6/7/2009 3:15:20 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |

Kaysville, UT
age: 47
Read Utah Chats, page 31, thread: Who wrote this, him or his wife.
He's back on DHU as atplay.
Heads up girlees
6/7/2009 3:28:40 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |


Salt Lake City, UT
age: 58
I'm lost....who is it?
6/7/2009 4:03:55 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |


Syracuse, UT
age: 50
His profile says he is single. Why would anyone LIE on here? 
6/7/2009 4:08:17 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |

Kaysville, UT
age: 47
Gee Safety,
I do not know why he would lie
I do not know why eggs we fry
I don't know if we all are fools
And why some people pee in pools.......
You are so funny girl, and I know we have NEVER EVER EVER seen this type of behavior before and probably never will again.
Girls rule, boys....are cute still.
6/7/2009 4:13:40 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |


Syracuse, UT
age: 50
Corie? We're you Dr. Seus in a previous life? 
You know - my sister and I were rating guys at the Styx concert last weekend. She said: If I am ever single again, I will NEVER get married. I look at guys my age and it's like they look sixty. As I looked around, I noticed she was kinda right. Don't shoot me.  Maybe it was just the people that like classic rock that don't age well. And then, I started wondering....who was thinking the same thing about moi?
We are what we are, eh? Back on topic. It's too bad some of us have to lie too? 
6/7/2009 4:17:51 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |

Kaysville, UT
age: 47
Too much acid maybe??? Who knows?
I have never been to a rock concert yet, I feel so left out! And no, they weren't thinking that about you, you look awesome.
And Dr. Seuss and I...... well, I think we may have been friends before this life.
But I am more like Dr. Seuss for grownups.... LOL
Maybe poor Reggie is truth challenged? Who knows?
6/7/2009 4:20:52 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |


Syracuse, UT
age: 50
Reggie is his name?
Bein' a playa is his game?
Do you know Shel Silverstein too?
My favorite of his:
Listen to the mustn'ts child
Listen to the don'ts
Listen to the shouldn'ts
The impossibles, the won;ts
Listen to the never haves
Then listen CLOSE to me
Anything can happen child
Anything can be
6/7/2009 4:25:46 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |

Kaysville, UT
age: 47
Reggie's atplay and ya better know it
Cuz if he wants you he's sure to show it
He'll charm you with his looks cuz he is from Venus
Reggie's just a man with a little tiny...... brain!
Shel wrote my favorite book ever: The giving tree, do you know it?
Usually I kinda feel like that damned tree...... LOL
I gave you my apples, my limbs, my leaves, my trunk, nothing left but a stump....
Get off me you jerks!!!!!
[Edited 6/7/2009 4:26:51 PM PST]
6/7/2009 4:34:30 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |


Syracuse, UT
age: 50
Ha ha! Some of his poetry is a bit quirky.
I have: Where the sidewalk ends.
So, are you saying that Reggie is...............
A Taurus? 
6/7/2009 4:40:54 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 28
I just discovered that I have recently been taken in by a married man. What is with them? If they are that unhappy in their marriage why not divorce is all I have to say.
6/7/2009 4:43:49 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |


Syracuse, UT
age: 50
People who list themselves as single when they are not.... GRRRRR
On another site, this man - who listed himself as MARRIED outright told me he wanted to commit the ultimate sin with me. Then he said, "Wait, I don't mean murder. I mean the OTHER one."
When I responded that I don't swing in a sister's backyard. He told me all I would be doing is "borrowing" him, and that I could not "have" him.
I was like, "What part of NO do you not understand?
Nice ego.
6/7/2009 4:50:50 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 28
I had a guy that emailed me upfront on another site saying that his marriage was sexless and had been for years, but he wanted someone that was into him being married. I told him thanks for letting me know and then I told him that this was a singles site not a swingers site and find one of those sites. I think that is the ultimate betrayal. Thank god I never met him person but that is so devasting to think that he was married this whole time while he has a profile saying that he is single.
6/7/2009 4:56:10 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |

Salina, UT
age: 48
I'm lost, if you know me in person, you'd understand. Anyhow, page 31! I picked up on the small...a brain.....so i get your talking about Reggie but how does page 31 and Reg fit together? So ladies, anyone for a game of golf?
6/7/2009 4:57:03 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |


Syracuse, UT
age: 50
It's not like there aren't all kinds of options for status: Single, Married, Separated, In a relationship.....
At least one of those fits, right?
6/7/2009 5:03:16 PM |
Ladies, he's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkk |
Layton, UT
age: 35
holy cow...are you all talking about one person...or is this just a man bashing sesion I need to run from?