11/26/2007 12:01:20 AM |
hho............................................... |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 41
LV user byte312 has made up to 80 plus mpg in his saturn SC2 with over 235,000 miles.
This video originates at:

[Edited 11/26/2007 12:26:58 AM]
11/26/2007 12:03:23 AM |
hho............................................... |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 41
60 mpg Ford Escort Wagon
This video originates at:

[Edited 11/26/2007 12:30:15 AM]
11/26/2007 12:22:30 AM |
hho............................................... |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 41
HHO gas need the water vapor with it to act like an octane. Alcohol in the solution helps make it combustable and adds energy. It works just like more... water injection but with hydrogen and oxygen also.This video originates at:

[Edited 11/26/2007 12:45:41 AM]
11/26/2007 12:29:30 AM |
hho............................................... |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 41
working the bugs out of our hydrogen system on the Ford Escort. Just this last Thursday morning I finished making modifications and since then everything has been working well. The system automatically pumps water in and automatically drains water from the water trap while on the road. The car is running smoothly and has a lot of power. We will soon start building kits and will continue to test our designs. Recently, I had to ask myself what is gasoline? Gasoline is a blend of hydrocarbons C11H24 - C7H16. So, gasoline is just hydrogen with molecular bonds to carbon atoms and it produces about an equal amount of water as it burns. Hydrogen is clean burning because it does not have any carbon in it and it only produces water vapor when it burns. I have been concerned about the effects of water vapor on the engine and exhaust system however every hydrocarbon fuel that we burn already produces water vapor and unburned hydrocarbon emissions. So, I have stopped worrying and continue to drive 370 miles each week with the hydrogen generators turned on. I have also discovered that sugar has everything that we need to make gasoline and other hydrocarbons like propane C3H8, Butane C4H10, or hexane C6H12. Vinegar is C2H4O2 but remove the oxygen and you get C2H4 which is highly combustable Ethylene gas. It is all a chemistry problem with fantastic results that can power our cars when oil runs out.
Well, that is the update. Thanks for watching my videos and keep watching for my next mad science experiment.
Here is a way to beat the ever growing prices of fossil fuels.This video originates at:

[Edited 11/26/2007 12:44:29 AM]
11/27/2007 2:00:24 AM |
hho............................................... |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 41
Hydrogen and Oxygen gasses will burn very well but how do I get them into my engine and what effect will this have on the sensors?
11/28/2007 12:19:40 AM |
hho............................................... |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 41
Modify the O2 sensor to work better with hydrogen gas. This video originates at:
[Edited 11/28/2007 12:20:22 AM]
11/30/2007 6:53:45 AM |
hho............................................... |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 41
Hydrogen Tap (Making a Hydrogen Cell) 250 john aarons
12/5/2007 3:01:15 AM |
hho............................................... |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 41
Here I (Pete @ http://www.youtube.com/user/mixcatcom) show the New Hydrogen booster model install with relay, switch and 30 amp fuse. It draws 8-9 amps. We have a great MPG boost with the mix of gasoline and hydrogen.
12/13/2007 7:55:27 PM |
hho............................................... |

Arlington, TX
age: 41
This video is Part 1 of issues and observations that have recently come up.
12/13/2007 8:11:55 PM |
hho............................................... |

Arlington, TX
age: 41
Hydrogen torch
12/27/2007 12:54:52 PM |
hho............................................... |

Arlington, TX
age: 41
hydrogen production using distilled water
1/3/2008 2:20:12 PM |
hho............................................... |

Arlington, TX
age: 41
Our U.S combustion engine uses about 1/3 of the energy found in gasoline to turn the wheels and the rest is dissipated in the form of heat and unburned fuel. The catalytic converter is an energy waster that burns up the unburned fuel to reduce emissions. It creates back pressure and further reduces fuel economy. If we can burn less gas more completely, then much better mileage can be the result. Water vapor can absorb the heat and burst into steam. Hydrogen can mix with the fuel / air mixture to burn more evenly and completely.
The only objective is to get more out of a gallon of gasoline
the battery must power the generator and it gets it's energy from the engine which is only 22% efficient at most. So it is best we get the most use from that 22% before it blows out the exhaust unless we use a fuel cell to recapture the waste energy. Regenerative systems always raise efficiency.
Ask yourself, why can't we build a car today that gets better fuel economy than a car built by Hitler in the late 1930's? 38 mpg was good for anyone and it was affordable. That's why they called it the Volkswagen. (The people's car)