6/3/2009 3:55:53 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
You are tired, upset, not feeling well... and certainly you have no desire to go to a relative's birthday party or to visit your parents like every Saturday. You want to be alone and you know that your relatives will insist you share time with them. How do you manage? Do you give in to their wishes? Do you hold your ground and close your ears to all the guilt trips they will try to hang up on you?
6/3/2009 4:01:34 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


San Diego, CA
age: 57
I moved
6/3/2009 4:08:45 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
I moved 
What if to move is not a posiblity?
6/3/2009 4:30:51 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Huntsville, AL
age: 45
Most of the time I do give in to their wishes.Just in order to keep peace. But if the event requires leaving my children at home alone I do not attend.
6/3/2009 6:17:40 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
 Most of the time I do give in to their wishes.Just in order to keep peace.  But if the event requires leaving my children at home alone I do not attend. 
Well, I understand "to keep the pace"...but only to certain degree.
6/3/2009 6:34:30 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Vinemont, AL
age: 57
I have to have some alone time occasionally and when I need that time to myself--I usually turn off the phone and lock the doors and stay to myself for a whole weekend. Doesn't matter if something is going on or not--if I do not get that time for myself then I am miserable to be around.
6/3/2009 8:25:57 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
i agreel I too need my cleansing time.
6/3/2009 11:11:50 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Hartselle, AL
age: 48
To me it is all in how you look at it, I have a lot of responsibilities, I have a father who is 86 and depends on me for just about everything from seeing his VA is taken care of to making sure he has enough to eat and taking him to all his doctor visits, I have 4 kids and I help them in every way I am needed to help, This is on top of making sure I have all my bills paid, I have 3 doctors I see a month and Physical therapy. I have had 2 knee surgery's and see one more coming in the near future. Oh plus I cook dinner for about 10 people each night. Now I know some of you have got to ask your self why would someone do what I am doing...The answer is simple I love my kids and family. Yes I have days I feel over whelmed and how I handle it I sit and think first that I will one day need my kids to do all I am doing for me that I now do for my father and also I know one day I will not have my father around to do these things for and I will miss them. I also think of all my parents did for me and now I feel it is my turn to do for them. I have a balance of me time to them time and they respect my me time and know I need it. I do think everyone needs to think about the fact that right now it might seem like "Oh Geeze mom wants me to come to dinner tonight I want to lay around the house" We are getting older and so are they, They will be gone before we know it and I have learned first hand its a hole nobody else can fill so do not let it pass you by.
6/4/2009 3:02:45 AM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
Well, I commend you.
My father died a long time ago and my mother took care of him. When my mother became ill I was in USA and she was in Argentina...needless to say I didn't go to her home every week to take care of her needs. She had other relatives. Many will disagree but a person can't change his / her life 180 degrees.
6/4/2009 5:04:08 AM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Vinemont, AL
age: 57
I still do for my mother when she needs help. She is 70 yrs old and as independent as they come. She is in good health and needs her alone time also. I have never seen a 79 yr old who gets out and push mows her yard when my brother cannot get up to mow it for her. Up until last yr she made a garden every year. Dont know why she does not eat anything out of it except for the tomatoes. When she needs to go to town, I get a call or when she needs me to expain something that has come in the mail I get a phone call. I call her about 2-3 times a week and we talk for at least an hour on the phone. I would never deny my mother anything she asked unless it was not good for her. I even take her on trips that I would rather not take her on.
She understands my need for alone time. Thankfully I think that need runs in the family. I have 2 brothers and although we are not real close should one of us need the other all we have to do is call. I am the only sibling who has no kids of my own and looks like my stepkids have lives of their own and do not need me to interfere.
I used to think needing alone time was wrong until a real good friend told me that we all need time to refresh ourselves spiritually, mentally and emotionally as well as physically.
So yes, family responsibilites are important but I do not let those responsibilites get me down or interfere with my needs also.
6/4/2009 5:32:00 AM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |

Hartselle, AL
age: 61
I don't have a lot of family responsibilities now, but I have in the past. I took care of both of my parents and have never regretted it for a minute. When I was taking care of them though, I still found time for myself. Like some of the others have said I have to have time for me, if I don't take care of myself first then how can I take care of anyone else. Yes I missed a lot of things that I would have enjoyed doing because my parents needed me, but who took care of me before I was old enough to take care of myself? I would feel very blessed if I still had them to take care of, but I don't.
6/4/2009 6:26:25 AM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |

Paint Rock, AL
age: 56 online now!
... from the Andornot ... it is called 'waste basket' management ...
6/4/2009 4:50:50 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
I agree completely.
6/4/2009 4:52:03 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |


Yonkers, NY
age: 58
... from the Andornot ... it is called 'waste basket' management ...

That's where you sleep every night?  
Sorry, Andy, the told me to say that.
6/4/2009 5:33:46 PM |
How do you juggle family responsibilities? |

Grady, AL
age: 49
I do what I want to do no matter what. UNLESS, it pertains to my two kids, then I will attend something of theirs no matter what. My mom knows how I am as does my family. My mom and my two kids are my only family in my book nowadays. The others don't exist really. I just say I'm not coming, I'm doing so and so, end of story. They no longer question me. They just accept me for who I am.