age: 25
Should have a lifestyle group here for people in the lifestyle

Selah, WA
age: 46 online now!
There are other websites for other lifestyles. Married, orgies, 3somes, etc. I get spam mail all the time with these sites in my personal emails and I don't think I'm the only one.

age: 25
I posted this topic of spam from swinger groups on a actual swinger site, We were curious about this.
There wasn't one person that said they ever recieved spam from a swinger web site!!!
Now they did say they had recieved porn links, but there is a big difference between porn and swingers.
Just so you know, just because we are, were not into porn and spaming people lol,
And there are "other" sites for everything, but if you will do a search, or even look at the search options on this web site, you will find that there are many couples looking for couples, bi looking for bi, I could go on and on...
So to each there own ofcourse. And we totally understand peoples rights to search for what they want, and also to post what they want. That's everyones right and should be respected by everyone. As long as the terms of the site aren't violated 
Good luck in what you are looking for 


Las Vegas, NV
age: 48
I also don't think that the life style shouldn't be left out on the group sites. Or the forums for that matter. If you don't want to join the group then don't and you shouldn't be bothered by anyone that is in the life style. Everyone one has and should be allowed their own preferences. Freedom of choice is what America is suppose to be about. 

Selah, WA
age: 46 online now!
Embrassing all lifestyles??? I watched a tv show (and rarely do I watch tv) think it was 20/20 or something like that but there was an actual meeting of pedophiles and yes they were all from what I could view, males. This is a lifestyle that shouldn't be applauded. By American laws you can't stop meetings. Are you suggestioning this lifestyle as well since to pedophiles it is a lifestyle???