 47
I lived in jefferson when I was a teen. Loved to go to the river there at the bridge. Have alot of good memories of Jefferson. Went 7th thru 11th year there at Jefferson High.
5/14/2009 5:31:06 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Kingman, AZ
age: 34
Wow seams to be a small world dose'nt it.
5/14/2009 5:39:32 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Goodyear, AZ
age: 47
Wow seams to be a small world dose'nt it. 
Yes it does Jefferson and Albany were my old stomping grounds. In fact I left an ex in Albany.
5/14/2009 5:56:51 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Kingman, AZ
age: 34
I spent around 10 years running all over sweet home, lebanon, Albany, and surounding towns.
5/14/2009 6:01:20 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Goodyear, AZ
age: 47
did a few partys in lebanon and sweet home.  I sure miss Oregon
[Edited 5/14/2009 6:02:04 PM PST]
5/14/2009 6:08:12 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 47
Maybe getting married that second time!!  
5/14/2009 6:09:06 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Kingman, AZ
age: 34
I don't miss the shitty weather, but i do miss all my freinds, and all the partys up at foster and green peter.
5/14/2009 6:12:44 PM |
What's the crassyest thing you've done |

Kingman, AZ
age: 34
I've only been ingaged once.